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Outline. Types of FundingAccessing NOAA grant opportunities via www.Grants.govNOAA Grant OpportunitiesComponents of a Federal Funding OpportunityApplication basicsOverview of DOC/NOAA formsProposal Format - GenericProgram Administrative ReviewEvaluation, Review
1. Pre-Award Process Find and Apply - Recipients Competitive / Non-Competitive
3. NOAA Financial Assistance Discretionary funds - awarded on the basis of merit or program need and to which an applicant is not entitled as a matter of law.
Non-Discretionary funds – awarded to specific programs or recipients which are named by statute.
Types of grant opportunties (funds) are determined by the selection process.
Discretionary Funds - NOAA can exercise judgement in selecting the recipient.
Non-Discretionary – by statute is limiting to specifically named recipients or a particular class of recipients. Types of grant opportunties (funds) are determined by the selection process.
Discretionary Funds - NOAA can exercise judgement in selecting the recipient.
Non-Discretionary – by statute is limiting to specifically named recipients or a particular class of recipients.
4. Discretionary Funds Competitive Awards
DOC policy is that all discretionary funding decisions be made on a competitive basis
Non-competitive Awards
Exceptions to the competition are permitted on a case-by-case basis subject to Grants Officer approval
Institutional Awards
Initially competed under a program establishing long term planning goals and objectives common to the research and programmatic needs of NOAA and the recipient
5. Discretionary Funds Competitive (Omnibus FRN)
June 30 – 39 programs
December 23 – 9 programs
Individual listings
Agency Initiatives
Recipient Initiatives
Institutional Awards
Sea Grant
Cooperative Institutes First Omnibus announcing 39 NOAA opportunities for Fiscal Year 2006. Second Omnibus posted 9 FFOs. First Omnibus announcing 39 NOAA opportunities for Fiscal Year 2006. Second Omnibus posted 9 FFOs.
6. Non-Discretionary Funds Types of Non-Discretionary awards
Mandated by statute: Recipient specifically named and for which funds may be set aside in an appropriations act
Limited by Statute: Eligibility limited by law to a particular class of recipients
Does not include projects and/or recipients contained in legislative history – i.e., “soft earmarks”
Must have a statutory basis for making awards -- Coastal Zone Management Act, NMFS Section 404 Applicants (15 USC 1539)Does not include projects and/or recipients contained in legislative history – i.e., “soft earmarks”
Must have a statutory basis for making awards -- Coastal Zone Management Act, NMFS Section 404 Applicants (15 USC 1539)
7. Non-Discretionary Funds Awards Mandated by Statute
Individual Awards referenced in Appropriations Act
Awards limited by Statute
Coastal Zone Management Must have a statutory basis for making awards.
Must have a statutory basis for making awards.
8. www.grants.gov
Grant Opportunities
Grants.Gov is designed to be a simple, one stop “shopping” opportunity for all customers, aka applicants of Federa grants to electronically FIND grant opportunities and Apply for grants. Consequently the application process has been streamlined to simplify grant application requirements…thereby reducing applicant and grantee administrative burden and costs.
Will poll group to get a feel of users of Grants.Gov. Also, want to emphasize that one can go and poke around unregistered at this site, but to actually apply for an opportunity must first complete the registration process. Grants.Gov is designed to be a simple, one stop “shopping” opportunity for all customers, aka applicants of Federa grants to electronically FIND grant opportunities and Apply for grants. Consequently the application process has been streamlined to simplify grant application requirements…thereby reducing applicant and grantee administrative burden and costs.
Will poll group to get a feel of users of Grants.Gov. Also, want to emphasize that one can go and poke around unregistered at this site, but to actually apply for an opportunity must first complete the registration process.
9. Why Grants.Gov? Single source to find federal competitive grant opportunities.
Provide one stop shopping to electronically find grant opportunities and to apply for grants.
Levels the playing field for accessing and applying for Federal grants.
Streamline and simplify grant application requirements. Concurrent with the Grants.Gov initiative, OMB back in 2002 issued a policy directive to establish a standardized format for Federal agency announcements of funding opportunities under programs that issue discretionary (competitive) grants or cooperative agreements. The purpose of which is to have information organized in a consistent way for the many Federal programs that issue financial assistance awards. Use of a government wide format helps potential applicants more easily and quickly find information they need about Federal opportunities …avoiding the need to learn multiple agency or program specific applications processes.
