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On Becoming a Better Student Donna Farhi Schuster. Who killed these teachers?. 2008 年 10 月 4 日,山西朔州某学生将一位年仅 23 岁,与其素无冤仇的老师郝旭东刺死; 10 月 21 日,浙江缙云 31 岁的女教师潘伟仙被学生丁某掐死在家访途中; 10 月 29 日,中国政法大学 43 岁的教授程春明被本校一学生砍死在教室里。 是谁杀死了老师?.
On Becoming a Better Student Donna Farhi Schuster
Who killed these teachers? • 2008年10月4日,山西朔州某学生将一位年仅23岁,与其素无冤仇的老师郝旭东刺死;10月21日,浙江缙云31岁的女教师潘伟仙被学生丁某掐死在家访途中;10月29日,中国政法大学43岁的教授程春明被本校一学生砍死在教室里。 • 是谁杀死了老师?
雨后的晴空:郝旭东的Blog • 郝旭东 • 我的生日:1985年1月 • 我的身高:170cm • 我的体重:62kg • 我的籍贯:山西忻州 • 我的特长:写作、评论、演讲、溜冰、骑马 • 我的爱好:读书、听音乐、运动
China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL) • teacher stabbed to death ,receiving free psychological counseling • no authoritative source to confirm Fu's motives for murder • The murder at university was the third attack on a teacher in China this October. In the other two cases, a 16-year-old middle school student killed his teacher with a knife in Shanxi Province. Another student of the same age, in Zhejiang Province, strangled his teacher to death.
传道授业解惑的教书先生,原本令无数人尊敬,何时成为了像危险活的担当者?是什么原因令师生关系紧张到非得兵刀相向、不共戴天的地步? • 。“不光是老师,父母也不尊重我,同学也是,他们歧视我……我也不会去尊重他们,我的心灵渐渐扭曲。我采用了这种最极(端)的方法。我不会去后悔,从我这个想法一出,我就知道了我选择了一条不归路,一条通向死亡的道路,我希望我用这种方式可以唤醒人们对学生的态度,认识社会,认识国家,认识到老师的混蛋,让教育业可以改变。” ---- 山西16岁中学生李明
只有生命被敬畏、被尊重,只有人不被人所消灭,这个社会才会给人最起码的安全感,才会真正有希望。 • 为人师者,“使学生对教师尊敬的惟一源泉在于教师的德和才”;为人学者,“为学莫重于尊师”。 • 师生关系是教育中最积极、最活跃、最能动的人际关系,有民主性、双向性、多重性、主体性、互动性等特点。
教育的本质不仅是给人一种谋生的技能,还应该给人一个健全的人格、坚韧的心灵和社会责任感 • 当社会环境已然世风日下的时候,教育又谈何独善其身呢?学校和教育的问题根本还在于社会,当我们每一个人都趋于利而忘于义,学校和教育又怎么能说服莘莘学子向善慕义。
确立良好的师生关系,首先要消除学生对教师的陌生感。 • 其次,教师要树立可以信任的权威。 “敬畏” • 教师对学生要一律平等。 • 弑师案凸显学校管理资源配置失衡 师生关系紧张 • 校园心理健康的防线是一条很脆弱的防线。
人跟人的距离在逐渐拉远,不管是老师和学生,种种因素,他们的距离在拉开,同班同学的距离都在拉开,连同宿舍的都在拉开。 • 文明教育的悲剧,校园暴戾之气有转型社会矛盾相对多发的原因 • 学生对于教师普遍缺乏信任感,更遑论爱戴之情了。
一是学校与社会环境的冲突使然。 • 二是制度设计的偏差。 • 三是大学学术精神的衰退。 • 四是教师自律精神的缺失。 • 五是学生单一的文凭观割断了良好的师生关系。 • 师生关系的紧张是应试教育制度的“炮灰”,
我始终都坚信教书应当是一件很轻松愉悦的事情,让学生生活在洁净的天空下,无论他们成绩的好坏,都能平等地享受到这份快乐,这是我一直追寻的梦想,这个梦想如果能实现,教书不会是一件危险活儿。我始终都坚信教书应当是一件很轻松愉悦的事情,让学生生活在洁净的天空下,无论他们成绩的好坏,都能平等地享受到这份快乐,这是我一直追寻的梦想,这个梦想如果能实现,教书不会是一件危险活儿。 • 教书还应育人,以理服人,更重要的是以情服人。
Pre-reading questions • 1. As a student, what is your expectation of teachers? Do you expect them to be omniscient and omnipotent, or as human as you are? • 2. What do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?
Tips from an instructor • Sit toward the front of class. You are less likely to be distracted than you would in back of the class. • If you don't understand material discussed in class, or you are not doing as well as you want, then please talk to me, the instructor. Getting discouraged, avoiding discussing a bad grade may only cause the problem to linger. By talking to me immediately, you may fix the problem quickly and as a result may enjoy the class more.
