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Iowa Safe Routes to School Project

Iowa Safe Routes to School Project. Funding provided by . I-WALK Partnership & Purpose. Assist communities in the development , implementation , and evaluation of local Safe Routes to School programs . I-WALK Goal.

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Iowa Safe Routes to School Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Iowa Safe Routes to School Project Funding provided by

  2. I-WALK Partnership & Purpose Assist communities in the development,implementation, and evaluation of local Safe Routes to School programs

  3. I-WALK Goal To develop a sustainable model for community coalitions to continuously update, implement, and evaluate the local Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plan.

  4. Iowa State University Institute for Transportation (INTRANS) Chris Albrecht Transportation Research Specialist INTRANS 515-294-7684 calbrech@iastate.edu

  5. Iowa Department of Transportation Kathy Ridnour Program ManagerGrant Programs TeamSafe Routes to SchoolPhone: 515-239-1713E-mail: kathy.ridnour@dot.iowa.gov

  6. Iowa State University Extension Chris Seeger Associate Professor & Extension Specialist in Landscape Architecture Iowa State University Extension cjseeger@iastate.edu 515-509-0651

  7. Iowa Bicycle Coalition Jayne McGuire Program Director Safe Routes to School Iowa Bicycle Coalition jayne@iowabicyclecoalition.org (515) 309-2867 office (712) 490-8881 cell http://www.iowabicyclecoalition.org

  8. Online Resources • Iowa Department of Transportation-SRTS http://www.iowadot.gov/saferoutes/ • INTRANS http://www.intrans.iastate.edu/ • ISU Extension http://www.extension.iastate.edu/ • ISU Extension Region Economic Profiles http://www.recap.iastate.edu/local/isuextension/ • Building a case for SRTS: http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/getting_started/what_is_srts.cfm • Iowans Fit for Life http://www.idph.state.ia.us/iowansfitforlife/ • Iowa Bicycle Coalition http://www.iowabicyclecoalition.org

  9. Questions? If you have additional questions that were not answered during this call, please direct them to: Tami Larson tlarson@idph.state.ia.us

  10. Thank you! www.i-walk.org

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