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Street Law, Inc. The New 8 th Edition Teacher and Student Support Overview of All Components Scavenger Hunt . Menu. is a nonprofit organization that provides quality curricula, professional development, and resources to educate about law, democracy, and human rights.
Street Law, Inc. The New 8th Edition Teacher and Student Support Overview of All Components Scavenger Hunt Menu
is a nonprofit organization that provides quality curricula, professional development, and resources to educate about law, democracy, and human rights. Visit Street Law, Inc. at www.streetlaw.org. Street Law
Not Your Typical Textbook A unique textbook program based on the principles of the Street Law organization—providing practical, participatory education about law, democracy, and human rights. The course aims to empower students to transform democratic ideals into citizen action. Street Law
Not Your Typical Textbook The text, now in its eighth edition, is the nation's leading high school law text. Its publication played an important role in adding law to the curricula of school systems around the country. Street Law
A New Edition Driven by the needs of teachers Introduces up-to-date content Includes products to enhance the teaching of this course The New 8th Edition
Updated Content A new chapter on immigration law New U.S. Supreme Court decisions Expanded and updated Chapter 17 “Law and Terrorism” Expanded coverage of law and technology Updated coverage of consumers and credit Statistics, case law, and legal issues New and updated images The New 8th Edition
New and Revised Features A new feature, “Law Around the World,” introduces students to legal issues as they are addressed in other parts of the world. Offers more critical thinking about and awareness of the global community! The New 8th Edition
New and Revised Features The “Law in Action” and “Law and Democracy” features have been revamped to create a single “Law and Democracy in Action” participatory feature strand. Fosters the ability to participate in a democratic society. The New 8th Edition
New and Revised Features The “The Law Where You Live” features—formerly known as “Where You Live”—have been revised to include direct questions about the law in students’ local communities. Helps students learn about laws that affect their lives. The New 8th Edition
New Technology Products The Interactive Teacher Manual provides all teacher resources in one place at point of use. This technology tool includes: • the entire Teacher Manual on CD-ROM. • hyperlinks to all Web sites in the Teacher Manual. • new presentation slides with primary source quotes, political cartoons, and statistical data to extend the Student Edition content. • updated transparencies and corresponding blackline masters. Teacher and Student Support
New Technology Products StudentWorks contains everything your students need, including the complete Student Edition and Student Workbook on CD-ROM—all in an accessible, easy-to-carry format. Use this technology tool: • for students to complete reading and homework assignments without carrying home bulky textbooks. • to present textbook or workbook pages on your overhead or interactive whiteboard. • to enlarge graphics for use in whole-class discussions and activities. Teacher and Student Support
New Technology Products The Online Student Edition is the complete Student Edition online. It also provides links to interactive activities, instant access to Web resources, and easy-to-use search functions. Teacher and Student Support
New Technology Products ExamView test banks have been expanded to include more critical thinking through the use of additional document-based, short answer, and essay questions. Teacher and Student Support
Online Learning Center A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition includes: Textbook Resources Online Student Edition Student Web Activities Chapter Overviews Vocabulary PuzzleMaker Vocabulary e-Flashcards Cases and Resources Student Self-Assessment Quizzes State Laws Database Teacher and Student Support
Online Learning Center A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition includes: Textbook Resources Careers in Law State Resources Web Resources U.S. Supreme Court Updates Links to Street Law 6th and 7th Editions Link to Street Law, Inc. Link to Landmark Cases Teacher and Student Support
Online Learning Center A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition includes: Teacher’s Corner Web Activity Lesson Plans Power Point® Presentation Slides Program Tour and Scavenger Hunt Recommended Media Correlations Link to Teaching Today Link to U.S. Supreme Court Summer Institute Teacher and Student Support
Online Learning Center A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition includes: Classroom Tools Links to Partner Sites Beyond the Textbook Glencoe Economics Update U.S. History Web Links Government & Civics Web Links Economics Web Links Psychology Web Links Sociology Web Links Teacher and Student Support
Landmark Cases Street Law, Inc. and the Supreme Court Historical Society developed www.landmarkcases.org to provide teachers with a full range of resources and activities to support the teaching of landmark Supreme Court cases. Teacher and Student Support
Landmark Cases General teaching strategies include: Case studies Moot court activities Role-plays Continuum activities Community resources Evaluating Web sites Analyzing political cartoons Teacher and Student Support
Landmark Cases Standard resources available for each case include: Background summaries and questions for three different reading levels Diagrams of how cases moved through the court system Excerpts from the majority and the dissenting opinions Links to the full text of the Court’s decisions Teacher and Student Support
Landmark Cases Landmark cases covered in the Street Law Student Edition are identified at point of use. Teacher and Student Support
Student Edition No other text provides a more practical, meaningful understanding of the law to help high school students live successfully in our law-oriented society. Overview of All Components
Student Edition The text is organized into six units, each covering a different type of law. Overview of All Components
Student Edition An opportunity for students to learn about human rights issues in the United States. Each unit-based feature includes an introduction and explanation of a specific human rights issue, followed by questions for students to answer and discuss. Overview of All Components
