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State-of-the-Art Information System in Meteorology by IMD

Explore the requirements of IMD's information system for weather forecasting, climate study, and data dissemination. Discover the technology behind the World Weather Watch and Regional Telecommunication Hub in New Delhi.

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State-of-the-Art Information System in Meteorology by IMD

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  1. Information System of IMD: By Dr. S L Singh, Dy.DGM (INFORMATION SYSTEM AND SERVICES DIVISION) IMD New Delhi Email: sl.singh@imd.gov.in, slsinghp@gmail.com

  2. Requirements of Information system Understanding the weather, forecast and researchrequires observational information about various weather parameters/ elements depending upon the type of weather and its extension (viz. local/ regional/ global scale). Weather forecast has also got various ranges (viz. short/ medium/ long range). Forecasting of any weather event requires data from various sources, locations to be collected efficiently in almost real time for producing the forecast products and disseminating the information to various stakeholders. Climate study requires data / information about the area for longer duration. India Meteorological Department (IMD) has setup state of the art technology information system for collection/ exchange of meteorological data/ products at national/ regional/ global level almost in near real time through its communication network as well as GTS (Global Telecommunication System).

  3. INTRODUCTION The World Weather Watch(www) is the core of the WMO Programmes combines: Global Observing Systems (GOS) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) centers- to make available meteorological and related environmental information needed to provide efficient services in all countries. RTH New Delhi is the core component of IMD information system which is the part of GTS.

  4. Regional Telecommunication Hub (RTH) New Delhi • It is one of the 18 major RTHs and three World Meteorological Centres (WMCs) on the Main Telecommunication Network (MTN) of the GTS. • Due to strategic location of RTH New Delhi on MTN, it acts as an interface between the eastern and western hemispheres. • The automated centre of RTH, New Delhi is thus the Principal Meteorological Telecommunication Centres in South Asia and its zone of responsibility extends roughly from Saudi Arabia in the west to Thailand in the East and the adjoining sea areas. • It collects data from these areas and feeds to the GTS for Global and Regional Exchange. • Other meteorological services in the Middle East and South East Asia also depends for their data requirements on RTH Delhi.  • It has a vast network of communication links consisting of MPLS VPN and IP VPN links.


  6. Information Systems in operation Following systems are in continuous operation: • RTH/ NMTC (AMSS): • Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS) to receive, check and route the meteorological data and products according to WMO standards/ requirements. • Two AMSS (one for national data & one for International GTS data exchange) in hot standby mode at HQ New Delhi • Central Information Processing System (CIPS): High end database management system for process and archive data/ products & real time generation of meteorological products at HQ New Delhi as per forecasters’ need. • Public Weather System (PWS): To deliver High quality weather products, bulletins and alerts / warning to end users like print media and Television.

  7. Information Systems in operation- contd… Clisys: Climatological data storage system with scalable management tool for effective utilization of these data: Being used for study on climate variability & research Synergie: Decision support system for forecasters to gather, visualize, interact and value add meteorological forecasts /products at HQ, Pune, six RMCs and four MCs. Six AMSS at all the six RMCs (New Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, Nagpur, Mumbai, Chennai) for national and aviation data collection/ exchange. Mirror RTH system and GISC at Pune: WIS compliance Video conferencing system at 9 locations (HQ, RMCs (5), Pune (2), MC BBS: For consensus on forecast and remote meetings Desktop Video conferencing at various offices of IMD: For consensus on forecast and remote meetings Additionally RADAR, Satellite, Ozone,Upper Air, Env mon system, AWS etc: data exchange through IMD Comm. Network

  8. Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS) -A central element in a high technology Meteorological environment. - AMSS is the heart of meteorological telecommunication The main functions : To receive, check and forward automatically, the meteorological data and products according to the WMO standards. It interconnects our Meteorological sub-systems; share in real time our data and product internally and from/to the meteorological world.

