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Welcome Back to School!

Welcome Back to School!. Calhoun Middle School An International Baccalaureate School August 24, 2012. Welcome to Mrs. Lippe’s 8 th grade History class!. Who I am…. I have been teaching social studies for 8 years. This is my 5 th year at Calhoun.

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Welcome Back to School!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Back to School! Calhoun Middle School An International Baccalaureate School August 24, 2012

  2. Welcome to Mrs. Lippe’s 8th grade History class!

  3. Who I am… I have been teaching social studies for 8 years. This is my 5thyear at Calhoun. My household loves history. My husband is a history professor. We have 2 children (one who was born on the 4th of July!). My little boy’s favorite book is his world history encyclopedia. I guess you could call us a bunch of history nerds.

  4. What we cover in this class • Eighth grade U.S. History is a study of the United States through 1877. This course focuses on colonization, the American Revolution, the creating of a republic, the growth of our nation, and the Civil War. • Course instruction is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills combined with IB objectives. Social studies skills taught include critical reading and thinking, research, and analyzing maps and other primary sources.

  5. Classroom Supplies Needed This Year: 3 Ring Binder, Pen, paper, COAT binder materials (pencil bag, protector sheets, 3 ring binder)

  6. My grading and homework policy • A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, F=0-69 • Any grade below a 70 is considered failing. If a student is in danger of failing, it is imperative that the student attends tutorials. Parents can track student progress by checking grades online as well as checking progress reports every 3rd week of the 6 weeks grading period. • The following methods will be used to evaluate progress: daily classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, projects/presentations, classroom discussions and participation, and group work. Students should expect to have homework.

  7. How to Contact Me… • Email: llippe@dentonisd.org • Phone: 940-369-2381 • If you haven’t signed in, please do so. The sign-in sheet is located on the back table by door. I’m looking forward to getting to know your child and having a great year!

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