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VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT Sean O ‘Connor. This Presentation. UAE Case Study MERC to F1 Pan Regional Training Use of Research Future needs from FIA. The Challenge. For 25 years the biggest event in our calendar was the Dubai Rally part of MERC and the Desert Challenge

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  2. This Presentation • UAE Case Study MERC to F1 • Pan Regional Training • Use of Research • Future needs from FIA

  3. The Challenge • For 25 years the biggest event in our calendar was the Dubai Rally part of MERC and the Desert Challenge • We had a pool of 180 volunteers for these events • Last year saw the debut of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and the need for 700 trained officials

  4. Our Approach • Play safe – import 50 % from UK • Upgrade our skills of our existing team • Recruit 400 new officials and provide training • Research the motivation and demographics of our marshals. Use this data to put in place a marketing campaign in 2010 • Be self sufficient in 5 years with 1000 trained volunteers.

  5. Training Summary 2009 • TOSFED Training partnership • 8 Training sessions • Target high local participation in Medical and Technical areas

  6. Research Approach • Recruit leading US academic in the area of volunteer motivation to work with Abu Dhabi Higher College of Technology = knowledge transfer and public affairs benefit • Survey of volunteers at sign on • Selected interviews

  7. Research Findings • 27 Nationalities • Global decline in volunteering • Motivation different by different audience • Copy of report available to other ASNs

  8. The Outcome • Highly successful event • Best Grand Prix • Research data allowed us to advance plan to be self sufficient • Development of FIA regional strategy for motorsport

  9. Our Plan • Is based on : • Recruitment • Training • Retention Volunteer management is equally a marketing & communications challenge as much as a training one.

  10. Pan Regional Training • New FIA plan focused on a collaborative approach • Training a priority • Grassroot the focus • 1st Regional Stewards meeting held in Lebanon in June – 11 ASNs • More planned

  11. 2010 Approach • Micro marketing campaign • Over subscribed allowed us to be selective • Training by former FIA Institute trainer • Arabic content and training • Ahead on 5 year plan – only 20 % non local

  12. What do we plan next • Work with FIA Institute & regional training provider • Train the Trainer ( 40 ) on an annual basis to enable in house training going forward • Develop the Recruitment and Retention process • Use research to support

  13. What do we need from the FIA going forward ? • Volunteer Commission welcome • More holistic approach from the FIA Institute e.g. • Grassroot training support • Recruitment and Retention support • Software

  14. Thank You

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