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Welcome to Volunteer Retraining for Teens. R6/14. Customer Service Integrity Program Confidentiality and Privacy Standards of Conduct Tuberculosis Precautions Hand washing Boundaries. Standard Precautions Safety and Security Fire Safety Hazardous Chemicals Disaster Codes
Customer Service Integrity Program Confidentiality and Privacy Standards of Conduct Tuberculosis Precautions Hand washing Boundaries Standard Precautions Safety and Security Fire Safety Hazardous Chemicals Disaster Codes Abandoned Newborns In this courseyou will learn about:
Directions • Please read everything carefully • Some sections have a quiz (included in your retraining packet). • Sign forms when indicated. • When you have completed all sections of retraining and completed your packet, please return packet to Family and Volunteer Services by email, mail, or hand delivery. • Adobe is required to complete the packet. Save your packet on your desktop and double-check that the answers are visible. • CHROME USERS: Save the blank packet to your computer’s desktop before filling out the packet. You will need to open the saved packet in the Adobe Reader program in order to fill it out and re-save it effectively.
Nationwide Children’s MissionOur Reason For Being C - Highest Quality Health Care regardless of families ability to pay A- Advocacy for children and families R- Pediatric Research to ensure our children’s future health E - Education for patients, families, future providers and community S - Outstanding Service to patients, families and all customers
Customer Service Principles • Treat each family as my top priority • Treat each other as valued customers • Take the responsibility to resolve customer concerns • Assure that the customers’ expectations drive what I do • Continuously improve the quality of services I offer
Standards of Conduct The Corporate Integrity Program • Volunteers are members of the NCH Team • NCH believes in and encourages an open communication policy • NCH maintains a culture that promotes integrity and ethical behavior
Standards of Conduct The Corporate Integrity Program Employees and volunteers are required to review the hospital Standards of Conduct booklet. Please click on the link to open the hospital website. The Office for Research Compliance and Integrity--Standards of Conduct When open, find ‘Standards of Conduct’ on the bottom right and click.
Standards of Conduct The Corporate Integrity Program Non-Retaliation Policy • No disciplinary action or other form of retaliation shall be taken against any volunteer who, in good faith, reports an issue, problem, concern or violation to management, human resources, the Compliance Officer or the Hotline. Conflicts of Interest • Volunteers will not pursue activities which represent a conflict of interest of the organization or the volunteer program.
Standards of Conduct The Corporate Integrity Program Your Responsibility • First, contact your direct supervisor/manager. • Second, if you have raised an issue and it’s not getting proper attention or unable to resolve, relay your concerns to the next level of management. • Third, seek guidance from Human Resources, the appropriate Executive Staff member, or the Corporate Compliance Officer. • If assistance is still needed, or if you are uncomfortable taking the above steps, call or email the Hotline.
Standards of Conduct The Corporate Integrity Program Corporate Compliance Officer Hotline https://nationwidechildrens.alertline.com 1-877-267-1935 Kathleen M. Dunn • Call or email the hotline if your concerns are not addressed through the standard resolution process or if you wish to remain anonymous.
Go to the Retraining Packet: 1. Read and sign the Standards of Conduct form 2. Take the Customer Service/ Corporate Integrity quiz
What is HIPAA? • The Health Insurance • Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 HIPAA provides federal government standards and requirements for maintaining and transmitting health information. It defines and protects information that identifies a patient.
Patient’s Rights • Patients have a right to know how their information is used, who their information has been shared with and have a right to privacy. • Patients can restrict use and disclosure of health information.
Minimum Necessary • Volunteers and staff have access to the minimum necessary information to do their job Reasonable Safeguards • Take the necessary precautions to keep protected health information from unwanted disclosure
What is Protected Health Information? • Medical Record Number • E-mail address • Name of employer • Fax number • Fingerprint • Full-face photo • Patient Name • Address • Phone Number • Birth Date • Social Security Number • Name of Relatives
At the Hospital Elevators Break rooms Shuttle bus Smoking hut Hallways Cafeteria Nurses’ stations In the Community Neighborhoods Churches Ball games Service organizations Parties Stores Clubs Where can breaches in confidentiality occur?
What happens if there is a breach in confidentiality? • The most common breach of confidentiality comes from loose talk, speaking openly in public spaces or in the community. • Volunteers who breach confidentiality are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. • There may be heavy civil and criminal fines for violation of the law for the hospital.
