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Peer Coaching: Unleash the Potential of Collaboration

Peer Coaching: Unleash the Potential of Collaboration. Abbey Alessi, Deborah Gallaher, Shelee King George. Welcome. Introductions In this session…. Session Overview. Effective professional development About the Peer Coaching program Coaching in Practice. Synectic.

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Peer Coaching: Unleash the Potential of Collaboration

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  1. Peer Coaching: Unleash the Potential of Collaboration Abbey Alessi, Deborah Gallaher, Shelee King George

  2. Welcome • Introductions • In this session….

  3. Session Overview • Effective professional development • About the Peer Coaching program • Coaching in Practice

  4. Synectic • How is professional development like/not like your first day in kindergarten?

  5. Professional Development Activity • Facilitator and Recorder-Timekeeper (10) Think of a time that you learned something from a professional development experience that changed your practice as a teacher or principal. What made the experience so effective? • Reporter: Share (Add 1) • Compare: Research handout

  6. Current Practice • School based Professional Development Matrix • Reflect on your current practice

  7. Think About Typical Technology Professional Development • Traditional training • Focus on tools • Lacks opportunity for reflection

  8. Misconceptions “If you buy it, they will use it.” “If you buy it, it will change the way children learn.”

  9. Reality Check • Nearly 100% classrooms wired and connected to the Internet • Teachers still not comfortable • Pre-existing teaching practices continue • Islands of Excellence

  10. Infrastructure • Investment in bandwidth but not “human bandwidth” • Time to invest in the Human Infrastructure

  11. Our Dilemma • How can we help teachers infuse technology to enhance the teaching and learning process?

  12. Why Peer Coaching • Collaboration • Feedback • Reflection • Alignment - adds value • Handout

  13. About Peer Coaching • Simple method of professional development • Builds teacher leaders • Helps teachers share practices and learn from one another

  14. Peer Coaching Program Background • 2001 - US Department of Education and Puget Sound Center • 2002 - Local grant partners; expanded statewide • 2004 - Microsoft adopted Peer Coaching as first Professional Development opportunity in their Partners in Learning Initiative • 2005-6 – Shared with over 43 countries • 2007 – Statewide adoption for EETT grant monies in Florida, Washington and Arizona

  15. Lesson Design Coaching Skills Tech Integration Peer Coaching Program Curriculum • Coaching skills • Technology integration • Lesson Design

  16. Program Goals • Develop teachers to be peer coaches • Achieve systematic technology integration • Engage students in powerful learning • Infuse professional development into the life of schools

  17. Peer Coaching Program at a Glance • Blend of face-to-face and distance learning activities • Time for coaches to learn, practice, collaborate and reflect • Eight day-long coach training sessions scheduled over a year • Sessions at a Glance

  18. Coaching Roles • Facilitator • Collaborator • Consultant • Coach

  19. The Trust Model Trust Model

  20. Pause to reflect • Think about the types of roles you play • What behaviors do you display that build trust? • Elbow share

  21. Looking at Coaching Roles • Video

  22. Coaching in Practice

  23. Cleveland High School

  24. Cleveland High School • Seattle School District • 110 schools • 46,416 students • Part of the Gates Foundation Small Schools Initiative

  25. Meet the Staff and Students

  26. Of 630 students 59% African American 23% Asian 8% Hispanic 7% Caucasian 3% Native American Of 41 certificated staff 61% Caucasian 15% Asian 20% African American 2% Hispanic 2% Native American Cleveland Staff and Students

  27. Why Cleveland? • Paul G. Allen Family Foundation • Technology Infusion in Small Schools (TISS) • Build skills to make Cleveland a good school

  28. TISS Grant If good schools have • Time for collaboration • Time to strengthen skills • Integration of technology into teaching and learning • Value student exhibitions, presentations and portfolios TISS can provide this opportunity

  29. A TISS Journey • Year 1 of the grant… • Allen foundation provides possibilities • 4 academies • 3 coaches recruited • Need identified: Student Progress Feedback

  30. Year 2 • Online Progress Reports • Change in Leadership • Move to interim site • 4 new coaches recruited

  31. Year 3 • Online Progress reports >>> The Source • New equipment compliments of the Levy • Coaching session evolves into REALity check

  32. An Ah Ha Moment • Session 7 of the Peer Coaching Program • The same reflection you did earlier • How do we place ourselves on the school based professional development matrix? • Collective Focus on Student Learning

  33. Year 4 • 7 coaches • 13 collaborating teachers • Professional Development REAL focus • Support structure on site • Technology Boot camp • Project REAL

  34. Project REAL • What really matters? • Improve senior projects • Project REAL • REAL audience • REAL purpose • REAL product • What if….

  35. REAL commitment • Every teacher commits to offer one exhibition experience for students • A REAL school focus • All PD aligned • Rubric creation • Exhibition planning • Exhibition opportunities

  36. Exhibition Experiences • Teacher • Teacher + student • Student • iPod winner

  37. 3-2-1 • 3 things that show the value of collaboration at Cleveland • 2 things you still have questions about • 1 insight related to Cleveland’s journey

  38. Student Technology Skills • Exhibition Experiences created a need for tech savvy students • Need for a common level of technology skills • Technology Boot Camp for staff and students

  39. Technology Boot Camp • Team effort • 5 Online sessions • Rewarded with Jump Drive • End result: Exhibitions that showcase a REAL purpose through a REAL product for a REAL audience

  40. Technology Boot Camp is Sustainable • Created with grant but sustainable beyond • Part of the fabric of Cleveland • All new students and staff will continue to receive training • Basic skills for teaching and learning

  41. Reflections

  42. What Really Mattered • Planning from within • Focus on the teaching & learning process • TISS coaching triads • 7 triads affects 21 of 41 teachers • Improve the use of new technology • Basic technology skills for teaching and learning

  43. Teacher Technology Skills

  44. Staff Perception of Tech Boot Camp • 62% of the staff report that as a result of Technology Boot Camp, students’ skills with technology either significantly increased or somewhat increased when compared to last year. • The remaining survey participants were unable to make a comparison because they had not used technology in their classrooms in the past.

  45. Exhibition Experience Participation

  46. Collaborating Teacher Reflections • It was great to know that there's someone there to help you whenever you needed it. There was always someone to collaborate with and to bounce ideas off of - not only with technology, but also with subject based curriculum. • The demand for the use of technology has grown not just by students but also by staff.

  47. Reflections: Coach Rebbecah

  48. Reflections: Catherine

  49. Challenges • Challenges: The fear of deprivatization of practice. • Public display of lessons and exhibitions • Lab space demands

  50. Next Steps • Next steps: Staff Retreat • Lesson improvement • Collaboration • Student reflection • Exhibitions defined further • Tech Boot Camp: NotchItUp

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