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ICF Zürich Logo. Serienlogo. Leo Bigger. Leo Bigger. JOB 21:7 Why do those who do not believe in God stay alive , get older , and always get more powerful . Job 21:7. JOB’S 10 BLOWS of FATE 1. He loses all his property 2. He loses his 10 children

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  1. ICF Zürich Logo

  2. Serienlogo

  3. Leo Bigger Leo Bigger

  4. JOB 21:7 Why do thosewho do notbelieve in Godstayalive, getolder, and alwaysgetmorepowerful. Job 21:7

  5. JOB’S 10 BLOWS of FATE • 1. He loses all his property • 2. He loses his 10 children • 3. He loses his socialstatus • 4. He loses his health (physical) • 5. He loses his health (spiritual) Job’s 10 blows of fate 1

  6. JOB’S 10 BLOWS of FATE • 6. He loses his wife • 7. He loses his friends • 8. He loses his honour • 9. He loses his peace towards God • 10. He loses his perspective on life Job’s 10 blows of fate 2

  7. JOB 1:22 Even thoughagonycameoverhim, Job didnot sin. Neverdid he mention a hatefulwordtowardsGod. Job 1:22

  8. Themostcommonreactionswhen in agony: • Rationalisation: Ithappenedbecause ... Most commonreactionswhen in agony 1

  9. Themostcommonreactionswhen in agony: • Rationalisation: Ithappenedbecause ... • Projection: Whose fault isit? Most commonreactionswhen in agony 2

  10. Themostcommonreactionswhen in agony: • Repression: Itdidn’thappenbecause ... Most commonreactionswhen in agony 3

  11. Themostcommonreactionswhen in agony: • Repression: Itdidn’thappenbecause ... • Compensation:Thedeficitiscompensatedby ... Most commonreactionswhen in agony 4

  12. 1. Processeswhentrying to come to termswith a crisis! Point 1

  13. First stage I: Spontaneousreaction INCERTITUDE: Whatishappening? CERTITUDE: Yes, butthatcannotbe! First stage I

  14. JOB 2:8 Full of sadness Job sat down in a heap of ash, took a brokenpiece of clay and started to scratchhimselfwith it. Job 2:8

  15. Intermediarystage II: Emotional reaction AGGRESSION: Whyme? NEGOTIATION: If so, thenGod has to ... DEPRESSION: For what? Nothingmakessense! Intermediarystage II

  16. JOB 3:3-4 Theday on which I was bornshouldbeannihilated … Thatdayshould sink intodarkness – and no light shouldmakeitbeseen! Even Godshouldforgetthatday. Job 3:3-4

  17. JOB 6:9 I onlywishforonething: thatGodshouldgrindme to pieces and blow out the light thatkeepsmeliving. Job 6:9

  18. JOB 10:1 I am repulsedbymyown life! Thatiswhy I wish to lament and freemysoulfrommyownbitterness. Job 10:1

  19. End stage III: Acceptance ACCEPTANCE:I onlyrealisenowthat ... ACTIVITY: I’mgoing to do this ... SOLIDARITY: Weact! End stage III

  20. ROMANS 8:28 Thereisonethingweknowforsure: thosewholoveGodareservedwitheverythingthatisfortheir good. Romans 8:28

  21. 2. Take yoursituationfromGod’shands Point 2

  22. 3. Praywhereyouare in need Point 3

  23. JOB 30:20 I callforhelp, oh God, butyou do notanswer; I stand beforeyou, butyou do notevenlook at me! Job 30:20

  24. JOB 19:25 I knowthatmyredeemerlives, and that in the end he will stand on theearth. Job 19: 25

  25. ICF Zürich Logo

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