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ELPT District Test Coordinator Training

Access information on roles, browser installation, ELPT portal, and resources for efficient administration of the ELPT test.

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ELPT District Test Coordinator Training

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  1. English Language Proficiency TestDistrict Test Coordinator Training

  2. Objectives During this sessions, district administrators will: • Understand the roles of each user • Understand how to install the secure browser • Become familiar with the ELPT administrative portal • Access resources for administration

  3. Agenda • Portal • Secure Browser • Accessing Resources • TIDE • Support and Resources

  4. Portal

  5. ELPT Portal The ELPT Portal is a centralized location for all information about administering the ELPT test. http://la.portal.airast.org/

  6. Navigating the Portal The Portal can be navigated by clicking on the links at the top or the cards along either side.

  7. Navigating the Portal The ELPT portal top navigation includes the following tabs: • Home • Users • Contains dashboards for the following users: • Test Coordinators • Test Administrators • Technology Coordinators • Resources • Contains resources for the following groups: • Students and Family • Test Coordinators • Test Administrators • Technology Coordinators • Supported Browsers • List all supported ELPT browsers for testing • FAQ

  8. Navigating the Portal The left side “hot buttons” quickly allow users to navigate to their appropriate dashboard. The dashboard allows the user to quickly access different AIR systems needed for AIR testing including: • TIDE • Online Reporting System

  9. Navigating the Portal Right hand navigation tabs allows users to complete the following actions: • List of secure browsers • Contact information for AIR • Online Tools Training • Important Dates and Announcements for ELPT • Order Headsets* Districts are not required to order headsets directly from AIR. Any headsets meeting the specifications can be used.

  10. Secure Browser

  11. Secure Browser • The AIR Secure Browser must be installed on any computers used for secure student testing (operational ELPT test). Click on the Secure Browsers link on the Portal to access the Secure Browser download page. Directions can be found in the assessment library.

  12. Downloading the Secure Browser Scroll down the Secure Browser page and choose the appropriate tab for information about downloading the Secure Browser for your operating system.

  13. Installing the Secure Browser • Each tab on the Secure Browsers page of the Portal includes a link to download the Secure Browser and an overview of the process for installing that Secure Browser. • The link for Important Information includes additional resources: • Secure Browser Installation Manual: detailed information about Secure Browser installation including instructions for installing the Secure Browser on multiple computers from a central network location.

  14. Network Diagnostic Tool The main page of the Secure Browser includes a link to a network diagnostic tool:

  15. Network Diagnostic Tool (continued) The network diagnostic tool allows you to run two checks: • Network Diagnostics Test checks for bandwidth • Recording and Playback checks confirm that your computer’s recording system is working correctly for testing ELPT speaking.

  16. Technology Coordinator Checklist

  17. AIR Systems

  18. Overview of AIR Systems Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) • Stores student demographic information and test settings • Used to manage user accounts for all systems Test Delivery System (TDS) • Used by TAs to administer tests and monitor students • Includes interface used by students to navigate through test

  19. TIDE

  20. TIDE Tools Preparing for Testing • Activating your new TIDE account and logging in to TIDE • Navigating the TIDE interface • Understanding account permissions • Managing user accounts • Managing student information and test settings • Viewing and editing orders for paper/pencil test materials Administering Tests • Managing appeals • Monitoring test progress

  21. Activating a TIDE Account

  22. Logging in to TIDE • In order to log into TIDE, DTC’s should complete the following steps: • Select Test Coordinators • Select TIDE

  23. TIDE Home Page Each of TIDE’s two sections list menus for the tasks available in that section. To expand a task menu and view its set of related tasks, click the down arrow on the end of that menu. To perform a task, click the name of that task listed in the menu.

  24. Overview of TIDE Tasks • A roster is a collection of students sharing a similar characteristic who are assigned to a specific teacher. Rosters typically represent classrooms, but can also be used to group students with special needs or students participating in particular activities or programs. Additionally, once scores are calculated, users can visualize how a roster of students performed as a group. • Additionally, TIDE allows users to place and manage orders for paper test materials for grades K-1.

  25. Overview of TIDE Tasks • Tasks in the Administering Tests section are typically performed during the administration window.

  26. Banner • A banner appears at the top of each TIDE page shows the following: • current test administration • current user role • drop-down list for accessing other AIR applications • help button that displays the TIDE User Guide • Manage Account Dropdown • logout button

  27. Navigation Toolbars The toolbar allows you to access each task and action that was available on the dashboard. To view the task menus for a particular TIDE category, click the icon for that category above the toolbar.

