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PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT FOR THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD. BBPS, NOIDA. Case Study. 2 sets of families ----Both are proud parents of 5-year-old daughters---Both set of parents dote on their daughters--- the daughters are the ‘ large’ apples of their eyes---Both have

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  2. Case Study 2 sets of families ----Both are proud parents of 5-year-old daughters---Both set of parents dote on their daughters--- the daughters are the ‘large’ apples of their eyes---Both have exactly the same parenting style in their respective families, the child is the boss----parents do exactly what the child tells them to do----give in to every demand. They have no manners, are rude, like to boss around with other kids (and adults too), talk a lot (are too mature in language), hit or spit on people, if anybody (other than the family) does not agree to their demands, they can’t take a ‘No’ for an answer… There are no rules or guidelines for these kids.

  3. The chapati has to be fed by either of the parents while the child jumps up and down the sofa or simply runs around. Their eating habits… they just don’t eat anything other than a chapati. And that too without any dal or vegetable. So, if their 5-year-old daughter has 10 spoons of milk in a day, it is a celebration in the family). On every trip with the kid in the market, a toy is bought, simply because the child asked for it. The result, there are hundreds of toys lying around and all battered and uncared for. Incidentally, both the girls are good at studies. • So, what do you think of this parenting style?  • Is this what Should be called “Being Involved?” • Is this parenting style good for the child?

  4. Research demonstrates that parent/ family involvement significantly contributes to improved student outcomes. • Everyone -- students, parents, teachers, administrators, and communities -- benefits from family involvement

  5. Research on Involvement • Effective parent/family involvement improves student outcomes throughout the school years • The most promising opportunity • for student achievement occurs when families, schools, and • community organizations • work together

  6. More positive attitudes toward school; • Higher achievement, better attendance, and more homework completed consistently; • Higher graduation rates and enrollment rates in post-secondary education.

  7. Greater knowledge of education programs and how schools work; • Knowledge of how to be more supportive of children; • Greater confidence about ways to help children learn; • More positive view of teachers; • Greater empowerment

  8. ROLE OF A FATHER IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT • Research shows the following impact of fathers and father figures on children’s Social-Emotional Development: • • Engagement and Interaction • Play is the most frequent activity fathers engage in with their children. • • Positive interactions strengthen the • Bond between father and child. • •Enhances peer relationships. • • Availability and Accessibility

  9. Roleof Father in their child’s development Children with Involved Fathers/Father Figures Are... • More successful in school • More ambitious • More self-confident with their identity • Self-protective and self-reliant • Less likely to drop out of school • Less susceptible to peer pressure • Less likely to get in trouble with law

  10. GroupActivity Showing Love Parents are requested to list down few activities by which they can show their love and affection towards their child

  11. Few Activities… • Listen and share • Spend time with them • Play with them • Take them out

  12. How to make the Parents Involvement more Successful • There are few strategies by which Parents can involve in a successful manner :- • Spending Quality time with their child(ren) • b. Reading with your child. • c. Playingwith your child. • d. Praising your child for small • achievements. • e. Helping the child to learn about the • emotions.

  13. QUALITY TIME • EAT TOGETHER AS A FAMILY- Children who eat meals regularly with their family eat better and have healthier eating habits. • Serve family-style meals sitting at a table. • Turn off the TV and enjoy your time together. • Provide healthy food choices and encourage • children to eat what you eat. • Avoid rushing and forcing children to eat. • Let children decide how much food to eat. • Talk about the food, where it came from, how it was prepared, and • how it makes them feel. • Let children help prepare the meal, set the table and clean • up.

  14. Reading with Children • To raise a reader, you don’t need to schedule specific times. Reading skills are built moment by moment and day to day. • Let your child see you read. • Share information from your own reading with your child. • Read aloud. • Offer books (or time to read) as a reward for Achievement or chores • Try books on tape. • Allow pre-readers to “tell the story” from pictures. • Have children retell favourite stories. • Have children evaluate stories—favourite character, plot. • Connect stories to children’s lives. Relax and have fun with your children and books!


  16. To Promote Healthy Eating Habits • Be a good role model by preparing and eating healthy meals. • Serve a variety of foods that are attractively presented. • Keep portion sizes small – children can be put off by large amounts of food. • Schedule meals and snacks so that children are hungry when its time to eat (but not too hungry) and let them stop when they are full. • Avoid using food as a reward or punishment. • Involve children in planning and preparing meals

  17. Preschoolers Eating Skills And Development Progress Age Feeding Skills Social/Personal 3 to 4 years -Holds handle on cup -Pours liquid from a small jug -Uses a fork -Chews most foods -Improved appetite and interest in food -Favourite foods requested -Likes shapes, colours, ABCs -Influenced by TV commercials

  18. 4 to 5 years • -Uses knife and fork • -Good use of cup • -Good self-feeder • -Would rather talk than eat • Food jags continue • Likes to help • Peer influences increasing • Interested in food and where it comes from

  19. Here are a few suggestions to consider when approaching toilet training with your child • Show your child the potty and its location before you start asking him to sit on it. Explain to your child what the potty is for, and start to talk about using the toilet, if you haven't already. • Before you begin formal training, keep track of when your child urinates and has a bowel movement. After about two weeks, you should start to see patterns. • Only have your child use the potty in the bathroom. Though it may be tempting to put it in his bedroom, it is important for him to • learn that the bathroom is where • he uses the toilet.

  20. Assist your child, to pull his pants and underwear up and down. Buy clothes that are loose fitting and doesn't have a lot of snaps or buttons. • While your child is sitting on the potty, you may find that reading to him is a good way to keep him occupied. This is a good time to pull out those toilet-training picture books.

  21. If your child is afraid of the sound the toilet makes when it is flushed, give him some opportunities to flush it when he is not using it. • Teach your child to wash his hands after he uses the toilet. Keep the soap and towel in the same place all the time so your child can locate them easily

  22. Teachers’ Talk • Mrs. Nishi Mathur Class Mont I • Mrs. Meena Aggarwal Class Mont II • Mrs. P. Chand Class I


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