--Facilitates the grant community to learn more about available opportunities in a standardized manner, saving time and money. Levels the playing field for accessing federal grants.
-- Potential savings: reduced costs associated with postage, copying/distribution of applications, and applying for different grants..
Time – saved searching for the right grant opportunity.
Quality Assurance – Built in error checking, application completion confirmation and tracking.
Concurrent with the Grants.Gov initiative, OMB back in 2002 issued a policy directive to establish a standardized format for Federal agency announcements of funding opportunities under programs that issue discretionary (competitive) grants or cooperative agreements. The purpose of which is to have information organized in a consistent way for the many Federal programs that issue financial assistance awards. Use of a government wide format helps potential applicants more easily and quickly find information they need about Federal opportunities …avoiding the need to learn multiple agency or program specific applications processes.
--Facilitates the grant community to learn more about available opportunities in a standardized manner, saving time and money. Levels the playing field for accessing federal grants.
-- Potential savings: reduced costs associated with postage, copying/distribution of applications, and applying for different grants..
Time – saved searching for the right grant opportunity.
Quality Assurance – Built in error checking, application completion confirmation and tracking.
10. Get Registered!! Complete all the steps in “Get Started” at www.Grants.Gov prior to submitting your initial application.
Several one-time actions must be completed prior to submission via Grants.Gov.
Registration for organizations and individuals representing them.
Registration for individuals wishing to submit applications on their own.
11. NOAA Grant Opportunities Competitive Funds
Federal Register - Omnibus Publications (June and December)
Grant Program Snapshot
Full Funding Opportunity (FFO) announcements via Grants.Gov (http://www.grants.gov)
Applicants must comply with all the requirements contained in the referenced FFO for the project competition.
Additional grant programs unanticipated at the time of the Omnibus publications will be posted throughout the year. Omnibus - Two opportunities are provided to the general public each year providing a consolidated source of program and application information relating to NOAA’s competitive grant offerings, and it contains the information about those programs required to be published in the Federal Register. The omnibus notice is designed to replace the multiple Federal Register notices that traditionally advertised the availability of NOAA’s discretionary funds for its various programs.
FFO – More detailed information provided which will be discussed later.
Additional, unanticipated announcements -- These announcements are available thru Grants.Gov, subsequent Federal Register notices, and the NOAA website: http://www.ago.noaa.gov/grants/funding/shtml.
Omnibus - Two opportunities are provided to the general public each year providing a consolidated source of program and application information relating to NOAA’s competitive grant offerings, and it contains the information about those programs required to be published in the Federal Register. The omnibus notice is designed to replace the multiple Federal Register notices that traditionally advertised the availability of NOAA’s discretionary funds for its various programs.
FFO – More detailed information provided which will be discussed later.
Additional, unanticipated announcements -- These announcements are available thru Grants.Gov, subsequent Federal Register notices, and the NOAA website: http://www.ago.noaa.gov/grants/funding/shtml.
12. NOAA Grant Opportunities Non-Competitive/Non-Discretionary Funds
Not announced in the Federal Register.
Recipient is notified by the NOAA FPO of the pertinent Grants.Gov FFO #.
FFO # is not searchable by the CDFA number via the Grants.Gov website.
NOAA minimizing these opportunities
Even if your organization only applies for and receives non-competitive/Non-Discretionary grants, you still must submit through Grants.Gov as Program Managers must also post their application packages on Grants.Gov. Your organization will then receive a unique identifier from the NOAA Program Office. This identifier will allow you access to submit your application package. IFA, SEAMAP, Coastal Zone Mgt, referenced on Slide 7.
**NOAA is minimizing Non-Competitive opportunities. NOAA Business Process Reengineering Recommendation #17 – NOAA is taking greater action to obligate discretionary funds the competitive process rather than as a sole-source award. For purposes of this slide discussion, the discussion pertains to Non-Discretionary Funding actions where the recipient is identified by statute hence eliminating the need to not publish in the FR. Even if your organization only applies for and receives non-competitive/Non-Discretionary grants, you still must submit through Grants.Gov as Program Managers must also post their application packages on Grants.Gov. Your organization will then receive a unique identifier from the NOAA Program Office. This identifier will allow you access to submit your application package. IFA, SEAMAP, Coastal Zone Mgt, referenced on Slide 7.
