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How Can I Reduce My Carbon Footprint??

How Can I Reduce My Carbon Footprint??. Brooke Herrington. How I Can Reduce Carbon In My Household?. Turning off electrics when not in use such as computers, light, TV, and ect.

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How Can I Reduce My Carbon Footprint??

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  1. How Can I Reduce My Carbon Footprint?? Brooke Herrington

  2. How I Can Reduce Carbon In My Household? • Turning off electrics when not in use such as computers, light, TV, and ect. • Invest in more efficient appliances to reduced energy use. Like buying ENERGY STAR fluorescent light bulbs in all your rooms in your house.

  3. How I Can Reduce Carbon In My Household? • Turn down the central heating slightly (try just 1 to 2 degrees C) • Turn down the water heating setting (just 2 degrees will make a significant saving) • Make sure that the dishwasher is full when you run it, to get the most out of the water it uses. Then doing a small load and wasting water. • Do not run the water while you brushing your teeth. • Take 5 minute showers rather then 30 minute showers, so your not wasting water.

  4. How I Can Reduce Waste In The Kitchen? • By replacing your appliances, get the largest fridge/freezer that your kitchen will accommodate, so you won’t need a second fridge. • Having one day out of the week to have a leftover dinner night so your not wasting food. • Eat more leafy greens and organic foods. • Buy in bulk, when you grocery shopping, with the least packaging you can. So you will end up having less garbage. • Recycle as much stuff as you can, such as the plastic bags you get from grocery shopping and you them as garbage bags.

  5. How Travel More Carbon Footprint Friendly. • Use the bus instead to using your car to drive to work if you can. • Try to reduce the number of flights you take so take a direct flight. • Start car pooling more with co-workers that live near you. • Drive with the windows closed, as this reduces drag on the vehicle. • Avoid using air conditioning if possible, as this uses more fuel

  6. How I Can Reduce Carbon At Work? • Look for ENERGY STAR labeled products for the Office. Such as computers, copiers, and printers. • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Such as office paper, newspapers, beverage containers, electronic equipment and batteries. • Replace those incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents for the lightening.

  7. More About Carbon Footprint. • How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Video. • Recycling Can.

  8. Worked Cited. • http://greenliving.suite101.com/article.cfm/lower_household_carbon_footprint • http://www.carbonfootprint.com/cartravel.html • http://www.nbc-2.com/Global/story.asp?S=11546777 • http://www.whatsmycarbonfootprint.com/reduce_office.htm • http://wellness.glam.com/topics/detail/how_to_reduce_your_carbon_footprint_at_work/

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