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Winter 2012 District Test Coordinator Training

Winter 2012 District Test Coordinator Training. New Mexico Public Education Department Assessment & Evaluation Bureau. Workshop Outline. A. Welcome & Resource Information B. N.M. Statewide Assessment Program (NMSAP) Components & Calendar C. NMSAP New Changes/Developments

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Winter 2012 District Test Coordinator Training

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  1. Winter 2012 District Test Coordinator Training New Mexico Public Education Department Assessment & Evaluation Bureau

  2. Workshop Outline A. Welcome & Resource Information B. N.M. Statewide Assessment Program (NMSAP) Components & Calendar C. NMSAP New Changes/Developments Morning Break D. Testing Staff Roles & Responsibilities E. Test Security Lunch Break F. Special Situations and Accommodations G. SBA-Specific Information (Measured Progress)

  3. A1. Welcome and Introductions THANK YOU TO OUR HOSTS! Today’s presenters: • Robert Romero, Educational Administrator, NM PED • Julie-ann Edwards Program Manager, Measured Progress

  4. A2. PED Assessment & Evaluation Bureau • Diana Jaramillo, Educational Administrator (Standards, SBA) • 505-827-6570 • diana.jaramillo@state.nm.us • Charles Trujillo, Educational Administrator (NMAPA) • 505-827-6536 • charles.trujillo@state.nm.us • Robert Romero, Educational Administrator (SBA, WIDA, HSCE) • 505-827-6524 • robert.romero1@state.nm.us

  5. A3. PED Academic Growth & Analysis Bureau • Dr. Cindy Gregory, Chief Statistician (School Accountability) • 505-827-6508 • cindy.gregory@state.nm.us • SOAP Helpdesk • 505-827-7950 • STARS Helpdesk • 505-827-7935

  6. A4. PED Assessment & Accountability Division • Dr. Tom Dauphinee, Deputy Director of Assessment & Accountability Division • 505-827-6528 • tom.dauphinee@state.nm.us

  7. A5. Additional State Resources • NMPED General Helpdesk • 505-827-4296 • Submit questions or comments to PED regarding a policy, rule, or statute: http://www.ped.state.nm.us/qab/contactForm.html • New Mexico Legislature • Read bills, find legislators, and follow votes: http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/default.aspx

  8. A6. Test Manuals – See PED webpage • PED NMSAP Procedures Manual: General PED procedures for all NMSAP assessments • Test Security Manual • Accommodations Manual • SBA and NMHSCE TCM: Test Coordinator’s Manual DFA: Directions for Administering • NMAPA DTC: District Test Coordinator Manual TAM: Test Administrator’s Manual • ACCESS and W-APT Manuals: at www.wida.us • 6.10.7 NMAC: State rules for Test Security & Administration

  9. A7. Testing Contractors/Helpdesks • Measured Progress SBA/HSGA & HSCE Helpdesk • 877-676-6722 • nmhelp@measuredprogress.org • A.I.R. NMAPA Helpdesk • 800-254-6130 • NMHelpDesk@air.org • WIDA • 800-747-4868 • wida@metritech.com • W-APT • 800-747-4868 • wida@metritech.com

  10. B1. NMSAP Components • SBA/HSGA: Standards Based Assessment/High School Graduation Assessment (MP) • NMHSCE: New Mexico High School Competency Exam (MP) • NMAPA: New Mexico Alternate Performance Assessment (AIR) • ACCESS for ELLs: ELL language proficiency assessment (WIDA) • W-APT: ELL placement test (WIDA)

  11. B2. NMSAP Calendar • At-A-Glance Format of all important dates chronologically by administration date & test family • Test Family • Grades Tested • Initial Order Window • Additional Order Window • Test Materials in District • Test Administration Window • Test Materials Pickup Windows • Reporting Dates

  12. C. NMSAP Changes/Developments* 1. PED-Required SBA Testing Schedule 2. Grade/Cohort Terminology & Tracking 3. Participation in High School SBA/HSGA 4. HSGA Pass/Fail Cut & Reporting *Information prepared December 20, 2011

  13. C1. Required SBA Testing Schedule • 3 weeks testing + 1 week make-ups only • Two options for grades 3-8 • Three options for high school • All students at a grade tested on the same schedule across the district • Exceptions were submitted to PED and were confirmed as approved or denied.

  14. C2a. Cohort Terminology & Tracking • Grades 3-8, same as usual • High school testing requirements now based on cohort (years experienced in high school) • High school terminology changing:

  15. C2a. Cohort Terminology & Tracking • STARS contains high school year of record • Opportunity to review/confirm high school year in STARS prior to testing • Final reporting file from PED to MP after SOAP clean-up will inform high school year for reporting purposes

  16. C3a. Participation in High School SBA/HSGA HS2 • All HS2 students (second year in high school) in public school, charter school, and state educational institutions participate • No HS2 BIE students participate (as of 12/20/11) • Student survey, reading and math sessions only; no HS2 science allowed • For growth model data and first opportunity for graduation requirement • Paid for by PED for 2012 only