**NOAA is minimizing Non-Competitive opportunities. NOAA Business Process Reengineering Recommendation #17 – NOAA is taking greater action to obligate discretionary funds the competitive process rather than as a sole-source award. For purposes of this slide discussion, the discussion pertains to Non-Discretionary Funding actions where the recipient is identified by statute hence eliminating the need to not publish in the FR.
13. Components of the Federal Funding Opportunity Description: Program Objective, Priorities & Authority
Award Information: Funding Availability, Project/Award Period & Funding Instrument
Eligibility Information: Eligible Applicants, Cost Sharing/Matching Requirement, and Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility
The FFO is much more informative than that provided in the FR omnibus notice which facilitates applicant eligibility, relevance and interest in applying.
The FFO is much more informative than that provided in the FR omnibus notice which facilitates applicant eligibility, relevance and interest in applying.
14. Federal Funding OpportunityContinued Application and Submission Information: Addresses, Content & Form of Submission, Required Elements, Submission Dates & Times, and Restrictions.
Application Review Information: Evaluation Criteria, Review & Selection Process, and Anticipated Announcement & Award Dates
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read these two sections carefully and to adhere to all noted submission requirements because failure to follow these provisions (such as the content and form of application) will result in the proposal (s) being returned to the applicant without review.
Regarding Evaluation Criteria, the greater a demonstrable link in the proposal to the evaluation criteria the better…as technical reviewers will be tasked to evaluate proposals by assigning scores up to the maximum indicated for each noted evaluation criteria.
Just an FYI – No real need to mention:
Intergovernmental Review – Applicants will need to determine if their State participates in the intergovernmental review process. This information can be found at the following website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html. This information will assist applicants in providing either a Yes or No response to Item 16 of the SF-424.
Funding restrictions pertain to the DOC Pre-Award notification requirements for grants & CA contained in the FR notice of 12/30/2004 69FR78289.Applicants are strongly encouraged to read these two sections carefully and to adhere to all noted submission requirements because failure to follow these provisions (such as the content and form of application) will result in the proposal (s) being returned to the applicant without review.
Regarding Evaluation Criteria, the greater a demonstrable link in the proposal to the evaluation criteria the better…as technical reviewers will be tasked to evaluate proposals by assigning scores up to the maximum indicated for each noted evaluation criteria.
Just an FYI – No real need to mention:
Intergovernmental Review – Applicants will need to determine if their State participates in the intergovernmental review process. This information can be found at the following website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html. This information will assist applicants in providing either a Yes or No response to Item 16 of the SF-424.
Funding restrictions pertain to the DOC Pre-Award notification requirements for grants & CA contained in the FR notice of 12/30/2004 69FR78289.
15. Federal Funding OpportunityContinued Award Administrative Information: Administrative & National Policy Requirements and Reporting.
Agency Contacts: Identifies who at the funding agency is available to respond to inquiries about the noted FFO program. NEPA - NOAA must analyze the potential environmental impacts for applicant projects or proposals that are seeking NOAA federal assistance opportunities.
NEPA – From personal NOAA Fisheries experience, applicants are required to provide detailed information on the activities to be conducted, locations, sites, species and habitat to be effected, possible construction activities, and any environmental concerns that may exists (e.g., the use and disposal of hazardous or toxic chemicals, introduction of exotic nuisance species, impacts to endangered or threatened species, aquaculture projects, to name a few.)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)– Contents of applications may be subject to requests for release. – In the event that an application contains information or data that the applicant does not want disclosed prior to award for purposes other than the evaluation of the application, the application should mark each page containing such information or data with the words “Privileged, Confidential, Commercial, or Financial Information – Limited Use” at the the page to assist NOAA in making disclosure recommendations. DOC regulations implementing FOIA are found at 15 CFR part 4, “Public Information,” which sets forth rules for DOC to make requested materials, information, and records publicly available under FOIA.
NOAA Program staff cannot help “package” a submission on behalf of an applicant such as in conceptualizing, developing, or structuring proposals, or write letters of support for an application. Rather, staff involvement is limited to providing information on program goals, funding priorities, application procedures, and completion of application forms.
NEPA - NOAA must analyze the potential environmental impacts for applicant projects or proposals that are seeking NOAA federal assistance opportunities.
