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Energy policy and development in last years Slovakia

Energy policy and development in last years Slovakia. 25.11.2010. ZA MATKU ZEM (For Mother Earth Slovakia). Energy program RES Energy savings Nuclear energy Climate program – Slovak Climate Coalition

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Energy policy and development in last years Slovakia

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  1. Energy policy and development in last yearsSlovakia 25.11.2010

  2. ZA MATKU ZEM (For Mother Earth Slovakia) • Energy program • RES • Energy savings • Nuclear energy • Climate program – Slovak Climate Coalition • A/ legislation – preparation of laws, comments to the legilation, information distribution among the stakeholders • B/ public awareness – campaigns – publications, lectures, exhibitions ... • C/ cooperation with municpalities and business • D/ media work

  3. Consumption of primary energy sources 2001-2008 = 7-8% decrease

  4. Electricity consumption

  5. Electricity consumption

  6. Electricity consumption – prediction – Strategy of energy security 2030

  7. compare forecasts of electricity consumption by SE in 1996 and actual development SE prognóza 1996

  8. Total CO2 emissions

  9. Installed capacities

  10. Actual situation of RES in Slovakia • Share of RES on primary energy consumption = 7-8% • Commitment of Slovakia in 2020 – RES 14% (EÚ – 20%) • CO2 emissions - EÚ = -20%, SVK = +13% (to emissions from 2005) • Weak legislation for a real support of RES (RES act addopted in June 2009-bariers) • Taxes are on a high level (19%) • Government was and still is strongly pushing against the wind and photovoltaics. • Political decision makers are not in favour of renewables what is bringing our country to one of the worst places in the EU.

  11. sectoral targets and trajectories - RES

  12. Technical potential of RES – app. 244 PJ (30%)

  13. Renewable energy sources • Our estimations RES – technical potential – app. 382 PJ = 50% of gross energy consumption (in y.2010)

  14. Barriers of RES development • Policy – pressure on one specific source of electricity (nuclear, coal) • Legislation • Missing financial support mechanisms (70 mil. EUR in 2009 for biomass heaters and solar panels) • Access to customers (no real market with the energy) • Administration process (licensing, EIA, access to grid connection...) • Technical barriers • PR – public campaigns, promotion...

  15. Energy savings potential Potential20% of primary sources by the year 2020Of the 471 PJ = 94 PJ9.4 PJ per year 50% of the consumption of primary resources tilly. 2050Of the 471 PJ = 235 PJ (or 382 PJ of gross inland consumption (761 PJ)6 PJ per year Action Plan for Energy EfficiencyEnergy savings target y.2008-2010 to 3% of final energy consumption = 12.4 PJ4.1 PJ per yearr.2016 = 37.2 PJ (9% of final energy consumption)

  16. Necessary measures • The amendment to the Energy Efficiency Act • Information campaigns, training programs and counseling centers energy • Energy Education in government buildings • Monitoring system for energy efficiency • Energy efficiency in public procurementNot only price, but also how much energy will be used for...-Fund to promote energy efficiency100 to 200 million. Per year (Action Plan from y.2007 was speakingabout only 5 million EUR for y.2008, 8.3 million EUR for y.2009 and 7 million. EUR for y.2010 – was not established)-State budget, emissions trading, CO2 tax, etc. ...-Private Sector • HTU (regional governments) and local governments budgets

  17. Renewable energy sources+ energy savings y.2050 382 PJ from RES 382 PJ energy savings and EE • Biomass Action Plan: "The amount of available energy in biomass is comparable to the amount of energy produced by three nuclear reactors with installed capacity of 440 MW„ (30% of electricitz consumption) • Exploitable potential for electricity generation is (according to the Energy Policy), 1540 GWh (5% of electricity consumption in Slovakia), but the current level of use is only 0.1 GWh • Water PP – already now 14-17% • Wind – ZVES – potential of 1,3-1,5 TWh/y in 2020 = 5% • Plans of new GPP = 1969 MW (420 MW Malzenice, 800 MW Slovnaft, 17 + 58 MW Bratislava, 89 MW Levice, 2*50 MW Panicke Dravce, 125 MW Kosice, 40 MW Zilina – COGEN, 200 MW Zilina - GPP, 2*120 MW Lucenec). That’s more than 4 nuclear units in Mochovce

  18. The biggest energy challenges for next 5 years: • Reform of the RES act • Fund for support of RES and EE(money from CO2 auctions) • Diversification of gas supplies • Ensure that the prices of nuclear energy are real (historical deficit in the National Nuclear Fund (NNF), sufficient fees into the NNF) • Serious studies about the NPP decommissioning and Spent nuclear fuel storage • Stop to mystify nuclear energy • Stop to underestimate the potential of RES • Finish subsidies into coal mining and nuclear energy • Massively invest into solar and geothermal energy • Stop to attack wind energy

  19. Thank you for your attention For more information: Pavol ŠIROKÝ o.z. ZA MATKU ZEM, Slovak Climate Coalition Radlinského 39, P.O.Box 93, 814 99 Bratislava Tel./fax: +421-2-52454515, Mobile: +421-903-791060 siroky@zmz.sk, www.zmz.sk www.alternativy.sk, www.klimatickezmeny.sk, www.usporyenergii.sk

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