Your Role: paper, faxes, phones, computers • Never leave paper information unattended • Paper information includes admitting gift list, or any paper that has patient information • When making copies, do not leave originals in the copy machine • Carefully dispose of confidential information • Grey shredding bins are located throughout the hospital • Use fax and phone wisely • Reasonably verify fax numbers, location of receiving fax machine, identify of person receiving fax. Do not leave originals in fax machine • Reasonably verify phone number, identity of person(s) receiving voice mails • Be careful with computers • Never share or write down your password; log off if you leave. • Do not send patient information (even names) on unsecured email • Make sure screens are not visible to those who should not have • access
Your Role: Sharing Information • Be careful with all oral communications—who can hear your conversation? This includes other volunteers. • Before sharing information, verify person’s identity or check with the nurses station. • Don’t pass along information from patient to patient—maintain their confidentiality • Don’t share information with patients’ extended family or friends • Do not include PHI (such as patient name) in unsecured email communications
Go to the Retraining Packet and take the Confidentiality/Privacy quiz Also, sign Confidentiality and Security Agreement
What are Boundaries? • Boundaries help set limits. • Boundaries let you know what is ok and what is not ok. • Boundaries protect YOU and patients and families. • Boundaries let you know how involved you can get. • Boundaries helps you evaluate each situation and decide what to do. • Boundaries helps you decide how to respond.
Know Your Boundaries ASK YOURSELF… • Is this part of my assigned volunteer role? • Was I trained in this activity? • Am I maintaining patient confidentiality? • Could this activity present a safety risk for myself or the patients? • How does your activity appear to other patients and families? Could someone feel offended or upset? • Is this how I would want the situation handled if I were in the hospital? Who would I want to know about my personal situation? • Unsure? ASK YOUR COORDINATOR OR FVS STAFF!
Know Your Boundaries • Boundary Ground Rules • Function within your assignment description and tasks you have been trained. • Do not bring food or gifts to patients or families. Do not accept gifts from families. • Do not offer to babysit in family homes. • Volunteers are discouraged from socializing with patients or families outside the hospital setting. • Do not personally provide transportation to patients and families. • Do not provide your personal contact information to patients or families or accept contact information from them. • Refrain from seeking medical information about patients. Maintain confidentiality—in hospital and in community.
Boundaries and Social Media • Volunteers are welcome to have social networking sites in their personal lives. • Your experiences here at the hospital are covered under privacy and confidentiality laws and cannot be shared in a public forum, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. • A volunteer cannot ‘friend’ a patient or a family member, even after they are discharged. • A volunteer cannot accept a ‘friend’ request from a patient or a family member, even after they are discharged. • The exception is if the patient or family member is a previous acquaintance.
Boundaries and Social Media • You may not post photos of patients on any social media site, such as Facebook or Instagram. Always remember patient privacy is of top priority. • There are many different scenarios and social media changes constantly. Just because we haven’t listed a particular website or situation doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider it. • Think about the intent of the policy. We cannot have a rule for every situation. If a parent says it’s okay, is it? Who might be at risk? Are you really ‘friends’ with everyone in groups you belong to on Social Media? If you have a question, ask your coordinator.
Go to the Retraining Packet. Read and sign the Boundaries/Therapeutic Relationships form AND the Social Medial Policy
Infection Control What do volunteers need to know to prevent the spread of infection? • Keep yourself healthy • The healthier you are, the less chance you have of catching or spreading infection • Be up to date on your immunizations • This is not required to volunteer, with the exception of volunteers who have not had the chicken pox. • Have an annual physical • This is not required to volunteer • Get a flu shot! Save your documentation.
Tuberculosis • TB is spread when people cough, sneeze, speak, sing • Franklin County has the highest TB rate in state • The CDC determines need for TB testing based on an organizations size and risk • Not everyone with TB has symptoms Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium M. tuberculosis and is spread through the droplets of moisture that come from your nose or mouth.
Cough: > 2 weeks Coughing blood Weight loss Fatigue Night sweats Loss of appetite Nausea Signs and Symptoms If you have experienced more than one of these symptoms in the last 12 months without explanation, see a doctor. • Fever and chills • Chest Pain • Swollen Glands
Volunteer Responsibilities • Teens/High School Students: • Go your primary care provider or another provider in the community to have a TB test. Then, provide the results to Employee Health at EmpHealth@nationwidechildrens.org. There may be a charge. • Results must be received in Employee Health within 30 days. • TB tests must be received annually when volunteering. • See next slide for further information
Volunteer Responsibilities Beginning in 2014: TB testing required of all volunteers • Teen/High School Student Resources: • Summary of the Teen TB policy and the email address to send documentation of TB results—Use this link to view: http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/Document/Get/128499 • Locations in the community where you can receive a TB skin test—Use this link to view: http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/Document/Get/128496 • All updated ongoing information is available on the website at www.nationwidechildrens.org/volunteering under ‘Current Volunteers.’