NEPA – From personal NOAA Fisheries experience, applicants are required to provide detailed information on the activities to be conducted, locations, sites, species and habitat to be effected, possible construction activities, and any environmental concerns that may exists (e.g., the use and disposal of hazardous or toxic chemicals, introduction of exotic nuisance species, impacts to endangered or threatened species, aquaculture projects, to name a few.)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)– Contents of applications may be subject to requests for release. – In the event that an application contains information or data that the applicant does not want disclosed prior to award for purposes other than the evaluation of the application, the application should mark each page containing such information or data with the words “Privileged, Confidential, Commercial, or Financial Information – Limited Use” at the the page to assist NOAA in making disclosure recommendations. DOC regulations implementing FOIA are found at 15 CFR part 4, “Public Information,” which sets forth rules for DOC to make requested materials, information, and records publicly available under FOIA.
NOAA Program staff cannot help “package” a submission on behalf of an applicant such as in conceptualizing, developing, or structuring proposals, or write letters of support for an application. Rather, staff involvement is limited to providing information on program goals, funding priorities, application procedures, and completion of application forms.
16. Application BasicsDOC/NOAA Forms SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance.
SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs.
SF-424B, Assurances, Non-Construction Programs.
CD-511, Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and other Responsibility Matters, Drug Free Workplace Requirements and Lobbying.
The following forms and documents are required to process NOAA applications
Note that Construction Forms are not referenced (SF-424C, here both in Budget and Assurances)
The following forms and documents are required to process NOAA applications
Note that Construction Forms are not referenced (SF-424C, here both in Budget and Assurances)
17. Application BasicsDOC/NOAA Forms SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities—form should only be submitted to the government if the applicant is actually reporting lobbying activities.
CD-512, Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Transactions, is a form that remains in the applicant’s file.
Conflict of Interest. While there is no application form per se, NOAA is interested in learning if the applicant is employing a former DOC employee who will represent applicant before DOC or another Federal agency regarding application and/or subsequent award, or who has been involved in merit review and/or selection process of the grant program. If so, must
Identify person(s)---List their period of DOC employment –if less than 5 years at time of application----- Describe their involvement in project and/or NOAA grant program. While there is no application form per se, NOAA is interested in learning if the applicant is employing a former DOC employee who will represent applicant before DOC or another Federal agency regarding application and/or subsequent award, or who has been involved in merit review and/or selection process of the grant program. If so, must
Identify person(s)---List their period of DOC employment –if less than 5 years at time of application----- Describe their involvement in project and/or NOAA grant program.
18. Application Basics Populating the application forms
No standardized naming of forms …yet.
Recommend identifying funding Agency and CDFA number along with form number or document name. For example:
NMFS 11454 SF424 OAR 11454 SOW
NWS 11454 SF424A NOS 11454 Budget Narrative
NIST 11454 SF424B NESDIS 11454 Vitae
Note that the application forms included in the FFO are the only ones that can be uploaded and submitted back through Grants.Gov. These forms will be coded and cannot be used for other FFOs. Also, applicants will not be able to download and submit forms (SF424s, etc.) from other sites.
Reference NOAA Business Process Reengineering Phase III BPR Streamlining. As such the name presented here is a helpful hint to for NOAA to handle/track associated application information.
Note: SF-424A – Currently, this form doesn’t accommodate multiyear projects spanning 5 years. Accordingly, NOAA has available a supplemental form in Word format available for use that can be supplied by the Federal Program Office. Applicants will have to attach this to the application as an optional form.Note that the application forms included in the FFO are the only ones that can be uploaded and submitted back through Grants.Gov. These forms will be coded and cannot be used for other FFOs. Also, applicants will not be able to download and submit forms (SF424s, etc.) from other sites.
Reference NOAA Business Process Reengineering Phase III BPR Streamlining. As such the name presented here is a helpful hint to for NOAA to handle/track associated application information.
Note: SF-424A – Currently, this form doesn’t accommodate multiyear projects spanning 5 years. Accordingly, NOAA has available a supplemental form in Word format available for use that can be supplied by the Federal Program Office. Applicants will have to attach this to the application as an optional form.
19. Application Basics Proposal Format - Generic
Proposal Heading
A project summary of work to be performed.
A narrative project description to include project goals and objectives.
A description of all funding sources and funding needs.
Evaluation of Project Outcomes.
A budget that includes a breakdown of expenditures by cost category to accomplish project objectives.
