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Learn about Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directives. Discover the impact on electronic industry, manufacturers, and environment.

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  1. OSTALE DIREKTIVE WEEE Direktiva 2002/96/EC (električni i elektronski otpad) RoHS Direktiva 2002/95/EC (ograničenje opasnih supstanci) VEŽBE

  2. Elektronski otpad • E-otpad, naglo raste • Danas, preko 90% ove vrste otpada završava na deponijama ili u postrojenjima za insineraciju (spalionice). • Prema podacima s kraja prošlog veka (1998), Evropska unije generiše više od 915.000 tona E-otpada, što predstavlja ekvivalent 400.000 automobila.

  3. E-oprema........E-otpad • Opasne supstance u E-otpadu su rizik za životnu sredinu i zdravlje i mogu ozbiljno, negativno uticati na zagađenje voda, zemljišta, vazduha • Evropska unija je 13.2.2003.godine usvojila dve Direktive vezane za probleme električnog i elektronskog otpada. • Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) 2002/96/EC – Direktiva o električnom i elektronskom otpadu, i • RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) 2002/95/EC – Direktiva o ograničenoj upotrebi opasnih supstanci

  4. Povezane direktive WEEE i RoHS • Primenom WEEE i RoHS direktive pozitivno se utiče na životni ciklus proizvoda od početne faze projektovanja, preko obnove do reciklaže • RoHS direktiva se odnosi na fazu projektovanja proizvoda. RoHS dopunjuje WEEE Direktivu i ima za cilj da ograniči upotrebu supstanci koje predstavljaju rizik za životnu sredinu i ljudsko zdravlje

  5. WEEE i RoHS • WEEE direktiva, sa druge strane, odnosi se na završetak životnog veka proizvoda (EOL – end-of-life) doprinoseći smanjenju upotrebe prirodnih resursa i podstičući proizvođače, koji su odgovorni za troškove upravljanja E-otpadom, da recikliraju što veću količinu ovog otpada • WEEE i RoHS direktive utiču najviše ne elektronsku industriju, a posebno na: proizvođače E-opreme, proizvođače E-komponenti, lokalne samouprave, uvoznike, trgovce, korisnike/kupce

  6. RoHS • RoHS u svojim specifikacijama tačno određuje koliki procentualni udeo teških metala i kontrolisanih supstanci u odnosu na masu svaka komponenta može da sadrži. • Definisana je dozvoljena maksimalana koncentracija od 0.1% po težini u homogenim materijalima

  7. Dozvoljena količina supstanci prema RoHS Direktivi

  8. WEEE • WEEE Direktiva teži da poboljša performanse upravljanja WEEE kroz: • Selektivno prikupljanje WEEE pomoću odgovarajućih sistema, • Stopu sakupljanja koju mora dostići svaka članica do 31.12.2006, a koja iznosi 4 kg WEEE po stanovniku godišnje • Individualnu odgovornost proizvođača; stope ponovne upotrebe, reciklaže i obnove se kreću u rasponu od 50%-80% u zavisnosti od razmatrane kategorije uređaja, • Odredbu pružanja informacija krajnjim korisnicima

  9. Oznake

  10. Područje primene WEEE i RoHS direktiva – kategorije proizvoda WEEE Monitoring i instrumenti za upravljanje Medicinski uređaji RoHS Električne sijalice Kućno osvetljenje WEEE & RoHS Veliki kućni aparati Mali kućni aparati IT & Telekomun. Osvetljenje Igračke, oprema za sport i rekreac. E-alat Oprema za potroš.

  11. Označavanje • RoHS direktiva ne zahteva nikakvu specifičnu oznaku • Mnogi proizvođači su usvojili svoje sopstvene znakove usaglašenosti – da bi izbegli konfuziju

  12. Od čega se sastoji WEEE? • fero metali– čelici (čelik i prohrom). • ne obojeni metali (aluminijum, bakar). • plastike • tečni kristali • živini prekidači i sl.

