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Westpark School Parent Questionnaire – November 2010

Westpark School Parent Questionnaire – November 2010. Dear Parent/Carer,

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Westpark School Parent Questionnaire – November 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Westpark School Parent Questionnaire – November 2010 Dear Parent/Carer, Please take a few moments during your visit to Parents’ Evening to complete this questionnaire. We are interested in parental views on school life. Please complete the questionnaire, along with any additional comments and place in the tray at the front door. Thank you for your help! Fraser Cowie, Head Teacher

  2. Please note 3 things you think we do well: • Please note 3 areas where you think we can improve: • Latecoming for some pupils continues to be a persistent issue – do you have any suggestions as to how we might improve this situation?

  3. Please note 3 things you think we do well: • Encourage respect • Awards for attendance, etc. • Information / communication with parents about what is going on in school via newsletters and Group Call • Letting parents know about child’s successes • Support parents get from teachers • Pupils to be encouraged to help one another • Pupils come on with their sounds very quickly in such a short time after nursery • Keeping parents informed of all events and important dates and messages – inform parents via text message as well as letters • Parents and visitors made to feel very welcome • Staff very friendly to talk to and approachable • Help with child’s behaviour • Encourage children to work hard and do well – valuing the children’s work • Help the child to learn more effectively • Dealing with issues / problems – discussing concerns parents have • Building children’s confidence • Reward good behaviour – incentives for good behaviour • Involve parents in activities and keep updated - include parents in child’s learning • Very supportive of children who need extra help • Stimulation, challenging and rewarding pupils • Friendly and pleasant staff who are supportive of children • Nice, big, grassy playground • Children enjoy learning at school – plenty for children to do in school • Presentation of school – nice tidy school – school is welcoming • School is well led – great team spirit in the school since Mr Cowie and Mrs Webster took over • Fundraising – lots of events held – PTA raising lots of funds for the school • Promoting healthy living – giving children healthy foods – encouraging healthy living • Good school meals • Teaching • Regular challenging homework • Good reports on child’s progress • Playground games • Dealing with bullying • Doing different things with the children • Safe environment • Assembly • Shows

  4. Please note 3 areas where you think we can improve: • Cycling proficiency training • Breakfast club – childcare is a real issue in this area • Improve allocation of school meals • Time school starts in morning – 9am start better – other local schools start at 9.05am • Newsletters are not received early enough – information about events should be notified to parents sooner – letters home need to be put home before they are out of date • Communication • Children don’t always get their choice of lunch because of other children changing their minds – sometimes they don’t like what is left • Playground – don’t let children play in the mud • Letting pupils out sharply when the bell rings • Behaviour problems - behaviour between pupils at break could be monitored more • More number work and books sent home to read • More progress reports • Give children more jobs at break times to keep them busy • Get children more involved in tidying the school • Learn the children to look out for each other more • Supervision of children coming into and leaving school • More PSAs at breaks to stop bullying • Improve the interior of the school • More notice about in-service days • Bullying – faster approach to dealing with bullying • Communicating with mothers and fathers in split families • Inform parents of head lice issues • Playground Assistants should pay more attention and spend less time chatting to one another • Updating the school website • Parking - drop off point - people parking in it • Latecoming for some pupils continues to be a persistent issue – do you have any suggestions as to how we might improve this situation? • Keep doors open for another 5 minutes for children to get to their door • Give children warning the first time they are late – if they are late again a letter should go home to parents • Certificate for pupils that have not been late for a whole month • If persistently late then issue punishments – advise local authorities about persistent lateness / absences to find out why • Take bikes to school

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