20. Proposal Heading Include the following information:
Project Name/Title
Project Dates
Recipient Institution
Primary Contact (name, address, phone, fax, e-mail)
Project Web site (if any)
The project summary should provide a brief (half page maximum) description of work to be accomplished. (This description could be used for public notification of funding by the NOAA Grants Management Division and should be prepared to be readable by a broad audience.)
The project summary should provide a brief (half page maximum) description of work to be accomplished. (This description could be used for public notification of funding by the NOAA Grants Management Division and should be prepared to be readable by a broad audience.)
21. Project Description The program description portion of the application should include the following information:
Background - Provide sufficient background information for NOAA and non-NOAA readers to understand the significance of the proposed project.
Summarize the problem to be addressed and the status of ongoing efforts to address the identified needs. If the project has already received funding, describe the accomplishments of the project to date. Summarize the relationship of the proposed work to other regional or national efforts.
Summarize the problem to be addressed and the status of ongoing efforts to address the identified needs. If the project has already received funding, describe the accomplishments of the project to date. Summarize the relationship of the proposed work to other regional or national efforts.
22. Project Description Continued Approach. Provide a general work plan that identifies specific tasks to be accomplished.
Benefits. Identify the benefits that will be achieved as a result of this effort, both to the recipient and the general public as a whole.
Milestone Schedule. If applicable, display time lines for major tasks, target milestones for important intermediate and final products, and key project outcomes.
Approach -- If NOAA staff are to be involved (i.e., cooperative agreement) describe and define collaborations and involvement. Be as specific and quantitative as possible; clear as to the “what and when”, and attainable with the time, funding and resources available.
Explain any technical approach needed to accomplish the tasks; identify the roles of any partners and cooperators; and identify potential obstacles to successful completion of the goals and objectives.
Approach -- If NOAA staff are to be involved (i.e., cooperative agreement) describe and define collaborations and involvement. Be as specific and quantitative as possible; clear as to the “what and when”, and attainable with the time, funding and resources available.
Explain any technical approach needed to accomplish the tasks; identify the roles of any partners and cooperators; and identify potential obstacles to successful completion of the goals and objectives.
23. Proposal Format -- Generic Continued Evaluation of Project Outcomes – For each objective provide a performance measure.
Personnel – List the name and title of the Principal Investigator(s) including the vitae and list all the other individuals scheduled to work on the project by name, title, or position. BPR Recommendation #16 – Notes that greater emphasis needs to be placed on linking project activities to supporting NOAA’s mission goals. The public value of funded proposals may not be readily apparent without a performance measure. Program Managers currently are responsible for making this linkage and reporting on grant program accomplishments to DoC, Congress and the public, but it would be beneficial to have the applicants take on their meeting their project goal. Thus, projects need to accomplishment oriented and identify specific performance measurements.
BPR Recommendation #16 – Notes that greater emphasis needs to be placed on linking project activities to supporting NOAA’s mission goals. The public value of funded proposals may not be readily apparent without a performance measure. Program Managers currently are responsible for making this linkage and reporting on grant program accomplishments to DoC, Congress and the public, but it would be beneficial to have the applicants take on their meeting their project goal. Thus, projects need to accomplishment oriented and identify specific performance measurements.
24. Budget Detail Sub-totals by cost category must match the figures on the SF-424A and include a narrative justification of the budget.
Categories should include the following:
Fringe Benefits
Other costs, as appropriate
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
Cursory review as the DAY 2 grants presentation will go over/reinforce this requirement in greater detail.
Personnel: Identify principal investigator and other key personnel, and indicate number of months each individual will be working on the project, compensation rate, etc.
Fringe Benefits: If fringe benefits exceed 35%, the narrative should provide a breakdown of the components of the rate.
Equipment: Itemize and describe the intended use of equipment greater than $5,000 in value to be purchased under the award.
Travel: Provide detailed breakdown including destinations, airfares, per diem, mileage and other associated costs.
Contractual: Each subcontract should be list as a separate item.
Other costs: As appropriate—photo copying, long distance charges, etc.
Cursory review as the DAY 2 grants presentation will go over/reinforce this requirement in greater detail.
Personnel: Identify principal investigator and other key personnel, and indicate number of months each individual will be working on the project, compensation rate, etc.
Fringe Benefits: If fringe benefits exceed 35%, the narrative should provide a breakdown of the components of the rate.
Equipment: Itemize and describe the intended use of equipment greater than $5,000 in value to be purchased under the award.
