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Supplementary Figure S4 Genetic map of CYF 2 (Chiifu x YSPB-24 F 2 ) developed with 217 markers. Linkage groups are named A1-A10 and the suffix CYF 2 denotes the mapping population

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  1. Supplementary Figure S4 Genetic map of CYF2 (Chiifu x YSPB-24 F2) developed with 217 markers. Linkage groups are named A1-A10 and the suffix CYF2 denotes the mapping population Tetralocular ovary and high silique width in yellow sarson lines of Brassica rapa (subspecies trilocularis) are due to a mutation in Bra034340 gene, a homologue of CLAVATA3 in Arabidopsis Theoretical and Applied Genetics Satish Kumar Yadava1, Kumar Paritosh1, Priya Panjabi-Massand1,2, Vibha Gupta1, Atika Chandra1,4, Y S Sodhi1, Akshay K Pradhan1,2, Deepak Pental1,2* Address: 1Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi – 110021. India. 2Department of Genetics, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi – 110021. India. 3Present address: Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007.India. 4Present address: Department of Botany, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi, New Delhi – 110021.India. *Corresponding author dpental@gmail.com Telephone: 91-011-24112609 Fax: 91-011-24116392

  2. A1-CYF2 A2-CYF2 A3-CYF2 A4-CYF2 A5-CYF2 At2g39760 0.0 BrGMS82 1.2 BrGMS867 5.2 nia_m076a.1 0.0 cnu_m617a 0.0 cnu_m524a 6.3 cnu_m504a 0.3 cnu_m421a nia_m014a At5g08280.1 0.0 0.0 7.1 At2g40740 6.5 At4g37510 1.4 nia_m025a 12.0 At2g35990 10.7 nia_m109a 5.1 BrGMS656 14.1 At3g06483 12.1 cnu_m360a.1 11.0 At4g35530.1 9.5 cnu_m118a 16.9 At3g07310 13.7 At2g35770 12.5 At5g60620 nia_m023a 11.1 13.5 At5g15470.2 At3g09925 17.7 At2g33620.2 15.9 22.3 At4g34700.2 BrGMS480 15.9 14.7 At5g15860 At3g12260.2 24.7 BrGMS678 18.9 cnu_m143a 17.9 At5g15680 22.6 At3g02860 29.1 BrGMS3213 23.8 BrGMS336 23.0 nia_m096a 25.3 At5g16750 23.5 At2g29530 29.4 At5g15650 24.2 At2g27170 24.9 BrGMS403 27.9 At5g16630 23.9 At5g15470.3 33.7 At5g20060 25.9 At5g39220 32.7 At4g29660 31.1 nia_m051a 36.0 At2g22000 33.9 At4g17540 32.5 cnu_m446a 36.7 nia_m072a.1 BrGMS456 37.3 At5g56300 37.3 BrGMS209 40.0 35.1 At3g19220 37.5 At5g40200 nia_m085a 40.3 BrGMS126 42.6 At5g53560 44.9 At1g51740.2 39.4 At2g21120.1 35.4 cnu_m132a 48.6 At2g31750 At2g44870 50.6 cnu_m364a 45.7 41.0 At5g40300 36.4 At3g51610.1 49.2 At2g33620.1 At5g37600.2 52.1 cnu_m398a 43.2 At2g44860 37.0 At1g59740 cnu_m288a 50.6 At1g67550 54.7 49.7 At1g36980 44.4 At5g40950 37.4 BrGMS132.2 At2g46390.1 53.5 At1g72380 60.7 nia_m005a 50.2 At5g37600.1 40.9 At3g17900 59.1 At2g28520 55.2 cnu_m568a.1 64.3 nia_m076a.2 42.9 At3g16760 61.3 At1g16460 65.1 cnu_m257a 61.5 cnu_m566a cnu_m214a 62.6 cnu_m544a 65.7 52.4 cnu_m123a At3g15190 63.5 At2g45640 66.7 cnu_m098a BrGMS787.2 67.5 67.0 cnu_m461a 65.1 At2g43370.1 At2g43370.2 70.5 67.2 BrGMS512 73.9 At3g12260.3 74.1 cnu_m425a.1 71.4 At2g43945.2 At3g12260.1 76.9 74.0 BrGMS226 78.0 BrGMS3274 77.8 cnu_m360a.2 84.0 At2g46390.2 86.1 cnu_m479a 88.3 BrGMS75 87.8 BrGMS132.1 90.9 BrGMS3080 93.9 BrGMS236 88.3 cnu_m471a At3g21400 96.1 91.0 At5g25940 93.2 cnu_m387a BrGMS3081 97.1 BrGMS3082 97.9 BrGMS4481 At5g35320 103.7 100.8 BrGMS11 cnu_m404a.2 105.9 104.4 BrGMS412 cnu_m409a 106.8 105.3 cnu_m492a 116.7 BrGMS3099 138.5 At4g35530.2 140.6 nia_m072a.2 141.6 Supplementary Figure S4 Genetic map of CYF2(Chiifu x YSPB-24 F2) developed with 217 markers. Linkage groups are named A1-A10 and the suffix CYF2 denotes the mapping population

  3. A6-CYF2 A7-CYF2 A8-CYF2 A9-CYF2 A10-CYF2 At5g17990 0.0 At2g18040 0.0 At1g51740.1 At1g08480 At1g43245 0.0 0.0 0.0 nia_m123a 0.9 cnu_m608a 5.1 At5g15802.2 5.1 At1g35220 At1g48580 6.2 7.1 BrGMS331 7.5 At1g11240 7.4 At5g15320 6.2 cnu_m560a.2 cnu_m012a.1 7.3 10.0 At3g27100.1 8.4 nia_m050a 10.4 At1g21090.2 At1g07980 12.1 10.7 cnu_m012a.2 At5g07960 14.1 15.6 BrGMS181 16.8 At5g25080 18.7 nia_m008a BrGMS456.1 21.4 18.5 BrGMS309 At1g18340.1 At2g26670.1 23.9 21.9 22.8 At5g08280.2 24.0 cnu_m060a 27.5 BrGMS395 31.5 cnu_m296a.2 33.0 cnu_m560a.1 28.6 cnu_m004a 34.9 At1g16080 37.2 At1g28530 32.0 At3g45100 34.9 cnu_m298a 34.8 At1g62640 38.2 At1g18340.2 39.4 At5g01160 35.3 cnu_m518a 39.2 BrGMS88 38.0 BrGMS316 40.0 At1g17680 40.4 cnu_m239a 39.8 BrGMS583 41.7 cnu_m051a 41.3 cnu_m089a 44.9 cnu_m568a.2 48.7 cnu_m050a 41.6 cnu_m490a 47.7 BrGMS224 48.9 cnu_m149a 43.2 BrGMS64 53.0 cnu_m045a 52.5 At2g26670.2 49.9 At2g11000 47.1 At1g53460 55.2 cnu_m038a 55.7 At3g43240 At3g51610.2 47.2 57.4 cnu_m300a 56.7 At1g67510 57.8 At5g24630 At3g51010 55.7 58.8 At5g27320 59.4 nia_m016a 66.7 BrGMS550.2 67.8 BrGMS588 67.4 cnu_m454a 71.7 BrGMS3321 75.6 At5g40580 75.3 cnu_m007a 77.1 At3g27100.2 77.4 At1g18730 82.0 cnu_m400a 82.3 cnu_m574a 85.4 At1g80940 84.6 BrGMS408 85.3 At2g20585 At2g21120.2 86.3 cnu_m052a BrGMS787.1 92.8 93.0 BrGMS461 93.2 At1g05205 111.1

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