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The SistemaPiemonte portal experience

Content Industries & Broadband Economics Montpellier, 22/11/05. The SistemaPiemonte portal experience. Claudia Rossati CSI-Piemonte.

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The SistemaPiemonte portal experience

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  1. Content Industries & Broadband Economics Montpellier, 22/11/05 The SistemaPiemonte portal experience Claudia Rossati CSI-Piemonte

  2. CSI-Piemonte (Consortium for Information Systems)was founded by the Piedmont Region, the University of Turin and the Polytechnic of Turin in 1977 with the aim of promoting the modernization of local administration by using the most advanced information and IT-based tools to createinformation services and systems. CSI-PIEMONTE(www.csi.it): 52 Consortium members: including municipalities, local health bodies, hospitals,etc. 9 office locations in Piedmont over1,000 employees

  3. Piedmont Region • The provinces: (District Council) Torino, Cuneo, Asti, Alessandria, Vercelli, Novara, Biella, Verbania • Municipalities: there are 1.206 municipalities

  4. What is the ‘Sistema Piemonte’ portal? • Sistema Piemonte was set up as a regional portal and “virtual reference desk” for Public Administration (PA) in Piedmont (the 3 reference bodies are: the Piedmont Regional Authority, the Province of Turin and the Municipality of Turin) • The project is subscribed by 102 Municipalities, 8 Provinces, and the Region of Piedmont • It responds to the need to improve relations between the PA and citizens and companies, aiming for greater transparency and efficiency while promoting Piedmont’s PA as an “integrated system”. • It is aprivileged access point to the services directly supplied by the departments of the Public Administration to citizens and companies, a computerised front-office with the ambition of streamlining the procedures for interactions between citizens and Public Administration.

  5. Sistema Piemonte numbers • 77 total services • 20 thematic areas • 4300registered users

  6. Sistema Piemonte numbers Visited pages October 2003 – October 2005 Dati aggiornati al 30/06/2005

  7. Platforms and infrastructures Piedmontese Region, promoter of Sistema Piemonte realized: • Certification and identification platform (Digital identity) • Payment Platform • E-procurement platform • E-learning platform • Server farm • Application farm • Call center

  8. Access to the services • Access to the services is made easier by the use of a contents page where the services are grouped from different perspectives, such as: • A list organised by area of interest in alphabetical order • A list organised by the life events of citizens • A list organised by company events • A search engine within the site

  9. The thematic channels • The thematic channels of Sistema Piemonte are actually highly specialised, themed portals. They provide services for specific, regular users, which could potentially increase the catchment area of the entire portal. In fact, citizens can make use of the services of different channels: those who pay “ICI online” (Council Tax) can also get information about their family doctor. • The reference users of Sistema Piemonte are synergically related to the users of the subject channels, and this allows an authentic virtuous circle to be established. • Within the Sistema Piemonte framework, they share a common infrastructure: the registration and authentication system, the search engine, the payment engine, newsletters for specific areas of interest and, lastly, a consolidated identity of the Public Administration for citizens and companies.

  10. The health channel Target: citizens and companies (pharmacies, hospitals,doctors, etc.) Services: Medical directories • medical dictionary • guide to services • medical card • services and facilities Forthcoming • Abilities passport • Screening of female tumours and tumours of the colon • Oncological network • Vaccinations • Option for changing doctor • Prosthetic medicine extension • Hospitalisation, hospital, emergency and primary prevention facilities • Pharmacies

  11. The agriculture channel Target: citizens and companies (farmers’ cooperatives, intermediaries, etc.) Services: • Hunting registry • Allocation of fuel at subsidised prices • Rural development plan • Potential wine production management • Phytosanitary permits • Agronomic use and fertilization plans • Agrichim • RAM (AgroMeteological Network) - Mechanical Shelters (Region) • RAM – Mechanical Shelters (Organisations) • RAM – Location of measurement stations • Glossary and thesaurus for agriculture • Wildlife Hunting Institutes and Reserves

  12. The environment channel Target: citizens and companies (pollutant-emitting companies, etc..) Focus: This channel offers an information service for environmental topics. The “air quality” service is of particular importance. It provides access to a visual consultation with information on the daily air quality throughout the region. Services • New section dedicated to water (Water quality, sewerage systems) • VIA – Environmental Impact Evaluation: information section which shows the allocation of works subjected to this evaluation (e.g. the works for the Olympics). • Nature Databanks: database of flora and fauna monitoring carried out in Piedmont • Catalogue of environmental information: instrument providing information about the environment. Air quality: display of data regarding nitrogen dioxide

  13. The craft channel Target: citizens and craft business Focus: The craft showcase service has proved to be particularly appreciated. It is made up of about 360 displays, 100 of which were new in 2005. Services: • Craft wanted/offered • Craft businesses yellow pages • Directory • Starting a craft company • Craft excellence • Tax concessions and online financing requests • The Region answers

  14. The schools channel Target: citizens, companies and industry professionals, teachers and school staff Focus: The QUESCO school survey is highly used. In 2005: • Right to education • School calendar • QUESCO school survey • Global Service – Agreement and Contracts - Web hosting – mail boxes – schools’ email address book • School construction.

  15. The monitoring units MONITORING UNITS Target: citizens, the world of research, companies Tourism Monitoring Unit • The Piedmont Region’s instrument for evaluating tourism flows. Data available starting from 1991. Piedmont ICT Monitoring Unit • As a strategic project in the Rupar2/Wi-Pie programme, its objective is to document the process of penetration of ICT into the Piedmont socio-economic system.

  16. Multichannel services for tourism Target: citizens, tourists. Multichannel services for tourism: these services provide information on technologically varied channels • Multi-device portals: • palmtop (www.sistemapiemonte.it/mobile) • smartphone (www.sistemapiemonte.it/mobile) • wap (www.sistemapiemonte.it/wap) • voice (011 3169995) • Text message services on demand • Subscription services Information contents: • events • facilities • museums • special places • weather • tourist routes

  17. The rules of Sistema Piemonte • The need to establish rules is an indispensable condition in order for the Public Administration to unite and communicate on the Internet as single, consistent body. • Managementof digital identity • The cost model of the project • Rules for publication of services • Theresponsibilitiesof each Authority as regards contents • Editorial and graphic interface guidelines (nomenclature standards, classification rules, ease of access and use);

  18. Thank youwww.sistemapiemonte.itclaudia.rossati@csi.it

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