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Welcome to Mrs. Hanson’s 2 nd Grade Class. Room F-105. Meet Mrs. Hanson. Daily Schedule/Attendance. Mondays - 8:20-1:35 Tuesday – Friday - 8:20 – 2:35
Welcome to Mrs. Hanson’s 2nd Grade Class Room F-105
Daily Schedule/Attendance • Mondays- 8:20-1:35 • Tuesday – Friday- 8:20 – 2:35 • The first bell rings at 8:18 and school begins promptly at 8:20. Go directly to our line when the first bell rings. If you arrive after 8:20, please go to the office for a late slip. • If you are going to be absent, please call or send the office an e-mail. You can also e-mail me and I will forward the message. • Please wait 24 hours AFTER A FEVER BREAKS before sending your child back to school
Lunches/Snacks/Clothing • Please provide a separate healthy snack in addition to your child’s lunch. No soda or candy please! • Pre-pay for school lunches at www.myschoolbucks.com. This is greatly appreciated by our cafeteria staff and keeps our line moving quickly and hungry kids fed! • Label EVERYTHING!!! • Labeled water bottles are permitted in the classroom. I prefer “pop” tops over lids (spills!!)
Classroom Rules/Positive Reinforcement Classroom Rules 1. Listen to the person speaking 2. Follow Directions 3. Work quietly 4. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself 5. Be kind with your words and actions Positive Reinforcement 1. Praise, Praise, Praise! • Stickers • Tickets/treasure box • Positive notes/calls • Table points • Marble jar/marble party
Classroom Management • In my classroom I use a Behavior Clip Chart as a classroom management tool. The colors are as follows: • -Purple: You are a superstar!! Wow!! • -Blue: Great Job! Keep up the hard work • -Green: Good! (we all start here each day) • -Yellow: Oops! This is a 2nd warning!! (a verbal warning was already given) • -Orange: sign Oops binder, loss of part of recess, conference with me • -Red: sign Oops Binder, loss of entire recess, conference with me, note/call home!
Homework Folders • Each student received a DAILY HOMEWORK FOLDER on the first day of school. This folder will be used to carry and organize weekly homework packets as well as daily Math homework/classwork. • Homework will consist of: • Reading 15-20 minutes and signing reading log (including Ticket to Read) • Phonics, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and other activities • Weekly writing • Daily Math • Sight Words & Read Naturally as needed CREATE A HOMEWORK BOX!
Friday Folders • Orange “Friday Folders” will come home each Friday. • All class work from the week, as well as school paperwork, will come home in this folder • Please check over everything, sign that you have done so, and return the EMPTY folder on Monday
Parent Volunteers • I LOVE parent volunteers!! • I need volunteers for working 1-1 with students and small groups, copying, prep work, sight words, & Read Naturally • Volunteers are also needed for special events, parties, field trips, etc. • A parent volunteer form will come home next week. Please fill out and return. I COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP!
The Other Stuff!! Star of the Week: Each student will be Star Student for one week info will come home the week prior Wish Upon a Star: Periodically I will send a note home looking for donations. Often these are items around the home, or things like glue sticks, etc. Birthdays: I love to celebrate birthdays in my class. Small store bought treats may be brought to school. PLEASE notify me in advance!!
The Arts at LJM • Your child will be taught specific lessons in Art, Music, Drama, and Dance throughout the year • Your child will be a part of our two showcases throughout the year (Winter & Spring) • The Arts will also be integrated throughout our instructional day!
Communication • Communication is the key to a successful year. • A great parent/teacher partnership leads to a successful child. • Please e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns about anything. I will return your e-mail ASAP. • chanson@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You • I am looking forward to an amazing and memorable 2nd grade year. • Thank you for sharing your child with me this year. We are going to learn so much and have a blast along the way! Mrs. Hanson