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Gestaun Operasional Fundu Petroleo Timor Leste

Gestaun Operasional Fundu Petroleo Timor Leste. Jestaun Operasional Fundu Petróleu Banco Central de Timor-Leste. Lao Hamutuk , 6 Dec. 2016. Agenda. Politika Investimentu Enquadramentu Governante Investimentu Actual Transferensia FP ba OJE. Politika Investimentu.

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Gestaun Operasional Fundu Petroleo Timor Leste

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GestaunOperasional FunduPetroleo Timor Leste JestaunOperasionalFunduPetróleu Banco Central de Timor-Leste Lao Hamutuk , 6 Dec. 2016

  2. Agenda • PolitikaInvestimentu • EnquadramentuGovernante • Investimentu Actual • Transferensia FP ba OJE

  3. PolitikaInvestimentu InisiuInvestimentu FP to’o agora: • Lei do Fundo Petroliferu 2005: • Hahu ho min. 90 % housiPortofoliuinvesteihainstrumentusqualifikadu no maximu 10% housiportofoliuihaativus (assets) seluk. • Altera lei do Fundo Petroliferuiha 2011 • La liuhousi 50% investeihaRendimentuFixu • To’o 50% investeihaasoens. • La liu 5% ihaalternativusou asset seluk.

  4. Enquadramentu Governante (1) External Managers • Clear division of roles to ensure good governance, prudent & transparent management of the fund for benefit of current and future generations • Prevent any stakeholder to enjoy more share of decision making process

  5. ANP and MinisteriuPetroleu ANP T-L Revenue Services EnquadramentuGovernante (2) Supervise no Regula operasaunprojetu Garantepagamentussira halo ho apropriadu Royalties and taxes Kompania Mina Internasional FunduPetroliu

  6. InvestimentuAtuál • RendimentuFixu (Títulus) 60%: • Banco Central de Timor-Leste 39% títulus EUA • Bank for International Settlements 10% títulus EUA • Alliance Bernstein 5% títulus global • Wellington 5% títulus global • Asoens 40% ihamercadosdesenvolvidos: • Schroders 5% • State Street Global Advisor 17% • Black Rock 17% • BCTL Eq. mandate 1%

  7. Sumariu Investimentu FP iha asoens global mak tuir main ne:

  8. Investimentu iha titulos global mak tuir main ne:

  9. Asset Allocations weights per asset classes

  10. Dezempenhu Trimestral Sept. 05 – Sept 16

  11. Transferensia hotu tenki liu husi OJE Fundu Petroliferu SIM! Budget/ Aprovasaun husi Parlamentu LABELE! Fundu spesial ho karik gov. aloka destinasaun seluk Liu Linha Ministeriais ho lina Departmentus

  12. Total Tranferensia ba OJE dezde inisiu to’o Agostu 2016: $8 billaun

  13. Mudansa Valor Fundu Petróleu Sept. 05 – Sept. 16

  14. Source: • https://www.bancocentral.tl/en/go/about-petroleum-fund

  15. Obrigadu !

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