Travel: Provide detailed breakdown including destinations, airfares, per diem, mileage and other associated costs.
Contractual: Each subcontract should be list as a separate item.
Other costs: As appropriate—photo copying, long distance charges, etc.
25. Grants.Gov Submission Review
Register Early
Submit Early
Verify Submission is OK
Rejected with errors Register Early - Grants.Gov is a one-time process that takes several days to complete. You cannot submit an application until all of the Registration Process is completed.
Submit Early - Do not wait until the last day to submit your application. Grants.gov will put a date/time stamp on your application after it is fully uploaded. The time it takes for grants.gov to upload the application can vary greatly depending upon the size of the application and internet speed.
Verify that submission was received and validated by logging on and reviewing the Check Application Status link. Its important to note that if the received date is later than the due date…the application will be rejected
Rec’d: Means still awaiting validation by Grants.gov
Validated: Good news all is well
Rejected with errors: Application was not received successfullyRegister Early - Grants.Gov is a one-time process that takes several days to complete. You cannot submit an application until all of the Registration Process is completed.
Submit Early - Do not wait until the last day to submit your application. Grants.gov will put a date/time stamp on your application after it is fully uploaded. The time it takes for grants.gov to upload the application can vary greatly depending upon the size of the application and internet speed.
Verify that submission was received and validated by logging on and reviewing the Check Application Status link. Its important to note that if the received date is later than the due date…the application will be rejected
Rec’d: Means still awaiting validation by Grants.gov
Validated: Good news all is well
Rejected with errors: Application was not received successfully
26. Submission ProblemsWhat should you do?
Grants.Gov Customer support:
Personalized support readily available via email or phone.Personalized support readily available via email or phone.
27. Program Administrative Review Upon receipt of an application the receiving program office determines whether the document responds to the FFO.
Application is then reviewed further to determine if application contains sufficient technical/scientific information to conduct an evaluation; meets program policies and priorities; and responds to all required elements noted in the FFO. Once the application has been successfully submitted to the Program Office, closure of the submission process occurs with the review of materials in meeting FFO application submission requirements. Once the application has been successfully submitted to the Program Office, closure of the submission process occurs with the review of materials in meeting FFO application submission requirements.
29. Evaluation Criteria Importance and/or relevance and applicability of proposed project to the program goals
Technical/scientific merit
Overall qualifications of applicants
Project costs
Outreach and education BPR Recommendation #12 is to publicize a consistent approach to conducting Merit Reviews and these noted evaluation criteria are standardized across all NOAA FFOs. What is different is that the importance of each evaluation question in terms of its importance in score can and will differ across NOAA’s grant programs.
As noted back on Slide 14, it behooves applicants to clearly articulate in their program narrative a clear association with study activities to evaluation criteria. For example…the first criteria ascertains whether there is intrinsic value in the proposed work and/or relevance to NOAA, Federal, regional, state, or local activities. As such, the proposal should describe its relevance to FFO program priorities and provide a clear definition of the problem, need, issue, or hypothesis to be addressed.
BPR Recommendation #12 is to publicize a consistent approach to conducting Merit Reviews and these noted evaluation criteria are standardized across all NOAA FFOs. What is different is that the importance of each evaluation question in terms of its importance in score can and will differ across NOAA’s grant programs.
As noted back on Slide 14, it behooves applicants to clearly articulate in their program narrative a clear association with study activities to evaluation criteria. For example…the first criteria ascertains whether there is intrinsic value in the proposed work and/or relevance to NOAA, Federal, regional, state, or local activities. As such, the proposal should describe its relevance to FFO program priorities and provide a clear definition of the problem, need, issue, or hypothesis to be addressed.
30. Review & Selection Process Availability of funding
Balance/distribution of funds:
By type of institutions
By type of partners
By research areas
By project types
Whether this project duplicates other projects funded or considered for funding by NOAA or other Federal agencies More standardization recommendations…The results for the preceding slide (merit review ratings) provide a rank order of proposal scoring to the Selecting Official for final funding recommendations. The Selecting Official shall award in the rank order unless the proposal is justified to be selected out of rank order based upon application of one or more of the stated policy factors. More standardization recommendations…The results for the preceding slide (merit review ratings) provide a rank order of proposal scoring to the Selecting Official for final funding recommendations. The Selecting Official shall award in the rank order unless the proposal is justified to be selected out of rank order based upon application of one or more of the stated policy factors.
