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Multilateral school partnerships from August 2010 to July 2012 Participating schools: ZAKLADNI SKOLA A MATERSKA SKOLA MALSICE (The Czech Republic) ITES “ E.Carafa ” , Andria (Italy) "GHEORGHE POPOVICI“, APATEU , (Romania) IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES , Madrid ( Spain )
Multilateralschoolpartnerships from August 2010 to July 2012Participating schools: ZAKLADNI SKOLA A MATERSKA SKOLA MALSICE (The Czech Republic) ITES “E.Carafa”, Andria (Italy) "GHEORGHE POPOVICI“, APATEU , (Romania) IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES, Madrid (Spain) Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 4 im.ks.dr.Jana Dzierżona, KujakowiceGórne (Poland) The coordinatingschool: Willy-Brandt-SchuleNorderstedt(Germany)
The German and the Italianstsinvolved in the Comenius project
Ourpartnersmeetrapresentativesof the localinstitutions in Andria
FINAL EVALUATION QUESTIONNNAIRE ON THE COMENIUS PROJECT 2010/2012 1) Briefly report on the Comenius experience in terms of the students’ changed awareness of beingEuropeancitizens. 2) In your opinion, have your students improved their linguistic skills in English? Little fairly enough a lot 3) Which IT techniques or programs have your students used most as a means of communication with their European colleagues? Internet little fairly enough a lot Facebook Emails Audio-visual aids Traditionalmails Word Powerpoint Skype 4) Which Comenius activities have your students most appreciated among the ones we suggested and realized?
5) Have your teaching methods benefited from the Comenius experience? Yes no 6) How much has the Comenius project affected your students’ learning process? Little fairly enough a lot 7) Have the school exchanges fully matched your students’ expectations and yours as teachers? just a little fairly enough totally 8) How do you value your students’ participation to the Comenius project? Acceptable positive enthusiastic 9) Are you satisfied with the project as it is? Yes no If not, what changes would you suggest to improve it in the future? 10)Would you like to repeat the experience in the future? Yes no If yes, would you like to be the coordinating school or a partner school?
RESULTS ON THE FINAL EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE 1st question • All partner schools have reported in their questionnaire the positive aspects of the Comenius experience in terms of the students’ changed awareness of being European citizens. All partner teachers have especially underlined the students' positive and sympathetic attitude towards diversity, respect, appreciation and curiosity towards different cultures. • 2nd question • All students have greatly improved their linguistic skills in English • 3rd question • IT techniques and programs have been used enthusiastically by students in their Comenius activities. The IT techniques used most as a means of communication were: emails, traditional mails, skypecontacts, facebook, audio-visual aids asCDswith the localrecipes. • 4th question • Students have most appreciated partners' exchanges and videos on traditional recipes as well as school presentations, letters from and to the partner schools, Christmas cards, online communication, Reader’s log. They have enjoyed other activities like games, Bingo, puzzle, crosswords, too.
5th question The Comenius experience has improved the teaching methods for all partner schools. 6th question The Comenius project has greatly affected students’ learning process, too. 7th question The school exchanges have fully matched the students’ as well as the teachers' expectations 8th question All partner schools value their students’ participation to the Comenius project enthusiastically 9th question All partner schools are satisfied with the project as it is. Some of them suggest more student exchanges and some visits in the classrooms during the lessons in the host countries to compare teaching habits. 10th question All partner schools would like to participate in other Europeans projects. Some of them have actually applied for another Comenius project in which they will be the coordinating school