Go to Retraining Packet: • Take Tuberculosis quiz • Complete and sign TB Testing Requirements
Chicken Pox/Shingles • Chicken pox is highly contagious and to some children can be deadly. • Preventative vaccine is currently available. • If you have not had the chicken pox we require that you receive the vaccination before volunteering • If unsure about personal history of disease and are exposed, DO NOT COME IN TO THE HOSPITAL TO VOLUNTEER. • Shingles is a very painful rash that affects the nerves. If you suspect you have shingles, DO NOT COME IN TO THE HOSPITAL TO VOLUNTEER. A person with shingles can pass on the illness as chickenpox.
Standard Precautions • Method of infection control - precautions for all patients • Manage all contact with human blood and body fluids as if it may contain transmissible infectious agent. • Standard Precautions include: hand hygiene and use of PPE as appropriate.
Standard Precautions What are PPE? Wear gloves…if possibility of contact with body fluids Wear a gown…to protect skin or your clothing Wear a mask…to protect nose and mouth from body fluids
Take Additional Precautions… • To stop transmission of infectious diseases from one patient to another • When patients who are diagnosed with a contagious illness or who have been exposed to an unidentified illness • Color-coded signs on door
Contact PrecautionsGloves, Gown and Hand hygiene • RSV • Rotavirus • Viral Conjunctivitis • MRSA, VRE Family and visitors may only be wearing gloves and gown when providing care. Policy revision: Gloves and gown MUST be worn, even if not touching surfaces or patient.
Droplet PrecautionsMask and Hand hygiene • Bacterial meningitis • Strep Family and visitors may only be wearing a mask if having close patient contact.
Patients with respiratory infections (Pertussis or Flu) may initially have both signs posted OR the Orange Precautionssign below. • Follow both by wearing: • Gloves • Gown • Mask
Airborne PrecautionsMask and Hand Hygiene • Chickenpox • Measles • Will be in Airborne infection isolation room Gloves and gown should be worn if contact with infectious materials is expected.
Airborne Precautions VOLUNTEERS MAY NOT ENTER • Requires fitted N-95 mask • Tuberculosis • Smallpox
Other Signs You May See… Toys in this room need to be cleaned with bleach wipes NPO Nothing by mouth—no food or liquid May be some language barriers Do not enter without talking with nurse
Eliminating Patient Falls We are all expected to do what we can do reduce the risk of falls. This icon on a patient room means that a patient has been assessed as being at HIGH RISK for falls. • Precautions include: • Side rails left up • Bed in lowest position • Help with walking • Place call light and personal items within reach • Patient wearing non-skid foot wear
Other signs you don’t recognize? • Check with the nurse’s station • Do not open the patient room door • Take deliveries to nurse’s station
Health Care-Associated Infections • Infections patients get while in the hospital • Frequently transmitted by germs on hands • Prevented by hand washing • Gel In…Gel Out! Wash hands for at least 15 seconds!
Handwashing Rubbing Alcohol Gel Versus Soap and Water • You must use soap and water: • After using the restroom • Before and after using gloves • When exposed to blood or body fluids • After blowing nose, sneezing, or coughing • You can choose gel or soap: • When entering and exiting every patient room or curtained area • When dropping items off for patients • Routinely during volunteering to help prevent the spread of germs • When having direct patient care
Exposures What to do when exposed to blood or body fluids, including urine, feces, vomit, or spit-up: • Wash the area • Notify RN in charge • Notify FVS • In FVS, we will: • Complete incident report • Contact Employee Health, if needed • Follow up with Employee Health Incident reports are not optional.
OSHA Rules • While in patient areas, do not: • eat • drink • apply cosmetics or lip balm • handle contact lenses • Do not wear home clothing contaminated with blood/body fluids • get scrubs from SPD and leave clothes—FVS will assist • file incident report • clothes will be washed and returned • Artificial nails are not permitted
Go to Retraining Packet and take Standard Precautions/Transmission-Based Precautions quiz