31. Review & Selection Process (con’t) Program priorities and policy factors
Applicant's prior award performance
Partnerships and/or Participation of targeted groups
Adequacy of information necessary for NOAA staff to make a NEPA determination and draft necessary documentation before recommendations for funding are made to the Grants Officer
32. Registration for OrganizationsData Universal Number System (DUNS) Number Obtain a DUNS number first.
DUNS numbers help track how federal grant dollars are allocated.
Many organizations already have a DUNS number.
To find out if your organization already has a DUNS number or to obtain a DUNS number, contact Dun & Bradstreet at (866) 705-5711.
Hearing impaired: TTY # (866) 814-7818.
Registration takes about 10 minutes and is free of charge. Note that you must have a DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet before you register with CCR. Also, be sure to complete the Marketing Partner ID (MPIN) and Electronic Business Primary Point of Contact fields during the CCR registration process. These are mandatory fields that are required when submitting grant applications through Grants.Gov. Note that you must have a DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet before you register with CCR. Also, be sure to complete the Marketing Partner ID (MPIN) and Electronic Business Primary Point of Contact fields during the CCR registration process. These are mandatory fields that are required when submitting grant applications through Grants.Gov.
33. Registration for Organizationscontinued Register organization with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR):
Process designates E-Business point of contact (POC) and safeguards against unauthorized submissions.
E-POC identifies Authorized Organization Representatives (AORs) allowed to submit applications.
Register online at http://www.ccr.gov.
CCR registration received in about 1 business day after submission.
While you can begin searching for grant opportunities for which you would like to apply at any time, we recommend that you complete the following steps sooner rather than later, so that when you find an opportunity for which you would like to apply, you are ready to go.
Preparing to Apply for grant opportunities via Grants.Gov is a 3 step process. …and only needs to be performed once to apply for grants across the entire Federal Government. The first is to register with the CCR
While you can begin searching for grant opportunities for which you would like to apply at any time, we recommend that you complete the following steps sooner rather than later, so that when you find an opportunity for which you would like to apply, you are ready to go.
Preparing to Apply for grant opportunities via Grants.Gov is a 3 step process. …and only needs to be performed once to apply for grants across the entire Federal Government. The first is to register with the CCR
34. Registration for Organizationscontinued 2. AORs register with the Credential Provider
AORs receive usernames and passwords necessary to submit applications on grants.gov.
https://apply.grants.gov/OrcRegister. Received same day.
3. AORs register with Grants.Gov to receive accounts
4. E-POCs approve/authorize AORS after e-mail notification from grants.Gov
After approval, AORs receive email notification confirming that they may submit applications through Grants.Gov.
2nd – Being individually authenticated thru the Grants.Gov credential provider.
3rd – Logging in to Grants.Gov as a registered member.
After you have completed the registration process…., you will be ready to submit applications to NOAA and to all of the other 26 government grant making agencies. You can log on to Grants.Gov to confirm whether you have registered successfully, to check your application status, and to update information in your applicant profile, such as your name, telephone number, email address, and title.
All of these steps and links are also located on the Grants.Gov web site under the “Get Started” tab.
2nd – Being individually authenticated thru the Grants.Gov credential provider.
3rd – Logging in to Grants.Gov as a registered member.
After you have completed the registration process…., you will be ready to submit applications to NOAA and to all of the other 26 government grant making agencies. You can log on to Grants.Gov to confirm whether you have registered successfully, to check your application status, and to update information in your applicant profile, such as your name, telephone number, email address, and title.
All of these steps and links are also located on the Grants.Gov web site under the “Get Started” tab.
35. Registration for Individuals Similar to process for organizations. However,
No DUNS number needed.
No E-POC or associated authorizations needed.
2nd – Being individually authenticated thru the Grants.Gov credential provider.
3rd – Logging in to Grants.Gov as a registered member.
After you have completed the registration process…., you will be ready to submit applications to NOAA and to all of the other 26 government grant making agencies. You can log on to Grants.Gov to confirm whether you have registered successfully, to check your application status, and to update information in your applicant profile, such as your name, telephone number, email address, and title.
All of these steps and links are also located on the Grants.Gov web site under the “Get Started” tab.
2nd – Being individually authenticated thru the Grants.Gov credential provider.
