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Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering. Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Dept. Institute of Marine Engineers “ Egypt Branch”. INLAND WATER TRANSPORTATION. The BSC Seminar. Prepared By. Mohamed Salah Ebeida. I. Introduction.
Alexandria UniversityFaculty of Engineering Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Dept.
Institute of Marine Engineers “Egypt Branch” INLAND WATER TRANSPORTATION The BSC Seminar Prepared By Mohamed Salah Ebeida
I. Introduction • Importance of transportation to economic growth for different nations • Environmental impacts of different transportation systems
a. Energy Efficiency Inland Barges moves longer distances considering the same amount of cargo and the same amount of consumed fuel
BTU/ Ton-mile => Measures of freight Energy Efficiency <=
b. Safety • Highway trucking is intermixed in traffic with automobiles and, in urban areas, with pedestrians. • Rail shipment involve large number of massive units traveling at high speed. • Waterway environment has few crossing junctures and is remote from population centers. • Hazardous cargoes have more protection when transported using barges.
c. Congestion • Congestion wastes valuable energy resources and increases personal trip time • Waterway industry has met the increase in additional cargo demand by building fewer tow boats with greater horsepower • Rail also operates on a dedicated right-of-way so it have no congestion problem but it can cause serious congestion problems for others
Each tow added to our Egyptian inland fleet will replace 900 trucks moving on our high ways
d. Air / Noise pollution Pounds / 1000 ton mile Vessels produce 33 % less pollutants than diesel trains and 373 % less than diesel trucks Again, road traffic is, by far, the dominant source of pollutant emissions.
e. Land use / Social impact • While trucks and trains, to a degree, operate much closer to populated areas, barges quietly make their way along isolated waterways for most of their trip. • With some rail lines passing through major urban areas, the attendant noise impacts are experienced by nearby residents
SOCIAL COST AIR RAIL Barges ROAD TOTAL AIR POLLUTION 2 4 3 91 100 NOISE POLLUTION 26 10 0 64 100 LAND COVERAGE 1 7 1 91 100 CONSTRUCTION / MAINTENANCE 2 37 5 56 100 ACCIDENTS / CASUALITIES 1 1 0 98 100 Social Costs In Relation To Transport Modalities (In %)
· A 826% increase in fuel use annually · A 709% increase in exhaust emissions annually · A 5,967% increase in probable accidents each year · The need to annually dispose of 2,746 used truck tires, and · An additional truck traffic load of 1,333 heavy vehicles each day in the study corridors In an analysis carried out by the Illinois State Water Survey, U.S.A. in 1993 What was determined in the analysis was that a shift to trucks from vessels would cause:
f. Environmental Aspects There are a number of coincidental benefits related to water transportation. Other major beneficiaries include • Recreation • Wildlife habitat • Flood control • Public water supply • Irrigation • Industrial use
Conclusion • Effective inland transport system is very essential for any economic growth. • Inland water transportation is a safe, quiet, virtually invisible transportation system and has the unique capability to carry tremendous amounts of cargo. • Inland water transportation is the most environmentally friend mode.
Responsibility of governmental authorities: 1. Canalizing and deepening the barges’ path in the River. 2. Construction and Maintenance of Dams and locks to ensure reasonable and constant depth of water as possible. 3. Construction of canals to be used mainly for water transport if the volume of commodity to be transported makes this possible from an economical point of view. 4. Construction of loading and unloading facilities
III. Now discussing an example of how the developed countries deal with their waterways
Europe has a finely-meshed network of navigable waterways. It is difficult to think of a destination in Europe that cannot be reached by water.
Every year more than 400 million tons (that is 400 billion kilos!) are transported by water. More than 60% of the total international cargo transport occurs by ship!
Results reached till now a) 15% lower fuel consumption, emission levels and maintenance costs; b) 30% increase in cargo volume and payload capacity c) New hull forms with 10% better performance in comparison with current modern inland ship designs
a. Classes of the Egyptian waterways No country possesses a vast net of inland waterways like Egypt. In fact, every city, town and village lies on the river or one or more of its branches or existing navigable canals.
b. Units used in the Egyptian waterways • Self propelled barges 340 units • Pusher barge and pushed dumb barge 340 units • Pusher tug and pushed dumb barges 10 units • Towing tug and towed dumb barges
c. Current Projects • Converting the Damietta branch to a first class route 200 million L.E. • Re-open and develop the Ismailia Canal 175 million L.E. • the connection of Dekhiela port with the Egyptian inland waterways network. Under study?!!
d. Position of inland water transportation among the other modes in Egypt: In 1980 a study made by Louis Berger Bureau stated the following data % The Study predicted rise in the share of inland water transportation by the year 1985
Unfortunately days has proved that these predictions were not correct • The situation got worse as the following data recorded by the Ministry of Transport show: % It is believed nowadays (year 2000), that the share of the inland water transport is less than 1.5% !
Personal Comment • This weak participation of inland water transportation is not accepted at all as it costs our economy thousands of pounds every day • The decision makers ignore this mode completely when speaking about development of transportation • The role of the private sector is to be improved