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Establishing Safe Communities in Madison County, Kentucky

Creating a Culture of Safety. Establishing Safe Communities in Madison County, Kentucky. Presentation by: Ruth Hawkins, MSN, RN, CHES Lloyd Jordinson , RN Dorathy Lachman , MD. Safe Routes to School ( SRTS)—. Presented by: Ruth R. Hawkins, MSN, RN, CHES

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Establishing Safe Communities in Madison County, Kentucky

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  1. Creating a Culture of Safety Establishing Safe Communities in Madison County, Kentucky Presentation by: Ruth Hawkins, MSN, RN, CHES Lloyd Jordinson, RN DorathyLachman, MD

  2. SafeRoutes to School (SRTS)— Presented by: Ruth R. Hawkins, MSN, RN, CHES Health Education Director Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Dr. Berea, KY 40403 859-228-2041 (office) 859-986-1027 (Fax) Website: www.madison-co-ky-health.org City of Berea, Madison County, KY

  3. Funding Received • Madison County Health Department received 1 of 3 grants awarded in state for the Healthy Communities program • Amount funded - $36,000 • Three focus areas: Physical activity, nutrition, & tobacco prevention

  4. Focus Area: Physical Activity • Reduce Obesity: Improve physical activity among youth and adults. • Action Area 1. Develop and enhance access to community sidewalks, walking and biking paths to promote physical activity in the community.

  5. Strategies • Provide SRTS training for • Berea Independent School (administration, staff, parents, & students) • City of Berea employees (law enforcement & GIS coordinator) • Madison County School System (administration & staff) • St. Joseph Berea Staff • Madison County Health Department Staff • Install bicycle racks on school campus & various location in the city

  6. Strategies (cont’d) • Provide student & parent education on SRTS • Provide incentives to youth to promote walking & biking • Improve signage around school campus & in town (Share the Road, School Crossing, etc.) • Improve Traffic Laws Enforcement around town and “special attention” at school start-up & dismissal • Evaluate success of program

  7. Actions: SRTS Training • Conducted SRTS National Training Course on November 12, 2009 @ Berea Independent School Library • 34 Individuals attended • Berea Independent School District parents, teachers, students, & principals • Mayor • City GIS Coordinator/Surveyor • Hospital Staff • City Law Enforcement Officer • Madison County School Officials • Health Department Staff

  8. SRTS National Training Course Website http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/training/national_course/index.cfm

  9. Local Interventions for Success • Education – Programs for students, parents, community at large • Encouragement –Provide bike racks; promote parent volunteers to initiate walking/biking to school; engage neighborhoods to promote safety for youth; incentives/rewards for students • Enforcement – Improvement plan for monitoring traffic flow & safety at school start-up & dismissal; crossing guards; “Walking School Bus”; improve signage

  10. Where Do Students Who Attend Berea Independent School Live?

  11. Recommendations From Training City & School Improvements to Promote Safe Walking & Biking to School • Repaint the school parking lot • Choke down to narrow the entrance onto the school campus • Improve intersections around the school & other locations around town • Provide additional bike racks • Improve sidewalks conditions

  12. Intersection Suggestions • Increase time allotted for pedestrians • Add no turn on red signs – could use electronic signs that are times to show only during “School Zone Times” • Use of “Ladder” style crosswalks

  13. Ellipse/ Highway 595 Intersection Before…

  14. After…Laddering = Greater Visibility

  15. Berea Independent School

  16. Berea Designated Bike Lanes

  17. Actions Taken • Presented SRTS Training Recommendations to: • The Berea City Council • The Berea Bikeway Committee (Mayor appointed committee) • Transportation Engineering Branch Manager, KY Transportation Cabinet, Dist. 7- to discuss proposed recommendations for state roads • Purchased bicycle racks • Selected signage to be placed around school & town

  18. Up-coming Events • Reinforce youth & parent education on SRTS • Place bicycle racks on school campus • Display additional “Share the Road” signs • Promote SRTS in the school newsletter @ school year end and fall start-up and throughout summer events • Monitor progress & conduct evaluation

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