Study every day. If you read your textbook and review your notes, even for 15-30 minutes a day, you will find that preparing for tests is much less painful, and the results are much better. Last minute studying or "cramming", even for several hours, just really isn't as effective as studying regularly, a little bit each day. The best time to study is within 2-4 hours after the class. Reviewing the day's material at this time helps you to remember more permanently what happened in class that day.
Find colleagues to study with. Ask each other review questions, compare homework answers, and quiz each other on the material. Studying together will usually help you to focus more on the material (often when I study my mind is apt to wander on to other things), find alternative explanations, and discover if you've forgotten to study any material.
What to do when you study? Here are some things to do: • Review your class notes • Read the assigned text • Recopy class notes, adding info you may have left out or that you picked up from reading the text • Answer review questions • Make up your own review questions, possibly for a study partner to answer
What makes teachers happy? Here are a few really easy things: • Be punctual. It's discouraging to watch students arrive late and leave class early. It is a courtesy to warn your instructor advance of a late arrival or early departure. • Make eye contact. Looking somewhere else gives the impression you aren't listening. • Participate in class. Even asking to repeat or clarify something is appreciated. • Use the instructor's name. Everyone likes it when people know your name.
Submit work on time. • Follow guidelines exactly on assignments, and turn in neat, legible work. • Request explanations. Believe it or not, a lot of teachers like it when you ask for help. • Thank the teacher.
A World of Yoga Spirit + Body = Harmony Yoga is a form of mysticism神秘主义 that developed on the Indian subcontinent in the Hindu cultural context. In this sense Yoga represents a process through which one can learn how to live in the most integrated way. The literal meaning of the word Yoga in Sanskrit is UNION or INTEGRATION. Yoga is therefore the union and integration of every aspect of a human being, from the innermost to the external.
According to Yoga experts, the union referred to by the name is that of the individual soul with the cosmos, or the Supreme. Yoga has both a philosophical and a practical dimension. The philosophy of yoga (union) deals with the nature of the individual soul and the cosmos, and how the two are related. The practice of yoga, on the other hand, can be any activity that leads or brings the practitioner closer to this mystical union – a state called self-realization.
The practice of yoga teaches us how to quiet the mind by placing attention to the breath, and also on the movements (stillness) of the body. It comes in many forms specifically designed to suit different types of people. As a result, some forms of yoga have gained significant popularity outside India, particularly in the West during the past century.
1、空腹时进行 最好是在进餐前的1-2小时,当胃处于比较空的状态下,排完便进行。 • 2、以鼻呼吸 • 基本上要靠鼻子进行呼吸,鼻子可以清除空气中的杂菌、病毒、预防干燥,从平时就注意的鼻子呼吸吧! • 3、裸足进行 • 基本上要裸足练习瑜伽。如果穿着鞋子进行会有滑倒的危险,尤其是进行站立的动作时,最好是光着脚。 • 4、运动后不要立即洗浴 • 在激烈运动与入浴后不要进行。在20-30分钟后,脉搏平稳时,稍做休息后进行练习。 • 5、身体状况糟时不要勉强 • 当您生病或不舒服时,必须获得医生的许可,在可能的范围内进行。
First, it's important to learn and truly believe that the Yoga breath is the science of breath control. It is a terribly wonderful thing to master, but may take you many months to be able to do on a regular, Yoga basis. The Yoga breath is the key differentiaor that separates it from every other form of exercise. That is because, the breath takes place in and out of the nose.
Tips to aid in your breathing • Practice breathing in Savasana, or Corpse Pose • Place your hands over one another, palms down, on your abdomen • Rest if you feel dizzy or lightheaded (this may occur if you are a beginner) • Envision a teardrop (below) formation or "fill a balloon" with each breath • Slow the breath down, 1 inhale = 2 exhales • Feel the belly rise and fall with each breath
Structure of the text • Pa 1-2 The introductory part states the writer expects from her students---learn how to learn by themselves. • Pa 3-9 The main body discusses the qualities good students have. • Pa 10 The writer gives more tips for the aspiring student.
Questions for comprehension • Part 0ne • What do students expect from their teachers? • To be enthusiastic, reliable and knowledgeable. • Why does the writer mention the students’ expectations for their teacher first?
It seems that she is beating around the bushes, but actually she intends to redress some of their views. Students are required to realize that learning is not meant to be a give-and-take process. What the students should get from school education is the cultivation of the ability to learn through their own observation and investigation. This leads to the discussion of the factors that will make a good student.
Don't beat around the bush • Don't beat around the bush.(别拐弯抹角/ 旁敲侧击/ 兜圈子。)【额外成就感】Tell me the truth; don't beat around the bush.(实话告诉我,别兜圈子。)Stop beating around the bush and tell me who won.(不要东拉西扯了,告诉我谁赢了。)