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Mastering Communication Skills for Effective Supervisors

Enhance your communication skills as a supervisor to improve understanding, overcome barriers, utilize different methods, and foster a productive work environment. Learn active listening, feedback techniques, and adapt communication styles for diverse audiences.

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Mastering Communication Skills for Effective Supervisors

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  1. Communicating Effectively The transference and understanding of Meaning Supervisors participate in two types of communication: Formal and Informal

  2. Methods of Communication Formal Communication Communication that addresses task-related issues and tends to follow the organization’s authority chain.

  3. Methods of Communication Informal Communication Communication that moves in any direction, skips authority levels, and is as likely to satisfy social needs as it is to facilitate task accomplishments.

  4. Methods of Communication Oral Communication Transmission of information through the spoken word and includes a nonverbal component which can enhance the message.

  5. Methods of Communication Written Communication When the message is intended to be official…when it has long-term implications…or if it is highly complex…and when a permanent record is needed.

  6. Methods of Communication Electronic Communications Today, one can rely on a number of sophisticated electronic media to carry communications. E-Mail, voice mail, paging, cellular telephones, video conferencing, Etc.

  7. Methods of Communication Nonverbal Communications Communication that sends messages without words through the use of body language and verbal intonations.

  8. Methods of Communication The Grapevine The means of communication by which most operative employees first hear about important changes introduced by management.

  9. Barriers to Effective Communication Day-to-Day Supervisors are busy and instead of planning their days in great detail, they are often forced to react to events and people.

  10. Barriers to Effective Communication Interruptions are frequent, allowing little time to be devoted to any single activity, additionally

  11. Barriers to Effective Communication Supervisors spend most of their time communicating verbally on the telephone, in meetings, or in one-on-one contacts.

  12. The Barriers Language Listening Habits Lack of Feedback Perception Role Requirements Information Medium Lack of Honesty

  13. Language Words mean different thing to different people. Age, education, cultural background are three of the more obvious variables that influence the language people use and the definitions they give to words.

  14. Lack of Feedback How do you know is someone has received your message and comprehended it in the way that you meant? Use Feedback

  15. Perception Your attitudes, interests, past experiences, and expectations determine how you organize and interpret your surroundings. Senders and receivers each bring their own set of perceptual biases.

  16. Role Requirements People in organizations play roles. They engage in behavior patterns that go with the positions they occupy in the organization. People playing different roles see and hear the world consistent with their role requirements.

  17. Information Medium Media differ in the Richness of Information they transmit. A measure of the richness of information is the amount of information that is transmitted based on multiple information cues (words, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonations), immediate feedback, and the personal touch.

  18. Lack of Honesty A good deal of what passes as “poor communication” is nothing other than individuals purposely avoiding honesty and openness

  19. Improving Communication Effectiveness Think First Constrain Emotions Learn to Listen Tailor Language to the Receiver Match Words with Action Utilize Feedback Participate in Assertiveness Training

  20. Active Listening A technique that requires an individual to “get inside” a speaker’s mind to understand the communication from the speaker’s point of view.

  21. Active Listening Steps Be Motivated Make Eye Contact Show Interest Avoid Distracting Actions Show Empathy Take In the Whole Picture

  22. Active Listening Steps Ask Questions Paraphrase Don’t Interrupt Integrate What’s Being Said Don’t Overtalk Confront Your Biases

  23. Active Listening Steps Make Smooth Transitions Between Speaker and Listener Be Natural

  24. The Importance of Giving Feedback Focus on Specific Behaviors Keep Feedback Impersonal Keep Feedback Goal Oriented Make Feedback Well Timed Direct Negative Feedback

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