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This sample letter guides on addressing the Governor to suggest improvements in education, highlighting your qualifications and suggestions. It emphasizes research, politeness, and requesting consideration for the proposed changes.
A Visit from the Governor How to Improve Education in our Schools Created by Valerie Mulé. ESL Teacher, Surry County Schools, NC
GovernorBeverly Perdue First woman governor in North Carolina’s history. Former teacher and administrator. Earned her PhD in Educational Administration. http://riverdaughter.wordpress.com/2008/10/16/ask-bev-perdue-how-popular-obama-is/
Born: Beverly Marlene Moore • Beverly Marlene Moorewas born in Grundy, Virginia to Alfred P. and Irene Morefield Moore. • Her father was a coal miner who became a utility CEO. http://www.trailsrus.com/vacoaltrail/meetings/buchanan/Grundy_Page_6.jpg
Background as a Student • She earned a B.A. degree in history in 1969 from the University of Kentucky, as well as a M.Ed. degree in community college administration in 1974 and a Ph.D., degree in Education Administration in 1976, both from the University of Florida. http://www.collegefinancialaidguide.com/pictures/University%20of%20Kentucky/collegebuild.jpg
Family • Perdue lives in Chapel Hill and formerly lived in New Bern. She has been married to Bob Eaves since 1997 and has two grown sons, Garrett (b. 1976) and Emmett (b. 1979), from her previous marriage to Gary Perdue, which lasted from 1970 to 1994.[3] She continues to use "Perdue" as her last name, using her current married name as her middle name. http://www.governor.state.nc.us/library/images/governors/perdue/Family-Portrait2011.jpg
Research before you write • If you are going to write a letter to someone you should know your audience. • If you are going to write about a topic then you should know your subject. • Know why you are writing: PIE • Below are some helpful links for you to research about the speaker and the topic of education in North Carolina. Use this information to brainstorm ideas for your writing on the bubble map.
Now let’s write • Brainstorm ideas – use the bubble map • Prepare an outline – use the hamburger • Write a rough draft – use the sample • Read your work – self check • Let your teammate read your work – edit • Review changes with teammate • Write your final copy • Turn in your final copy with: all of the above items.
Sample Letter Date Month YearMr./Ms. full name Address your application to the Governor TitleCompany nameStreet addressSuburb State PostcodeDear [name of contact]In the first paragraph you should briefly explain who you are and why you are writing to them. Name the improvements you would make. While it’s fine to start this paragraph with ‘I’, try not to start every paragraph in the same way. Never forget to mention all the improvements you would make. Explain why you think you are qualified to make suggestions for improvements based on your experience as a student and research you have done on education. Mention your most important suggestion in this paragraph. In this paragraph, explain why you would like to make improvements to our schools, showing that you have done research regarding the topic. Your audience wants to know that you’re interested in them and the topic. Understand what their position is and what they want to change about education. Lastly, politely request that they consider your suggestions, conveying your appreciation for their time. Being polite and enthusiastic will help to create an overall good impression. Yours sincerely,[Signature] If you have the technology to do so, scan your signature and insert it into the document. Print full name Your nameYour street addressSuburb State PostcodeTel:Mobile:Email:
Use this checklist to check your work. First read your draft out loud and make corrections. Then submit your letter for editing to your teammates. Next review the suggestions with your teammate. Finally rewrite it. Revision and Editing Checklist Check off each one as you fix your paper. To help you with all of these things, you will need to read your writing out loud to yourself or to a partner. The two of you can help each other fix common errors that are often missed __ Spelling (use Spell-check!), be careful with common homophones (their, they’re, there; your, you’re; its, it’s; etc.) __ Capitalization (beginning of sentences, proper nouns) __ Compound sentences need a comma __ Tries new structures: hyphens, semicolons, colons, parentheses, or dashes __ Correct usage of adjectives and adverbs __ Correct usage of conjunctions (and, or, but, because, so) __ Transitions are effective, clear, and flowing __ Subject and verb agree in every sentence __ No run-ons (sentences that are too long) __ Paragraph indentation __ Correct verb tense __ Uses a variety of sentence types (interrogative, imperative, declarative, exclamatory) __ Sentences are punctuated correctly __ No sentence fragments! Every sentence needs a SUBJECT and a VERB
Sources Cited • http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/p249901coll22&CISOPTR=176603&REC=2 • http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/p249901coll22&CISOPTR=17682&CISOBOX=1&REC=1 • http://www.governor.state.nc.us/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bev_Perdue • http://www.bevperdue.com/ • http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=4147575&height=267&width=200 • http://youtu.be/Uz81Jk3wA1E