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References - Canadian Aviation Regulations FTGU pg 19

GPS NGS: Air Law. 401.05 Documentation. References - Canadian Aviation Regulations FTGU pg 19. Instructor. 40 Minutes. 401.05 Documentation. MTPs: Inspection of A/C, for production of documents and prohibitions A/C maintenance Maintenance release and elementary work Maintenance schedule

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References - Canadian Aviation Regulations FTGU pg 19

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  1. GPS NGS: Air Law 401.05 Documentation References -Canadian Aviation RegulationsFTGU pg 19 Instructor 40 Minutes

  2. 401.05 Documentation • MTPs: • Inspection of A/C, for production of documents and prohibitions • A/C maintenance • Maintenance release and elementary work • Maintenance schedule • Inspections after abnormal occurrence • Requirement to keep technical records • Technical records - general • Journey log requirements • Journey log – carrying on board • Liability insurance

  3. MTP: Inspection of A/C, for production of documents and prohibitions • 103.02 • Anyone who holds or has possession of a Canadian aviation document, technical record or other document relating to an aircraft or a commercial air service shall produce it on request to: • A peace officer, an immigration officer or the Minister

  4. MTP: Aircraft Maintenance • 605.84 • It is against the law to fly an airplane that is not maintained as per its airworthiness limitations

  5. MTP: Maintenance Release and Elementary Work • Against CAR 605.05 to fly when A/C has undergone maintenance • unless the maintenance has been certified and signed off • People allowed to fly it: • Crew required for a maintenance test flight • Official observers (flight engineers would be authorized)

  6. MTP: Maintenance Release and Elementary Work • Pilot must enter test flight in log before A/C is returned to service • no maintenance release is required for elementary work • basic maintenance such as removal and replacement of tires, wheels, landing skids, glider wings and tails

  7. MTP: Maintenance Schedule • CAR 605.85 requires that an approved maintenance program be applied to all A/C • Examples • Tow Planes – 100 hr and 50 hr inspections • Gliders – 100 hr inspection

  8. MTP: Inspection after Abnormal Occurrences • CAR 605.88 Requirements for flying an A/C after an abnormal occurrence: • The A/C has to be inspected for damage • Where the inspection does not involve disassembly it can be done by the PIC

  9. MTP: Requirement to keep Technical Records • CAR 605.92 • Every owner of an a/c shall keep the following technical records in respect of the a/c • A journey log • In case of a balloon or a glider, or an a/c operated under a special certificate of airworthiness in the owner-maintenance or amateur-built classification, all entries in respect to the technical records may be kept in the journey log

  10. MTP: Technical Records - General • CAR 605.93 Every person who makes an entry in a technical record shall: • Make the entry accurately, legibly and in a permanent manner • Will sign and date the entry • Protect the records from damage or loss • When a new technical logbook is started, bring forward necessary entries from the old one to ensure that an unbroken chronological record is maintained

  11. MTP: Technical Records - General • CAR 605.93 If you make a mistakes: • Strike out entry so that underlying information remains legible (single line with ruler • Insert the correct entry making sure to include: • Reason for correction • Name and Date

  12. MTP: Journey Log Requirements • CAR 605.94 no person shall make a single (bulk) entry in a journey log unless: • The A/C is operated by the same PIC throughout the series; or • A daily flight record is used • Example RGS Time Sheets • The owner of an aircraft shall retain every entry in a journey log for a period of not less than one year

  13. MTP: Journey Log - Carrying on Board • CAR 605.95 no person shall conduct a take-off in an aircraft unless the journey log is on board • A person may conduct a take-off in an aircraft without carrying the journey log on board where • It is not planned that the aircraft will land and shut down at any location other than the point of departure

  14. MTP: Liability Insurance • CAR 606.02 • Proof of insurance is a requirement to fly • Shall be liability insurance covering risks of injury to or death of passengers

  15. 401.05 Confirmation Maverick Says: “Even the best go to ground school.”

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