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State Hospice Organization Report Medicare 2012 Hospice Utilization 1/30/14

A Proud Supporter Of. State Hospice Organization Report Medicare 2012 Hospice Utilization 1/30/14. Iowa. Please contact Cordt Kassner, PhD, at Hospice Analytics with any questions , comments, feedback, or for additional information: P : 719-209-1237 E: Info@HospiceAnalytics.com

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State Hospice Organization Report Medicare 2012 Hospice Utilization 1/30/14

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  1. A Proud Supporter Of State Hospice Organization ReportMedicare 2012 Hospice Utilization1/30/14 Iowa Please contact Cordt Kassner, PhD, at Hospice Analytics with anyquestions, comments, feedback, or for additional information: P: 719-209-1237 E: Info@HospiceAnalytics.com W: www.HospiceAnalytics.com

  2. www.HospiceAnalytics.com 2

  3. www.HospiceAnalytics.com 3

  4. 2012 Demographics & Hospice Utilization www.HospiceAnalytics.com 4

  5. 2012 Hospice Utilization(Medicare Hospice Deaths / Total Medicare Deaths) www.HospiceAnalytics.com 5

  6. 2012 Hospice Utilization x County – IA (slide 1/2)(Medicare Hospice Deaths / Total Medicare Deaths) IA #3: 55.1% www.HospiceAnalytics.com 6

  7. 2012 Hospice Utilization x County – IA (slide 2/2)(Medicare Hospice Deaths / Total Medicare Deaths) National: 44.4% www.HospiceAnalytics.com 7

  8. 2012 Medicare Hospice Beneficiary Admissions National= 1,257,735 IA #28: 17,111 www.HospiceAnalytics.com 8

  9. 2012 Medicare Total Days of Hospice Care National= 89,817,308 Days IA #28: 1,064,790 www.HospiceAnalytics.com 9

  10. 2012 Medicare HospiceMean Days of Care / Beneficiary National: 71 IA #36: 62 www.HospiceAnalytics.com 10

  11. 2012 Medicare HospiceMedian Days of Care / Beneficiary IA #37: 21 National: 24 www.HospiceAnalytics.com 11

  12. 2012 Total Medicare Hospice Payments National= $14,882,743,293 IA #29: $161,590,703 www.HospiceAnalytics.com 12

  13. 2012 Mean Medicare Hospice Payments / Beneficiary National: $11,842 IA #45: $9,465 www.HospiceAnalytics.com 13

  14. 2012 Medicare Hospice BeneficiariesTop Six ICD-9 PRIMARY Diagnoses (out of 19 categories) www.HospiceAnalytics.com 14

  15. 2012 Medicare Hospice BeneficiariesStatus at Discharge www.HospiceAnalytics.com 15 Note: Not including beneficiaries still on service.

  16. 2012 Medicare Hospice BeneficiariesRace www.HospiceAnalytics.com 16

  17. 2012 Medicare Hospice BeneficiariesLevels of Care (days) www.HospiceAnalytics.com 17

  18. 2012 Medicare Hospice BeneficiariesLocations of Care (days) www.HospiceAnalytics.com 18

  19. Please contact Cordt Kassner, PhD, at Hospice Analytics with anyquestions, comments, feedback, or for additional information: P: 719-209-1237 E: Info@HospiceAnalytics.com W: www.HospiceAnalytics.com Thank you * Review the new National Hospice Locator at www.HospiceAnalytics.com – geo-maps and detailed information on every known hospice in the United States! www.HospiceAnalytics.com 19

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