3rd – Logging in to Grants.Gov as a registered member.
After you have completed the registration process…., you will be ready to submit applications to NOAA and to all of the other 26 government grant making agencies. You can log on to Grants.Gov to confirm whether you have registered successfully, to check your application status, and to update information in your applicant profile, such as your name, telephone number, email address, and title.
All of these steps and links are also located on the Grants.Gov web site under the “Get Started” tab.
36. Download an Application Package Download & Install the PureEdge Viewer
New users
MUST download and install both the PureEdge Viewer and PureEdge Viewer Upgrade.
Existing users
MUST download and install the PureEdge Viewer Upgrade.
In order to view application package and instructions, you will also need to download and install the PureEdge Viewer. This small, free program will allow you to access, complete, and submit applications electronically and securely on Grants.Gov.
New users = users who have never accessed, completed or submitted applications on Grants.Gov
Existing users = users who have previously accessed, completed, and submitted applications on Grants.Gov
Helpful Hint - Note that once an application package has been downloaded, users will be working offline and saving data on the computer. Submission involves logging on to Grants.Gov to upload and submit the application.
In order to view application package and instructions, you will also need to download and install the PureEdge Viewer. This small, free program will allow you to access, complete, and submit applications electronically and securely on Grants.Gov.
New users = users who have never accessed, completed or submitted applications on Grants.Gov
Existing users = users who have previously accessed, completed, and submitted applications on Grants.Gov
Helpful Hint - Note that once an application package has been downloaded, users will be working offline and saving data on the computer. Submission involves logging on to Grants.Gov to upload and submit the application.
37. System Requirements For PureEdge Viewer to function properly, your computer must meet the following system requirements
Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP
500 Mhz processor
128 MB of RAM
40 MB disk space
Note: Emulation program needed for Macs
Web browser
Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher
Netscape Communicator 4.5 - 4.8, Netscape 6.1, 6.2, or 7
For PureEdge Viewer to function properly, your computer must meet the following system requirements
For PureEdge Viewer to function properly, your computer must meet the following system requirements
38. Find Grant Opportunities and Apply for Grants Getting Started
Find grant opportunity for which you would like to apply While you can begin searching for grant opportunities for which you would like to apply at any time, we recommend that you begin the initial Grants.Gov registration steps sooner rather than later, so that when you find an opportunity for which you would like to apply, you are ready to go
FIND--Locate and learn about funding opportunities in a standardized manner.
Easy access to “Find and Apply” from every page.
The FIND grant opportunities feature lets you search for information on available grant opportunities using a number of criteria, including keywords or specific agency. Federal agencies are required to post all competitive grant opportunities to the Grants.Gov site—so you will find all federal grants here.
While you can begin searching for grant opportunities for which you would like to apply at any time, we recommend that you begin the initial Grants.Gov registration steps sooner rather than later, so that when you find an opportunity for which you would like to apply, you are ready to go
FIND--Locate and learn about funding opportunities in a standardized manner.
Easy access to “Find and Apply” from every page.
The FIND grant opportunities feature lets you search for information on available grant opportunities using a number of criteria, including keywords or specific agency. Federal agencies are required to post all competitive grant opportunities to the Grants.Gov site—so you will find all federal grants here.
39. Search Grant Opportunities
1. Click the Basic Search button
2. Enter information in one or more of the three fields listed.
Keyword search
Funding Opportunity Number
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) #
3. Click the Start Search button to begin the search.
Your results will display on Search Results screen. Multiple search option for all levels of grant applicants.
Customized search opportunities from broad to specific.
If you are not sure of the entire FFO/CFDA #:
Use an “ *” to replace one or more characters.
Use a ” ? “ to replace one character.
Multiple search option for all levels of grant applicants.
Customized search opportunities from broad to specific.
If you are not sure of the entire FFO/CFDA #:
Use an “ *” to replace one or more characters.
Use a ” ? “ to replace one character.
40. Email Notifications Sign up to receive grant opportunity notices by email:
Funding Opportunity Number
Agencies and Categories of Funding Activities
Interest and Eligibility Groups
Receive all Grants Notices Also on the Find grant opportunities screen is an opportunity to receive email notifications based upon options. Determine which email notification option you would like to use and click the corresponding link. Also on the Find grant opportunities screen is an opportunity to receive email notifications based upon options. Determine which email notification option you would like to use and click the corresponding link.