  9. Features: Graphical browser based circuit monitoring tool. Audio-visual warning system for circuit failure and special message reception. E-mail Send the whole message to predefined users through e-mail when a message with particular header is received. Ability to retrieve message from E-mail and submit that message to GTS SMS Customized message through SMS to predefined recipients whenever a particular header is received. Can be used for warning dissemination Message can be submitted through SMS

  10. Features: Continued . . . FAX Warning messages can be diverted to predefined FAX numbers. File Switching Can send satellite, RADAR, model etc. data file to predefined users as soon as those are received through FTP. Media file i.e. audio-visual files can also be sent to RMC, MC etc through FTP. Message submission through browser Remote observatory and Part Time observatory can submit messages to RTH directly using web browser.

  11. WIS Portal –GISC New Delhi The WMO Information System (WIS) is a project designed for regional and global connectivity to collect and distribute the information meant for routine global dissemination, while serving as collection and distribution centers in their areas of responsibilities; providing entry points, through unified portals and comprehensive metadata catalogues, for any request for data held within the WIS.

  12. Organization of WIS • WIS consists of three types of centers: • GISCs (Global Information System Centers) • GISCs (Global Information System Centers) are responsible for: • ·     Management of AMDCN (the Area Meteorological Data Communication Network) • ·     Services relating to data intended for global distribution (known as a GISC Cache) • ·     Cataloguing of the entire WIS. DAR (Data Access & Retrieval) functionality. • DCPCs (Data Collection or Production Centres ) • DCPCs (Data Collection or Production Centres) are designated for each WMO programme activity. They typically engage in: • ·     Production of specialized information. • ·     Collection and archiving of information in a domain. • ·     Telecommunication hub activities. • NCs (National Centers) • NCs (National Centres) can be established in each WMO member state. They are responsible for collecting national observation data and submitting them to the WIS network. NCs are also responsible for domestic data distribution networks and in-country authorization of WIS users.

  13. WMO information System (WIS) WIS is configured to allow Self-Registration, the Register menu appears on the header of the main page of url http://www.wis.imd.gov.in

  14. WIS Continued . . . It allows a Guest User to fill a registration request form. At least One Transmission Mode is mandatory at registration and requires an associated Protocol (e-mail or FTP) and a Format for the data to be send (Individual Files, ZIP Archive or GTS Packing).

  15. Website of IMD: The India meteorological department have two Website of URL and http:// www.imd.gov.in and http://www.rsmc.imd.gov.in contains all the cyclone related static & dynamically updated information including warnings.

  16. DIGITAL INDIA programme of GOI: • To further enhance this initiative, India Meteorological Department has taken the leverage of Digital India Programme to utilise “Mobile Seva” of Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India for SMS based Warnings /Weather information for wide range of Users through the URL https://services.mgov.gov.in/logout.do

  17. Services Portal provides three modes of sending SMS depending on the user’s needs. These modes are enlisted below: • Quick SMS • Group SMS • Bulk SMS • QUICK SMS • The quick SMS facility is used while sending messages to a limited number of persons. Using this facility, SMS can be sent to individuals by entering their mobile numbers separated with commas. • GROUP SMS • The group SMS facility is used while sending messages to a group or groups of persons. Using this facility, SMS can also be sent to individuals by entering their mobile numbers separate by commas. • BULK SMS • Bulk SMS is a fast and convenient way to send different messages to different individuals.

  18. Conclusion IMD has implemented latest state of the art technology communication and information system. These system play key role in weather forecast, alerts, climate study/ variability and research in the area. Systems are being efficiently utilized for dissemination of alerts/ warnings to the public/ farmers/ authorities engaged in disaster mitigation and thus minimizing the loss of life and property at national as well as international level (adjoining countries). With implementation of Mirror RTH and GISC, IMD has become one of the Global Dissemination Centre out of 15 GISCs. IMD has also plan to tap the facility of GAMES for alert/ warning dissemination in remote / in-accessible areas. IMD has a plan to implement web-based synergie system and XML based AMSS.

  19. Thank You

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