Student Edition This unit-based feature engages students in activities that help them examine legal issues in other parts of the world. Each feature concludes with questions to help students analyze and understand the issue. Overview of All Components
Student Edition Case Studies are situated throughout each chapter at point-of-use to illustrate legal issues in the context of real-life and hypothetical situations. Case studies can be used for class discussions, debates, analytical writing, and much more. Overview of All Components
Student Edition Engages students in activities that help them examine legal processes and issues. Each feature contains activities that place students in the roles of people involved in the legal process. Overview of All Components
Student Edition Each feature presents situations in which the student is asked to decide whether a law has been broken or whether someone’s legal rights have been violated. Overview of All Components
Student Edition “For Your Information” features provide practical legal information. Additional reference material supplements the main text. Overview of All Components
Student Edition This feature guides students step by step on how to safely maneuver through real-life situations that have legal ramifications. Overview of All Components
Student Edition Margin features at point-of-use focus on local law and procedures where students live, drawing attention to many common local variations in the law. Excerpts from the U.S. Constitution, which appear throughout the text, can be used to launch discussion of a topic or concept. Overview of All Components
Teacher Manual A Wealth of Information • Instructional objectives • Enrichment materials • Service learning projects • Answers to questions in the Student Edition Overview of All Components
Teacher Manual Proven Interactive Teaching Methods! Sixteen pages of in-depth discussion on using student-centered learning activities are provided. Overview of All Components
Teacher Manual National Correlations Overview of All Components
Teacher Manual Chapter Resources Specific resources for use with each chapter are provided in an easy-to-use format. Overview of All Components
Student Workbook Basic review and higher-order critical thinking activities are provided for each chapter of the Student Edition. The answers to each activity are included in the Teacher Manual. Overview of All Components
Transparencies and Blackline Masters Transparencies and corresponding blackline masters, created specifically for the Street Law program, help teachers easily supplement their lessons. Overview of All Components
ExamView Assessment Suite CD-ROM Allows Teachers To • create customized tests. • add or edit existing questions. • integrate graphics. Built-in national correlations are included. Overview of All Components
Interactive Teacher Manual This teacher tool provides all teacher resources in one place at point of use. The Interactive Teacher Manual Includes: • the entire Teacher Manual on CD-ROM. • hyperlinks to all Web sites in the Teacher Manual. • new presentation slides with primary source quotes, political cartoons, and statistical data to extend the Student Edition content. • updated transparencies and corresponding blackline masters. Overview of All Components
StudentWorks This CD-ROM contains the entire Student Edition and the Student Workbook. Students can complete reading and homework assignments without carrying home bulky textbooks. Teachers can present textbook or workbook pages on overhead projectors or interactive whiteboards. Teachers can enlarge graphics for use in whole-class discussions and activities. Overview of All Components
Online Learning Center Integrated closely with the text is an Online Learning Center where comprehensive Web support and tools make teaching a little easier and learning a lot more fun. A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition provides easy access to abundant resources to enrich the student text. The Web site includes: Textbook Resources Links to Partner Sites Online Student Edition Student Web Activities Chapter Overviews Vocabulary PuzzleMaker Vocabulary e-Flashcards Cases and Resources Student Self-Assessment Quizzes Careers in Law State Resources Web Resources U.S. Supreme Court Updates Links to Street Law 6th and 7th Editions Link to Street Law, Inc. Link to Landmark Cases Overview of All Components
Online Learning Center A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition targets activities and information to enhance teacher preparation. The Web site includes: Teacher’s Corner Web Activity Lesson Plans Power Point® Presentation Slides Program Tour and Scavenger Hunt Recommended Media Correlations Link to Teaching Today Link to U.S. Supreme Court Summer Institute Overview of All Components
Online Learning Center A Web site created specifically to accompany the new 8th edition connects students to expanded content and information. The Web site includes: Classroom Tools Links to Partner Sites Beyond the Textbook Glencoe Economics Update U.S. History Web Links Government & Civics Web Links Economics Web Links Psychology Web Links Sociology Web Links Overview of All Components
Scavenger Hunt The Street Law program offers an abundance of information for students—the trick is to know where to find it. Use this Scavenger Hunt exercise to learn how the program is organized and how to get the most out of your reading and study time. Let’s get started. Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt Using Your Resources • How many chapters and units are in the book? • Where do you look if you want to quickly find all of the case studies in the book? • How are vocabulary terms identified in each chapter? • Where can you find out what online resources are available? • Where can you find explanations of each article and section of the Constitution? Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt Using Your Resources 6. Where can you find basic review activities for each chapter? 7. Where can you practice and review vocabulary terms? 8. How can you learn more about landmark Supreme Court cases? 9. Where can you assess your knowledge of what you learned in each chapter? 10. How can you find information about a legal topic in your state? Scavenger Hunt