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Overview. Kay Graf KM3NeT Computing and Software WG Meeting 2014/ 09/11. Topics for today. activity reports DB status (CB) QA/QC forms (GA) Jpp ( MdJ ) aanet (AH) Restless Oyster & Introducing Rainbow Alga ( TG) topics w/out reports: software strategy and its implementation
Overview Kay Graf KM3NeT Computing and SoftwareWG Meeting2014/09/11
Topics for today • activity reports • DB status (CB) • QA/QC forms (GA) • Jpp (MdJ) • aanet (AH) • Restless Oyster & Introducing Rainbow Alga (TG) • topics w/out reports: • software strategy and its implementation • discussion, feedback • open action points • software overview • progress towards GRID • offline data format • Jpp status • data processing for PPM-DU – asked for a meeting Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy • workshop on 31stof July at Erlangen – indico page: http://indico.cern.ch/event/332843/ • attendees: working group coordinators of the physics and software group and the main developers of the main KM3NeT software packages • minutes: http://indico.cern.ch/event/332843/material/minutes/0.rtf • aim: define a common ground, from where a dependable, fast data processing chain can be set up and the necessary, missing software can be developed. Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy – Proposal (to be ratified by the PSC) decisions of the meeting are the following — and should act as strong proposal for the further line of software development: • Accept and implement the dataformat-driven strategy (see KM3NeT_SOFT_WD_2014_003) for the KM3NeT offline software (both simulation and experiment data processing): KM3NeT will develop a data processing chain with well-defined interfaces (mainly i/o and configuration data formats) at each processing step. One official software package per step will be maintained (with alternatives for crosschecks), which can read/write the official data formats directly. Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy – Proposal (to be ratified by the PSC) • Accept the following data formats as working solution — documented also in the wiki: • global detector description format as proposed by AH • evtdata format for simulation (based on ANTARES-SOFT-1998-007and ANTARES-SOFT-1999-003) • raw- and online data format as defined by the DAQ group (see wiki page) • offline data format as proposed by AH (see this document) global_det_idndoms \n dom_idline_idfloor_idnpmts \n pmt_id_global x y z dx dydz t0 \n pmt_id_global x y z dx dydz t0 \n ... pmt_id_global x y z dx dydz t0 \n repeat for each dom Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy – Proposal (to be ratified by the PSC) • Definitions: • no software may change standard definitions (e.g. the standard coordinates that are to be defined (see action point)) • the time of KM3NeT is UTC for all software (including DB) • simulation data only contains pure photon/photoelectron information with possibly some merging (<1ns) - no smearing • particle ID from PDG is used in evt file format • no MC truth data is removed within the processing chain • Documentation of all software packages to include doxygen (annotated sources) and a wiki page (small tutorial, programme parameters) Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy – Discussion • asked for feedback on my mail from 4th of August – none received (other than some modifications of the detector description format). • Comments are highly welcome, we should discuss and prepare implementing these points in the next months - the final decision will be taken at the next steering committee meeting and on the next collaboration meeting. Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy – Open Action Points 1 • Present offline data format to collaboration via mail beginning of September, for final approval during Paris collaboration meeting -> AH, KG • ⇒ first a “running” version of aanethas to be finished • Revise usage of antcc classes in Jpp (use offline classes directly) -> MdJ, RB • ⇒ at a later stage • Reiterate compatibility between online and offline data format -> MdJ, RB, AH • ⇒ to be done (especially data types) • Define proposal for the KM3NeT standard coordinate system -> TE • ⇒ will be based on ANTARES, TE puts together ANTARES conventions currently • Assemble information for all software used in KM3NeT, create matrix (used in which processing step, responsible person, status) -> KG, AT • ⇒ see later • thereafter: decide on standard packages and formalise processing chain Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Strategy – Open Action Points 2 • Create a set of standard events (cascades and muon bundles) at CC-Lyon (in iRODs /in2p3/km3net/mc/benchmark) (for benchmarking) -> AT • ⇒ no feedback • Change particle ID and detector coordinate change in km3 -> CJ • ⇒ will be implemented in the next two weeks • Implement detector description format in Jpp -> RB • ⇒ done Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Software Overview • KM3NeT_SOFT_WD_2014_005 • one sheet: software description, one software matrix – see next slide • missing: • ORCA chain • anything in the HE chain? Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
GRID • thanks to Christos and Vania, there has been progress towards data processing in the GRID • unfortunately our proposal to EGI has been rejected – however with a new (EGI-encouraged) possibility next year • EGI has started support nevertheless: • access to the RAL cvmfs repo (/cvmfs/km3net.gridpp.ac.uk) ⇒ every cluster, data center or Grid Site that replicates that repo can use it • Christos has install Jpp on that repository and distributed it as “VO_KM3NET_ORG_SW_DIR" at the GridSites supporting the KM3NeT.org VO (tested successfully JSirene on HellasGrid) • we are invited to the EGI / Géantevent Wednesday the 24th Sept. afternoon- a dedicated session on storage will happen there: • http://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2160 • https://indico.egi.eu/indico/sessionDisplay.py?sessionId=23&confId=2160#20140924 • are you interested to go there? Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Offline data format • Aart is developing aanet as KM3NeT offline data format (with manipulation classes), see thisdocument): • following "aa" classes from Antares; break compatibility with ANTARES • principles: KISS, YAGNI, less is more, zen of python, etc. • very simple class hierarchy: you can look at a header file and immediately know what's in and Evt. goal is that anyone (new students, seniors) can do real work as easily as possible. • Use as much a possible general tools (c++, root, python). learning new stuff is always hard, but at least these are good things to learn for all students. • code is written with 3 uses in mind • TTree::Draw • pyroot/Cintscripting • compiled c++ • doxygen at http://antares.in2p3.fr/users/heijboer/aanetdox Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
Jppstatus (MdJ, RB) • implemented .detx detector format and conversion tools between formats (.txt is now incompatible – use r879 if you need that format!) • implemented interfaces for adding alternative algorithms, e.g. for ToT-response simulation • added example and data directory, to be run “as is” • a selection will be used as test scripts during make • new release tagged: • see http://elog.km3net.de/Computing+and+Software/13 Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
PPM-DU Data Processing • all runs < run 448 (GPS-tagged) are available at iRODS:data/raw/PPM-DU/filter/2014 (note: no monthly subdir!) • processed in Lyon using JPP in /afs/in2p3.fr/throng/km3net/src/Jpp/Jpp_install_tag_r879 • converterv1Tov2 -d 1 -t GPS1 –u GPS2 –v GPS3 • JTriggerProcessor-d 1 -T 1 -@ "writeL1=1" -@ "trigger3DShower.numberOfHits=1" -a /afs/in2p3.fr/home/g/graf/km3net_ppm_du_timeoffsets_corrected.txt -c 3 • (note “1” instead of “true” is necessary for writeL1 even if it is a bool) • now move to nightly processing at CP • scripts are prepared but not tested yet Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf
PPM-DU Data Processing • missing: • check .txt → .detx detector conversion is correct (results are identical): http://elog.km3net.de/Computing+and+Software/12 • determination of effect of inter-DOM offsets • define the final quasi-online processing parameters • change the retrieval of GPS times from runlog.txt to runlog.xml (database xml upload format) Comp-Soft-WG Meeting - 2014/09/11 - K. Graf