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The Visit of the Men from the East

The Visit of the Men from the East. Grade 4-5 girls St. Mary COC, Ottawa, ON. 1) What was the name of city where Jesus was born?. Judea Jerusalem Bethlehem Cairo. 2) Who was the king at the time when Jesus was born?. Pharaoh Herod Moses David . Fill in the Blank

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The Visit of the Men from the East

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  1. The Visit of the Men from the East Grade 4-5 girls St. Mary COC, Ottawa, ON

  2. 1) What was the name of city where Jesus was born? • Judea • Jerusalem • Bethlehem • Cairo

  3. 2) Who was the king at the time when Jesus was born? • Pharaoh • Herod • Moses • David

  4. Fill in the Blank 3) After Jesus was born, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying: “Where is He who has been born King of he Jews? For we have seen ___ ____ in the East and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:2) His star

  5. True or False? 4) When Herod the king heard this, he was full of joy! False: He was troubled and he gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people to inquire where the Christ was to be born.

  6. 5) What did the Chief priests and scribes use to find the answer to where Christ was to be born? (Say your own answer) The scriptures: the books in the Old Testament of the Bible.

  7. 6) So Herod secretly called the wise men to determine what time the star appeared and he sent them to Bethlehem saying: • “Go… when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also” • “Go… when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and bring Him a present too” • “Go… when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and kill Him!”

  8. 7) When the wise men left Herod, what led them to the exact place where Jesus was born? • Herod’s priests and scribes led the way • The shepherds told the wise men exactly where to go • The angels led them • The same star which they had seen in the East

  9. MEMORY VERSE “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” Matthew 2:10 (the memory verse is underlined)

  10. 8) When they came into the house, they saw young Jesus, with virgin Mary and they fell down and worshiped Him. They then opened their treasures and presented gifts to Him… What were the three gifts? • Gold • Frankincense, and • Myrrh

  11. 9) What do each of these three gifts represent(one answer per team)? • Gold b) Frankincense c) Myrrh? To show that Jesus is the KING of Kings To show that Jesus is GOD (e.g. we worship God using incense from the Old Testament) Myrrh is very bitter sap that comes from certain trees. It represents the Crucifixion that Jesus would suffer through to save us.

  12. True or False? 10) After seeing Jesus, the wise men returned to Herod, as he asked them to do. False! …God warned them in a dream that they should not return to Herod because He knew what Herod wanted to do.

  13. Fill in the Blank 11) After the wise men left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to ______ , and stay there until I bring you word” EGYPT

  14. 12) Why did the angel tell Joseph to flee to Egypt? (Give your own answer…) • Because Herod wanted to kill Jesus, so he ordered that all male children who were 2-years-old or less be put to death.

  15. 13) Joseph, Mary, and Jesus stayed in Egypt until: a) Jesus grew up and met John the Baptist b) the same star that led the wise men appeared again c) an angel appeared to Mary in a dream d) Herod died and an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream …They left Egypt and they came to live in a city called Nazareth  That is why we often hear the name “Jesus of Nazareth”.

  16. Great job!!  Did you notice that not only the wise men celebrated Jesus’ birth? ALL of God’s creation celebrated this very special day!

  17. When someone asks you… • “Why does Christmas make you happy?” What are you going to answer? • ***The true reason is because it is the day that Jesus came on earth to save me from my sins: • to make me pure, clean, and holy • to erase all my ugly “sin stains” and make me new so that I can enter the kingdom of heaven and live forever with Him! • Jesus’ incarnation is the BEST GIFT of all!  It’s the gift that “repairs us”! It is the ONLY gift that is TRUE LOVE & JOY!

  18. So.. What can we do to STAY clean & holy? • Every night, sit in a quiet place and examine yourself • Examine where there may be some “sin stains” from that day 2) REPENTpray to Jesus, say sorry to Him with all your heart, ask Him to forgive you, and make sure to STOP the bad habit/sin; 3) CONFESS your sins by going to abouna to tell him your list of sins that you are repenting of. • When we do this, Jesus takes those sins COMPLETELY away from us and we are SPOTLESS again! 

  19. The sacrament of Repentance & Confession is one of the biggest blessings that we receive through Jesus’ incarnation! • Before Jesus was born, there was nothing to clean our hearts from our sins! Before… SIN = we could not enter the kingdom of heaven! • Through Jesus’ incarnation, He came to be crucified to pay the price of our sins, and now all we have to do is keep making sure to “WASH” ourselves in His blood by Repenting, Confessing, and then taking Holy Communion. • We also make sure to struggling against sin every day • if we fall, we get back up… until the last day where God takes us to be with Him forever!  This is why we should be sooooo joyful when we repent and confess our sins!!!!!!!!

  20. To Know: True Christians are full of *JOY*, not just at Christmas time, but ALL YEAR LONG and in every situation! • To Feel:Make sure to recognize and feel all the blessings Jesus gives us; this way, we will live joyfully! • The greatest blessing is that Jesus came to earth and became man, with flesh like you & me, to carry our sins so that we will be saved and live forever, never fearing death again!!!! • To Practice:Feel the great joy when you confess, put all your sins on Jesus and start each time as a new born person, with no sins. Our Lord Jesus Chirst is the only source of a real joy! Earthly pleasures never give us true joy.

  21. What to do (Homework) • Repent & Confess • Use your SNB (Spiritual Note-Book) • Build a true relation with God which will make you live joyfully! • For next week: Bible Study – read the Gospel of St. John Chapters 1-5 • Bring your questions and be able to answer a question for a prize! 

  22. MEMORY VERSE “they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” Matthew 2:10

  23. Merry Christmas! 

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