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Communication Facts. Words mean different things to different peopleThe sending of a message is no indication of successful communication accuracy is lost through transmission and translation. What is Communication?. The transference and understanding of meaning.Does it require agreement?. ME

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    2. Communication Facts Words mean different things to different people The sending of a message is no indication of successful communication accuracy is lost through transmission and translation

    3. What is Communication? The transference and understanding of meaning. Does it require agreement?


    5. Formal addresses task-related issues follow the organizations authority chain can be in any form Informal moves in any direction skips authority levels may be more socially satisfying than organizationally (goals)

    6. How Do You Communicate Orally? One-on-one speeches to crew (department) group sessions (brainstorming, problem-solving) phone conversations

    7. Advantages to Oral Communication fast can be enhanced by nonverbal cues more personal can build trust

    8. Women versus Men communication “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” Dr. John Gray Men Emphasize status, independence, and control to solve the problem Women Create connections and intimacy, using the problem as a means to promote closeness

    9. What they think Men think “women complain too much” Women think “men don’t listen”

    10. WHY DO YOU USE WRITTEN COMMUNICATION? When documentation is needed. Official long-term implications change intro performance review reports

    11. “Good” reliable paper trail reduces ambiguity “Bad” obsessive it may seem too formal

    12. IS ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION MORE EFFICIENT? Electronic communications media lots of options Is it all good?

    13. HOW DOES NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION AFFECT YOUR COMMUNICATIONS? Body language can account for 55% of how a message is interpreted Verbal intonation the emphasis given to words or phrases 38% of how a message is interpreted Only leaves a whopping 7% for the actual words spoken

    14. WHAT IS THE GRAPEVINE? Informal communications Active in most organizations lots of information is transferred about 75% accurate

    15. BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Language Listening habits Lack of Feedback Perception

    16. BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION (cont) Role requirements Preferred information medium Lack of honesty Emotions

    17. HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNIATION EFFECTIVENESS? Think first! Constrain emotions Learn to listen Tailor language to the receiver Match words and actions Utilize feedback (verbal or nonverbal). Participate in assertiveness training.

    18. ACTIVE LISTENING Intensity concentrate on what the speaker is saying Empathy put yourself in the speaker’s shoes Acceptance listen objectively without judging Taking responsibility for completeness make sure you get all that needs to be said

    19. HOW CAN YOU DEVELOP EFFECTIVE LISTENING SKILLS? Be motivated. Make eye contact. Show interest. Avoid distracting actions. Show empathy. Take in the whole picture. Ask questions.

    20. EFFECTIVE LISTENING SKILLS CON’T. Paraphrase. Don’t interrupt. Integrate what’s being said. Don’t overtalk. Confront your biases. Make smooth transitions between speaker & listener. Be natural

    21. THE IMPORTANCE OF FEEDBACK SKILLS Positive feedback. Negative feedback.

    22. HOW DO YOU GIVE EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK? Focus on specific behaviors. Keep feedback impersonal. Keep feedback goal oriented. Ensure understanding. Direct negative feedback toward behavior that receiver can control

    23. MAKING CONFRONTATIONS Genuine concern Rely on an outside observer only if a conflict develops. Quietly Don’t compare the person’s behavior with anyone else’s. As soon as you can.

    24. MAKING CONFRONTATIONS CON’T. Don’t repeat a point. Don’t put the other person down. Object only to actions that the other person can change. One issue at a time Don’t apologize for it. Don’t soft soap

    25. MAKING CONFRONTATIONS CON’T Don’t use sarcasm. Avoid words like “always” and “never”. Remain silent Eye Contact Under no condition find fault Don’t create impression other is offending you.

    26. MAKING CONFRONTATIONS CON’T Don’t exaggerate the confrontation Don’t use negative jokes Don’t change the subject

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