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Learn about the Regions of Knowledge Program, a European Commission initiative that aims to integrate research into regional innovation strategies, promote smart specialization, and strengthen competitiveness through transnational networking.
REGIONAL DIMENSIONS of INNOVATION The Regions of Knowledge Experience Dr. Stefan Weiers Programme Co-ordinator Regions of Knowledge European Commission Directorate General Research and Innovation Unit C.5
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE : Policy context • Need to boostscience and technology-based economicdevelopment, by better integrating research to their regional innovation strategies • Within the framework of theLisbon and Europe2020 strategiesfor a performing knowledge-based economy • Located in the triangle ofresearch, innovation and cohesionpolicy • Research driven clusters asinnovation engines at regional level • Need to think globally and promote theemerging of world class clustersin Europe • Supportsmart specialisationin view of future R&D andcohesionpolicies • Join forces to strengthencompetitivenessof established and emergingindustrie sectors viatransnational (-regional) networking
WHAT IS A REGIONAL RESEARCH-DRIVEN CLUSTER? Regional Authority Research Entity REGIONAL RESEARCH–DRIVEN CLUSTER Business Entity (e.g. SME) Other Actors (e.g. TTOs, Consultants)
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE – some facts and figures • Total budgetfor 2007 to 2013: 126 M€ • 54 projects ongoing or under negotiation • Annually varying topics for the calls: 2007 (SME , rural economies), 2008 (CO2 reduction, R&D infrastructure), 2009 (natural resources), 2010 (health), 2011 (transport) • Average size of consortium: 12 partners • Average EC contribution per project:1,5 € (including seed funding for emerging clusters) • Co-ordination action – no traditional R&D projects • Leveragingadditional funds to be fixed in business plan
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE Some Examples for (Potential) Success Stories
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE : Key findings of impact assessment Group (1) Source: Technopolis Group (modified) 6 • Thefive most potential impactsof the participation to a RoK project according to the survey are: • Animproved strategic visionin the cluster area; • The formation of new,long-term relationshipswith clusters at theEU level; • More knowledge transferbetween research organisations and enterprises; • Access to a pool ofcomplementary competencies; • Improvement in thestrategy makingprocess. • RoK set thefundaments for future impactsto occur in terms of anenhanced regional economic competitiveness through R&D activities • Potential to support smart specialisation and sectoral innovation strategies in the regions • However: up to now , to a large extent intangible outcome
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE : Key findings of impact assessment Group (2) Source: Technopolis Group 7 • Balanced partnerships in terms of ‘triple helix’ and newly established regional linkages • Public bodies are the main partners followed by private partners and universities and research organisations. • Long-lasting effects esp. in terms of inter-regional collaboration but also strengthening of intra-regional links & communication channels between the triple helix • Progressive up scalingof the programme over the years to increase the level of cooperation between regional research-driven clusters • Fundaments for gaining a critical mass& the potential for international competitiveness • A facilitator was the mentoring dimension of the RoK programme
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE :Findings of Comparative analysis : Synergies with other Programmes • RoK serves a distinct group of ‘clients’ with respect to other EU transnational cluster initiatives. • No significant overlapping of programmes: • 84% of RoK participants are not involved in the: other major EU cluster initiatives in parallel to their project; • RoK highly specific with the ‘Triple Helix’ requisite & the JAP, which leads ‘a step further’ than other interregional initiatives; • More visible, readable and targeted than other programmes studied. The JAP allows for more strategic thinking within a structured framework. Source: Technopolis Group 8
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE : Recommendations of impact assessment (1) 9 Source: Technopolis Group Recommendations for ongoing FP7: • No mandatory mentoring activity • Connect JAPs and study results jointly in view of forthcoming EU policies • Improve inter-project learning • Early involvement of major representative of multi-governance levels • Include clear SMART objectives in DOW • Streamline and simplify EC programme management processes
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE : Recommendations of impact assessment (2) Source: Technopolis Group (modified) - do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the COMMISSION 10 Open Recommendations / options for possible future programmes in the post 2007 – 2013 period: • Single programme supporting the conception, setting up, strengthening of networks of innovation or research-driven clusters, in line with the “Strategy Europe 2020” ? • value chain approach to transnational cluster initiatives, supporting their collaboration on particularly relevant topics / issues for future EU competitiveness, including research activities ? • 1st Pillar : Cluster emergence/development at regional/national level funded regionally/nationally (incl. through Structural Funds) whereas good practices to be exchanged at EU level • 2nd Pillar: definition of a common strategies for specific sectors based on the involvement of the triple helix in all participating regions leading to a joint action plan • 3rd Pillar: implementation of the commonresearch and innovation actions identified in the JAP… if the projects reach the quality criteria
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