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BodyMind by BeautifulMind

Discover the deep connection between body and mind in promoting holistic well-being. Learn how ancient traditions and modern psychotherapy techniques can help achieve balance and creativity. Find your path to inner harmony and self-expression.

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BodyMind by BeautifulMind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BodyMind by BeautifulMind

  2. Launch of the BodyMind Approach to WellBeing Brinda Wachs BeautifulMind

  3. Why BodyMind? (1) • Plato: Body as inferior to intellectual thought • 18th century thought: Body as sinful • 19th century: Unconscious drives and repression leads to angst (anxiety) and neurosis (Freud)

  4. BodyMind in 20th Century • Separation of body and mind • Body is tense, mind is anxious • Body revulsion and rejection

  5. Why BodyMind? (2) • The body as a grounding force, precisely because it is earthbound: • “Body I am throughout, and nothing besides; and soul is merely a word for something in body...” (Nietzsche)

  6. Why BodyMind? (3) • Mind and body are … a pair of opposites …the expression of a single entity whose essential nature is not knowable either from its outward, material manifestation or from inner, direct perception… two sides of the same coin. (CG Jung)

  7. Why BodyMind? (4)

  8. Why BodyMind? (3)

  9. The Body as a Fulcrum • “All we have and are is the body”(Buddhism) • “At home in our bodies” (Kast) • “Body of the earth” – a stabilizing force (Nietzsche)

  10. BodyMind Imbalance: Anxiety, Depression, Addiction

  11. Yogic Tradition (1) • The body as a temple • We are given the body for a time • Balance is the key

  12. Yogic Tradition (2) • Body & Mind as distinct, but intertwined expression of consciousness. • It may be hard work, but it is not a work out.

  13. Yogic Tradition (3) • Ancient yogic texts: mind-body connection= strength, clarity, acceptance. • Calmness, openness, generousity= relax the mind, improve the physical body.

  14. BodyMind Psychotherapy (1) • Emotion in body • Find psychic balance through body • Expression of creativity through body

  15. BodyMind Psychotherapy (2) • Trauma stored in the body • EMDR • Expressive arts: Dance, Movement, Yoga

  16. BodyMind Psychotherapy (3) • Body awareness & body consciousness • Body acceptance & bodylove • Sleep-Nutrition-PA triangle

  17. BodyMind Psychotherapy (3) SLEEP PHYSICAL ACTIVITY NUTRITION

  18. Balancing Body Acceptance with Well-Being

  19. Limits of body-centered approach • Doesn’t solve all problems • Still have to work through things psychically, but… • Entry point to know yourself and access creativity

  20. Creativity & Desire

  21. Why Creativity & Desire? • Expression as opposite of Depression • The Empty Chairs: My experience with the healing power of art • Observing results of expressive art in clinical work

  22. Empty Chairs (1)

  23. Empty Chairs (2)

  24. Empty Chairs (3)

  25. Creativity • One of the 5 basic instincts (Jung) • Psychic energy as creative formulation (Jung) • History of creativity: from powers of God to Rousseau’s Romanticism to Nietzsche’s Zarathustra (up to man to create)

  26. Psychic Imbalance • Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, • Mood disorders, Psychosis • Transcendent Function • Expressive arts

  27. Fragmentation & Wholeness • Fragmentary self/world view; man seeks wholeness (Bohm) • The Transcendent Function: leads to the revelation of the essential man (Jung)

  28. Creativity: Asserting Intention • Expression: right to exist (being vs. not-being) (Hillman) • Integrated body-mind conjunctio: expression and stability in the interior world of the psyche and the exterior world of the body. (Jung)

  29. Desire • Passion and the animal instinct • A fickle flame • The soul’s yearning

  30. Creativity & Desire (1) • Through desire-based creative expression we can access emotion (to heal, to change) • Through emotion we can access creativity (to transform – our lives, ourselves) • If nothing more – we create ourselves

  31. Creativity & Desire (2) • Through Creativity and Expression we can access Emotion (to heal, to change) • Through Emotion we can access Creativity (to transform – our lives, ourselves) • If nothing more – we create ourselves

  32. Creativity & Desire (3) “Only in our creative acts do we step forth into the light and see ourselves whole and complete”. (CG Jung)

  33. Creativity & Desire (4) • “But if you have nothing at all to create, then perhaps you create yourself”. (Jung)

  34. Thank you for your attention!

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