  28. Users Before testing begins, and throughout the school year, TIDE is used to manage user accounts for the following: • TIDE • TA Interface • Online Reporting System • Other AIR systems The Users task menu allows you to view and export users.

  29. View/Edit/Export User District Coordinators and STCs may use the View/Edit/Export User page to retrieve users who match particular search criteria.

  30. View/Edit/Export Users • After clicking Search, TIDE will display all the users satisfying the search criteria. • To export user information, mark the checkboxes next to the users you wish to export and click the export button above the search results. • To make the search form re-appear and search for additional users, click the plus sign in the Search Users panel, which appears as a blue bar.

  31. Students TIDE manages student information and keeps track of which assessments students are eligible to take. The Students task menu allows you to: • add students; • view, edit, or export students; and • upload student test settings.

  32. Add Students District and STCs can manually add students from the Add Students page. This page contains three panels: • Student Demographics • Race and Ethnicity • Student Settings/Accommodations The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

  33. View/Edit/Export Students The View/Edit/Export Students page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve students. The fields for District and School are mandatory and marked with an asterisk. The students you can retrieve on this page are limited by your role’s scope.

  34. View/Edit/Export Students TIDE will display all the students satisfying the search criteria. You can edit a student’s information, including test settings and accommodations by clicking the green pencil icon. Print or export student information or delete students from TIDE by selecting the desired students and clicking the Print, Export, or Delete button above the search results.

  35. Upload Student Settings • District and STCs may also edit test settings and tools in TIDE by using the Upload Student Settings page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format. • The easiest way to compose an upload file is to download an available template, which you can do by clicking Download Templates and selecting either Excel or CSV.

  36. Upload Student Settings • TIDE will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the validation results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will be invalid. • If your file contains a large number of records, TIDE will process it offline and send you a confirmation e-mail when complete. • When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded.

  37. Orders The Orders task menu allows District Coordinators to manage orders for paper and pencil test materials in their district. Districts will automatically be shipped paper writing tests for the kindergarten and grade 1 paper writing supplement based upon the student enrollment numbers initially provided by your state. .

  38. Track Shipments District coordinators can track shipments of paper materials on the Track Shipments page. Click a tracking number to view the current tracking status of a shipment. Other documents, such as packing lists, may also be displayed on this page.

  39. Track Return Shipments District Coordinators may track shipments as they are returned on the Track Return Shipments page. Tracking information for each return shipment is displayed in the Return Shipments panel, with delivery status appearing on the right side.

  40. Test Settings and Tools TIDE keeps track of student test settings, such as background color choices. The Test Settings and Tools task menu allows you to view, edit, export or upload test settings and tools.

  41. View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools The View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve a student’s test settings and tools.

  42. View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools TIDE will display all the students satisfying the search criteria. You can edit a student’s test settings and accommodations by clicking the green pencil icon.

  43. Rosters The Rosters task menu allows you to add rosters; view, edit, or export rosters; and upload rosters from an external file. Once test scores are calculated, roster information is used to generate reports of how students in the roster performed as a group.

  44. Add Roster • You can manually create a roster on the Add Roster page. Rosters are used by the Online Reporting System to group students’ assessment results for users who want categories below the school and district level. • To search for students with specific test settings enabled, expand the Test Settings and Tools Filters panel by clicking the plus sign.

  45. Add Roster • In the Add/Remove Students to the Roster section, enter a roster name and select the name of the teacher who should be associated with the roster. • In the table below, the students in the left column are available to be added to the roster, and students in the right column are currently in the roster.

  46. Add Roster • To add a single student to the roster, click the green plus sign next to a student in the left column. You can add multiple students to the roster by marking checkboxes next to the students you want to add, and then clicking Add Selected. • To remove a single student from the roster, click the orange X next to a student in the right column. You can remove multiple students from the roster by marking checkboxes next to the students you want to remove, and then clicking Remove Selected.

  47. Upload Rosters • Another way to add new rosters into TIDE is to use the Upload Rosters page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV file. • Click Next to upload the file. A file preview page will appear, allowing you to verify that you are uploading the correct file. If the preview is correct, click Next to continue.

  48. Upload Rosters • TIDE will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the validation results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will be invalid. • If your file contains a large number of records, TIDE will process it offline and send you a confirmation e-mail when complete. • When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded.

  49. View/Edit/Export Rosters • The View/Edit/Export Rosters page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve rosters. • Print or delete rosters from TIDE by selecting the desired rosters and clicking the Print or Delete button above the search results. • Click the pencil icon next to a roster to view or edit its details. The Edit Roster form will appear.

  50. Resources

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