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KEB Special Meeting – 23 Nov 2010

KEB Special Meeting – 23 Nov 2010. LEP Update Governance & the Interim Board Operational Priorities Resources for implementation & delivery . Shared priorities. Unlocking development in the Thames Gateway

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KEB Special Meeting – 23 Nov 2010

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  1. KEB Special Meeting – 23 Nov 2010 LEP Update Governance & the Interim Board Operational Priorities Resources for implementation & delivery

  2. Shared priorities • Unlocking development in the Thames Gateway • Growth Areas – at Ashford, M11 Corridor and Haven Gateway (+ Growth Points at Maidstone and Dover) • Major opportunities for coastal renewal, especially in East Kent and East Essex • Supporting large, growing rural economies • Shared infrastructure priorities: broadband connectivity, Lower Thames Crossing, better links to HS1

  3. Timeline for implementation • 30 November BAB agrees the Business nominations for the Interim Board • 2 December Kent Forum agree LA representation for the Interim Board • Early December – Interim LEP Board meeting • January date tbc – LEP Workshop • 21st January – RGF bid deadline • April 2011 Full LEP Board established

  4. Proposed LEP Interim Board membership Business representatives • East Sussex business representatives: 5 • Greater Essex business representatives: 7 • Kent & Medway business representatives: 7 • Total: 19 Local government representatives • East Sussex County Council: 1 • East Sussex Districts: 4 • Essex County Council: 1 • Essex Districts: 4 • Kent County Council: 1 • Kent Districts: 5 • Medway Council: 1 • Southend-on-Sea Borough Council: 1 • Thurrock Council: 1 • Total: 19 • Total membership: 38

  5. The proposal: Building on the Kent & Medway basis ____________________________________________________________ Infrastructure Kent & Essex Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Investment Innovation and Business support

  6. Unlocking infrastructure for Business Growth • Lobbying and developing funding packages for key transport infrastructure • Priority business sites • Improved broadband connectivity and speed • Utilise public sector assets to unlock delivery

  7. Unlocking skills for the economy • Leadership and enterprise skills • Retention of graduates • Skills relevant to existing and future business – enhanced employer HE/FE liaison • Business open days - and streamlined work experience

  8. Unlocking investment for job creation • Inward investment – shared resource and strengthened relationships • Improved access to Business Angels and venture capital • Maximise take-up of European funding – align sources with local priorities

  9. Unlocking innovation and business support • Increase commercial access to universities research expertise and innovation capacity • Maintain and develop the Innovation & Growth Team for high growth companies • Establish coherent business support offer for start-up business • Encourage open innovation networks with major research & manufacturing business

  10. Private Investment Local Government Private Sector Public Assets Developer Contributions Regional Growth Fund HEI’s European Regional Development Funds HCA European Social Fund DfT UKTI Central Government (BiS, DFRA etc) Sources of Potential Resources

  11. European Funding Opportunities Sources of Funding – Interreg programmes ERDF Competitiveness, ESF Total funding remaining from these programmes = approx 600 million euros Health warning – requires match funding – v large area assume 25% may be available for application - 150 million euros

  12. Questions for Discussion • How can links between local structures and the LEP whilst light on bureaucracy be truly dynamic • Where can working across the 3 Counties really add value and why • What issues need to remain local – County or sub-County level • What are the 3 early priorities the LEP should focus on – and if you had to choose one?

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