  13. Predlog revizije WEEE direktive iz 2008 • novi ciljevi prikupljanja • novi ciljevi za ponovno osposobljevanje i preradu • ciljevi za kategoriju 8 (medicinski uređaji) • ciljevi za ponovnu upotrebu celog uređaja

  14. Energy Labelling Is a way to show energy efficiency in household appliances, helping the consumer to choose more efficient equipment and save money The label also shows other information related to the use of energy or other resources: e.g. water consumption Energy labels are mandatory for all appliances placed on the EU market and should always be clearly displayed on each appliance at the point of sale 2.1 – Energy Labels: what is it?

  15. Directive 2010/30/EUof 19May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products The Directive covers any good having an impact on energy consumption during use. These products do not consume energy but "have a significant direct or indirect impact" on energy savings. Examples are window glazing and outer doors. The Energy Labelling Directive is what is known as a 'framework directive‘; it does not specify any limit or performance levels. It provides a legislative framework into which other directives can define performance levels On September 28th 2010 the Commisssion has proposed the Regulations for TV’s, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines. 2.1 – Energy Labels: legal and normative references

  16. “Zelene” oznake Primer – veš mašine Identifikacija modela Naziv proizvođača ili robne marke Klasa energetske efikasnosti Prosečna godišnja potrošnja vode (u litrima) Prosečna godišnja potrošnja el. energine (u kWh) Nivo buke tokom pranja i centrifuge Kapacitet (u kg) Efikasnost centrifuge

  17. A+++ A++ A+ A B C D E F G EEI<22 22  EEI < 33 33 EEI < 44 44EEI <55 55EEI <75 75EEI <95 95EEI <110 110EEI <125 125EEI <150 EEI 150 Refrigerators and freezers For the calculation of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of a household refrigerating appliance model, the annual energy consumption of the household refrigerating appliance is compared to its standard annual energy consumption. The standard annual energy consumption takes into consideration the equivalent volume of the household refrigerating appliance, the presence of a chill compartment and other values depending on the appliance category ( for example: 0, 1, 2, 3 star compartments) This is the scheme proposed by the Commission to apply until 30 June 2014

  18. Label proposed for household refrigerating appliances classified in energy efficiency classes A+++ to C label for proposed household refrigerating appliances classified in energy efficiency classes D to G

  19. Washing machines A+++ A++ A+ A B C D EEI <46 46  EEI < 52 52 EEI < 59 59EEI <68 68EEI <77 77EEI <87 EEI 87 label proposed for household washing machines This is the scheme proposed by the Commission to apply until 30 June 2014

  20. Dishwashers A+++ A++ A+ A B C D EEI<50 50  EEI < 56 56 EEI < 63 63EEI <71 71EEI <80 80EEI <90 EEI 90 This is the scheme proposed by the Commission to apply until 30 June 2014 label proposed for household dishwashers

  21. TelevisionsThe Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) is defined as in Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2009, and mainly depends on the measured on-mode power consumption of a television and its screen area. A+++ A++ A+ A B C D E F F EEI<0,10 0,10  EEI < 0,16 0,16 EEI < 0,23 0,23EEI <0,30 0,30EEI <0,42 0,42EEI <0,60 0,60EEI <0,80 0,80EEI <0,90 0,90EEI <1,00 EEI 1,00 This is the scheme proposed by the Commission

  22. Televisions Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A+++ Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A++ Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A+ Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G

  23. Directives and regulations summary Directive 2010/30/EU of 19May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products Implementing rules Commission Directive 2003/66/EC of 3 July 2003 amending Directive 94/2/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens Commission Directive 2002/31/EC of 22 March 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners Commission Directive 1999/9/EC of 26 February 1999 amending Directive 97/17/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household dishwashers Commission Directive 98/11/EC of 27 January 1998 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household lamps Commission Directive 96/89/EC of 17 December 1996 amending Directive 95/12/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household washing machinesCommission Directive 96/60/EC of 19 September 1996 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household combined washer-driers Commission Directive 95/13/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble driers Energy Labelling Commisssion’s proposed Regulations for TV’s, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines.

  24. Carbon footprint Preduzeće Proizvodnja sirovina Distribucija sirovina Distribucija proizvoda Potrošnja Ponovna upotreba, recikliranje i odlaganje Ovaj pokazatelj ne mora se koristiti samo za proizvode, već ga mogu upotrebiti i preduzeća kao celine, kao i pojedinci. F O O T P R I N T P R O I Z V O D A

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