  17. C3b. Participation in High School SBA/HSGA HS3 • All HS3 students (third year in high school) including public schools, charter schools, state educational institutions and BIE schools participate • Whole test: student survey, reading, math, and science sessions • For use with A-F School Grading (based on growth model) and opportunity for graduation requirement • Paid for by districts, as usual

  18. C4. HSGA Pass/Fail Cut & Reporting • 2012 first year HSGA requirement effective • Reading and math only; science not required for graduation • Calculation change; pass/fail rate no longer based on Proficient SBA cut. PED applying special calculation (composite score & confidence interval) to determine pass/fail • PED reporting HSGA pass/fail results separately from SBA results

  19. C5. HSGA: 3 Chances to Pass then ADC • HS2 (Reading and Math) • HS3 (Reading, Math, and Science) • HS4 Fall Retest (if Reading and/or Math is not passed) • If Reading and/or Math is not passed after taking the HSGA in HS4, the Alternate Demonstration of Standards Based Competencies (ADC) is required, • A new ADC process is being designed

  20. Break Please take a 15 minutes break at this time.

  21. D. Testing Staff Roles & Responsibilities 1. Four Staff Roles 2. DTC Responsibilities 3. STC Responsibilities 4. TA and Proctor Responsibilities

  22. D1. Four Staff Roles • DTC: District Test Coordinator (public schools) • STC: School Test Coordinator (public schools) • STC: School Test Coordinator (charter, special state supported, and BIE schools) : Acts as DTC • TA: Test Administrators • Proctors

  23. D2a. DTC Leadership Responsibilities • Receives PED training 2x year • Be completely knowledgeable of 6.10.7 NMAC • Communicates assessment information to district, schools parents, and community • Develops District Test Security Policy or Checklist and Cell Phone policy • Responsible for test material orders, inventory, security, and protection at all times • Ensures consistency of test administration • Primary liaison with PED and testing contractors • Set standard for professionalism and motivational leader

  24. D2b. DTC Training Responsibilities • Provides training to STCs and principals 2x year • Disseminates 6.10.7 NMAC to all staff • Disseminates and trains STC Checklist • Provides clear instructions on what is allowed/not allowed • Provides manuals in advance of training and reviews manuals during training • Assists STC with training materials • Provides and reviews testing schedule calendar(s) • Ensures availability of allowable support materials/tools (calculators, rough draft paper, No. 2 lead pencils, etc.) • Develops and trains local secure tracking procedures (demonstration with substitute test materials is ideal)

  25. D2c. DTC Test Administration Responsibilities • Inspects schools’ accommodations documents • Ensures schools have posted conspicuous signs near copy machines, entry doors, office and classroom doors • Ensures only certified & trained staff act as TAs and Proctors • Inspects schools to ensure each school securely stores assessment materials, follows tracking procedure • Reports irregularities to PED/conducts investigations

  26. D2d. DTC Post-Test Responsibilities • Ensures all students were tested • Verifies student labels/biogrid complete & correct • Returns all secure materials to vendor according to directions

  27. D2e. DTC Documentation Responsibilities • Ensures assessment records are organized and filed properly for 5 years • Maintains STC training agendas and TA signatures • Accounts for all confidentiality forms for individuals involved in handling assessment materials (5 years) • Submits completed Verification Forms to PED

  28. D3a. STC Leadership Responsibilities • Receives PED training 2x year (charter, BIE, state school) • Be completely knowledgeable of 6.10.7 NMAC • Follows STC Checklist; documents completion of tasks • Communicates assessment information to students • Enforces district policies (test security, cell phone, etc.) • Responsible for test material security, tracking, and protection at all times within school • Primary liaison with DTC (or PED and testing contractors) • Develops student/teacher and room testing assignments • Set standard for professionalism and motivational leader

  29. D3b. STC Training Responsibilities • Provides training to TAs and Proctors 2x year • Reviews 6.10.7 NMAC with TAs and Proctors • Disseminates and trains TA/Proctor Checklist • Provides manuals in advance of training and reviews manuals during training • Trains local secure tracking procedures (demonstration with substitute test materials is ideal) • Reviews student and room testing assignments, including accommodations, with staff • Best practice: spreadsheets with student names, type of accommodation, location, and TA/Proctor is assigned • Trains proper administration of accommodations • Demonstration using released items ideal • Provides clear instructions on what is allowed/not allowed

  30. D3c. STC Test Administration Responsibilities • Posts conspicuous signs near copy machines, entry doors, office and classroom doors • Actively monitors consistent, proper, and standardized administration across school and correct administration of accommodations (visit classrooms during test sessions) • Distributes allowable support materials/tools when appropriate by session and grade (calculators, rough draft paper, No. 2 lead pencils, etc.) • Securely stores assessment materials daily; follows tracking procedure at all times • Reports irregularities to DTC or PED/conducts investigations • Verify Student Pre-ID Labels & Roster are accurate

  31. D3d. STC Post-Test Responsibilities • Ensures all students were tested • Applies student labels • Completes biogrid • Returns all secure materials, including rough drafts, to DTC • Recycles manuals

