1. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 1 Becoming a Student Teacher The Application Process
2. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 2
3. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 3 In order to accomplish this mission, the Office must work collaboratively with CCSU faculty/departments to ensure that Teacher Candidates are prepared to apply principles of learning and assessment through a variety of technologies to guide our own best practice and that of practitioners in the profession.
4. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 4 In addition, the OFE must follow the placement practices of the school communities we work with as well as the mandates of the State Department of Education.
Students MAY NOT secure their own student teaching placements.
5. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 5 The OFE works hard to serve CCSU students preparing to become Connecticut educators. … DID YOU KNOW……
we make over 400 placements each academic year?
we work with over 60 different school districts?
we provide regular BEST trainings to Connecticut teachers in order to host a student teacher?
6. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 6 Application Deadline All-level disciplines (K-12) including Special Education –
February 15 for the fall semester
September 15 for the spring semester
Secondary and Elementary
March 1 for the fall semester
October 1 for the spring semester
7. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 7 The Student Teaching Application Applications can be found online at
Applications must be downloaded and filled out using Word. No handwritten applications will be accepted.
8. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 8 Applications also include: Copies of transcripts (CCSU and any other institution; unofficial OK).
Letter of acceptance into the professional program.
Current resume.
Two essays:
Autobiographical Sketch
Your goals for student teaching
*Be sure to have your essays proof-read by at least two other people.
(Sample essays may be viewed in the OFE.)
9. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 9 Application Submission Applications are accepted BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Appointments must be made in person in HB 309a
Each appointment is about 15 minutes.
10. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 10 During your application appointment we will: Review transcripts to ensure prerequisite courses have been taken as well as appropriate grades have been earned.
Ask you to fill out an additional information sheet with your practicum information as well as background information.
Read through your essays and resume.
Answer any questions you may have.
Provide you with a Bottom Line information sheet.
11. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 11 What if…. I can’t find my letter of acceptance?
We will ask you to fill out a separate form that will enable the OFE to obtain a copy from the Dean’s office.
I am missing a transcript?
We will accept your application but will not begin to make requests until the application is complete.
I have an incomplete on my transcript?
All incompletes must be clear by a specific date before the application will be sent out to districts.
12. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 12 Securing Placements The OFE must work with BEST district facilitators.
The OFE makes requests on behalf of the student.
Students MAY NOT secure their own placements.
13. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 13 Placement Notification Students will be notified by the OFE about a pending placement. This is done by mail. It is important that students keep the OFE informed about any change in address or phone number.
On occasion, a potential cooperating teacher may contact the student first. Should this happen, please contact the OFE immediately.
14. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 14 Interviewing with the Cooperating Teacher Placements are not final until the completion of a successful interview.
Once you receive the placement information, students must make contact immediately. Failure to do so may result in loss of the student teaching placement.
Because the OFE works hard to secure placements, it is unable to confirm final placements. Student should assume the placement is sent unless Holly Hollander contacts them. In such cases, the cooperating teacher has exercised his/her option not to host the student at this time. Holly Hollander will contact the student immediately to discuss next steps.
15. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 15 First Impressions When meeting your cooperating teacher for the interview be sure to :
Dress for success.
Be on time – BE EARLY.
Have a thank you note ready to go out following the interview.
Bring work samples that illustrate your work ethic and creativity.
Show your passion and commitment to the teaching profession and children.
16. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 16 For more information Please check the OFE website at www.ccsu.edu/ofe for application information sessions.
These sessions typically take place the first two weeks of the semester in HB 212.
17. Office of Field Experiences ~ 832-2067 17 Contact Information Holly Hollander, Director ~ Hollanderh@ccsu.edu
Sue Ford, Student Teaching Placement Coordinator ~ Fords@ccsu.edu