  32. D3e. STC Documentation Responsibilities • Develops STC Training Agenda and TA/Proctor sign-in sheets for training; captures all signatures and provides evidence of STC training to DTC • Captures all required signatures of Verification Forms and provides to DTC • Maintain local secure materials tracking system within school; provide to DTC upon request

  33. D4. Test Administrator/Proctor Responsibilities • Administers assessments to assigned students according to directions; follow manuals, read scripts, and offer accommodations as directed • Maintains assessment materials security • Protects confidentiality of students • Reads the DFA script as written and reviews the directions with students to ensure understanding • Strictly monitors students during testing • Maintains an appropriate & fair testing environment • Reports irregularities immediately to STC and principal

  34. Test Security Protect your students, your staff, yourself and the test

  35. E. Test Security 1. Four Principles of Test Security 2. Standardization 3. Prohibited Practices & Stray Mark Clean-Up 4. Administrative Forms 5. Materials Storage & Chain of Custody 6. Staff Qualifications 7. Handling Testing Irregularities

  36. E1. Four Principles of Test Security 1. Protect the student 2. Protect your staff 3. Protect yourself 4. Protect the test

  37. E2a. Standardization • About equity, fairness, and meaningful results • Announce different from classroom work • Standardized testing window • Standardized testing schedule • Training twice per year

  38. E2b. Standardization • Manuals directions and scripts • DTC & STCs use the Test Coordinator’s Manual • DTC & STC read the DFAs for every grade level so can answer TA and proctor questions • TA reads the DFA directions carefully at least 2 weeks before testing starts and administers test reading scripts EXACTLY as presented • TAs may not have test booklets more than 24 hrs. in advance of test administration • Maintain strict adherence to every element of the directions/instructions

  39. E3a. Prohibited Practices • Photocopy or reproduce testing materials • Paraphrasing questions or student answers • Teach from, possess, or disseminate a photocopy of test material • Provide students with review of specific SBA test questions or answers before, during, or after testing • Permit test materials to remain unattended in an unlocked room • Coach or inappropriately assist students during testing • Take test materials off-campus, unless PED authorized • Disparage or diminish the significance, importance of use of the standardized tests • Cell phones/Smart phones prohibited • Stray Mark Clean Up – detailed on next slide

  40. E3b. Stray Mark Clean-up Forbidden • School or district personnel shall not erase or change the answer document in any way, except biogrid information. • Students directed to fully erase changed answers in session directions script • Answer documents with exceptional concerns regarding student work (answers in wrong answer spaces, etc.) should be returned in Special Handling Envelope with an explanatory note.

  41. E4. Administrative Forms • Confidentiality Agreement – for all who come in contact with assessment materials: submitted to principal and kept on file for 5 years • Principal’s Verification Form – Verification of accommodations, proper storage, tracking of materials, trained staff; kept on file for 5 years • Superintendent’s Verification Form – sent to PED • DTC must keep all forms on file at the district for 5 years • The Superintendent’s Verification Form must be sent to PED after the assessment window.

  42. E5a. Materials Storage • Locked central storage – • All testing materials are accounted for daily • Materials must be signed out by TA daily and be checked-in each day after testing • Must be locked in a centralized room when not in use • Access to locked room must be limited

  43. E5b. Materials Chain of Custody • Absolutely essential for keeping track of assessment materials • Is effective only if each booklet is counted and signatures document each transaction • Missing materials are immediately known • Significantly decreases possibility of lost or missing materials • Significantly increases chances of finding missing materials

  44. E6a. TA Qualifications Only trained, certified staff are permitted to administer tests. Some examples: • Licensed school instructors & administrators • Teachers on waivers or intern licenses • Long-term substitutes with a valid teaching license • Coaches and contractors with a valid teaching license • Licensed counselors and related service providers

  45. D6b. Non-certified Staff Support Other trained, non-certified staff members may be used to: • Provide one-on-one accommodations to Special Education, ELL, or IEP students • Supervised by a certified, trained staff member • Advance training is imperative. • Must sign Confidentiality Agreement

  46. E6c. Proctor Qualifications Any staff or community member who has been trained in proper test administration and test security may serve as a proctor • Assist TA, but not act as test administrators • Hall monitoring/ restroom escort • No parents in child’s or relative’s classroom • Must sign Confidentiality Agreement

  47. E7a. Testing Irregularities A testing irregularity is: Any circumstance within or beyond the control of a school district that in the opinion of the PED or a school district, raises doubts about the propriety of standardized testing procedures, preparation materials, standardized test administration, standardized testing security, student scores attained from standardized testing, or teacher or student conduct observed during standardized testing. ( (A) NMAC)

  48. E7b. Reporting Testing Irregularities • TA immediately reports any testing irregularity to STC • STC immediately reports testing irregularity to principal & DTC • District/school shall conduct internal investigation immediately • DTC reports incident to PED within 24 hours • Follow-up with written report

  49. E7c. Invalidating Tests • The content area for a test must be invalidated if: • there is evidence/observation of cheating; • students move ahead to the next session before being directed to do so; • students take the test with a prohibited modification; or • students make no effort to complete the test.

  50. Break Please break for lunch at this time.

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