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Room Scheduling System (How to find a GPC and schedule it!). COURSE SCHEDULING OVERVIEW. Agenda. Introduction Review Policies Login to RRS Learn 4 types of searches Demonstration Tips Q&A. Getting to Know You: Demographics. Please raise your hand if you…

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  1. Room Scheduling System(How to find a GPC and schedule it!) COURSE SCHEDULING OVERVIEW

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Review Policies • Login to RRS • Learn 4 types of searches • Demonstration • Tips • Q&A

  3. Getting to Know You: Demographics Please raise your hand if you… • Plan Special Events/Lectures • Schedule Office Hours • Schedule Exams • Schedule Courses

  4. Getting to Know Us: Scheduling Department Sara Cheatham • Jillian Gillie • Stephanie Gonzales • Natalie Turcotte Brenda Schumann • Michelle Weichold • Robert Wyatt• Priscilla White • Our team schedules approx. 28,000 classes and 30,000 special events annually. • We also schedule courses, final exams, coordinate with facilities, construction, IT, and Fire Marshal to schedule maintenance and renovations. • We schedule approximately 270 general purpose classrooms. Of those, only about 10% have over a 100+ seats. Efficient scheduling of these rooms is our main priority, as classes have first priority.

  5. Who can/cannot make a reservation? • Can make a reservation: • Current University of Texas staff or faculty • Officially recognized faculty organizations • That info found here: http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sa/vieworgs.php?show=Faculty • Cannot make a reservation: • Students or Student Organizations • They must reserve rooms through Student Activities • Anyone else who is not currently employed by UT

  6. Regulations on who can be in rooms • The RG 750 • Valid for one fiscal year. • When do you need this? • Will you be charging a fee of any kind? • Will a non-UT company or organization be sponsoring your event in any way? • Will non-UT students or staff be attending your event? • The RG 750 is sent to the Provost office for approval (http://registrar.utexas.edu/staff/rooms)

  7. Why do we need it? • Responsible stewards of a state-funded resource • Insurance • Coordinating Board • Efficient use of rooms • Must be a supplement to educational purposes of UT • Ensure UT will not be a joint sponsor for political or sectarian gatherings

  8. When do we process your requests? Fall Requests Mid-July - end of Fall semester Spring Requests Late November - end of Spring semester Summer Requests Early May - end of Summer semester

  9. Class Days vs. No-Class Days Class Day • Monday-Saturdaywhile classes are in session No-Class Day • Sundays, Official no class days • (per University academic calendar), • holidays, final exams

  10. Classes and exams have priority • Special reservation holders may not enter nor disrupt the preceding class or exam until it is finished using the GPC and must be ready to vacate the GPC for the class or exam in the following period, accordingly.

  11. Special Reservations and Final Exams Final Exam Days No Class Days (Dead Days) • Can Schedule: • Extended Office Hours • Exam Review • Study Groups • Department events • University Extension Final Exams • Student Organization Meetings • Cannot Schedule: • Class-related activity (quizzes, exams, extra lectures etc.) • Paper turn ins • Can Schedule: • Extended Office Hours • SSD exam accommodations • Exam set up / break down (per request) • Dissertation Defenses (must be in three hour exam period) • Cannot Schedule: • Paper Turn ins • Exam Reviews • Student Organization Meetings • This is a BRIEFlist of events we receive questions about. Please contact Scheduling for more information.

  12. Final Exams Continued • Changes to final exams must go through the final exam scheduler and the Office of the Registrar • Final Exams must be scheduled within a three hour final exam period (exception SSD accommodations) • Events scheduled in-between final exam periods must have a 15 minute buffer so the final exam will have set up and break down time • Example: • If there are two final exam periods 9:00am-12Noon and 2:00pm- 5:00pm, Extended Office Hours would need to be scheduled 12:15pm-1:45pm.

  13. Before you book the room… • Person in Charge EID • Who will actually be there day of the event • Your EID • You are our contact person and will get the confirmation email • Description of the Event(to be published) • More than “rehearsal” or “exam” but not a paragraph • Date(s) • We can do single date, multiple dates, as well as semester long • Time(s) • Reservations begin as early as 6:30 am and as late as 11:45pm • Media/Location • For example, ‘I need movable chairs and continuous writing surface.’ or ‘Please schedule in the six pack area of campus.’

  14. registrar.utexas.edu

  15. Room Scheduling

  16. Using the Room Scheduling System Room Scheduling

  17. Confirm a Room Reservation

  18. Graphical Semester Room Schedule Partial control room Yellow = available on some dates Green = not available

  19. Technology Classroom Database

  20. General-Purpose Classrooms List *updated semester to semester

  21. Room Reservation Form How to use (3 options) Send as an attachment to scheduling@austin.utexas.edu Copy and Paste document into the body of an e-mail Call us at 475-7600 if it is between 8:30-12:00 noon and 1:00-4:30pm for reservations

  22. Tips • Classes and final exams will always have a priority over any special event or reservation. • If your request is during Final Exam days be aware we will not book the reservation until after all final exams have been scheduled. • Students need the designated “dead days” or “reading days” to study. Therefore any “review sessions” may not present new material and should be called extended office hours. • We process the request in the order in which we receive them. First come first serve basis.

  23. Tips • Finding a room that is free for the whole day M-F during a semester can be a challenge. • The more information you give us, the better! • It is always a good idea to have a back-up room in mind, in case your first choice is already booked. • We tend to give you media preferences over location.

  24. Tips • If you cannot reserve a room with us here are a few other places you can check: • Thompson Conference Center:http://www.utexas.edu/ce/tcc/plan/rates-availability/ • Texas Union and Student Activities Center (SAC):http://www.utexas.edu/universityunions/ • Texas Stadium Rentals:http://www.texassports.com/facilities/fb-stadium-rentals.html • RecSports:http://www.utrecsports.org/facilities/reservations/reservations.php • LBJ Venue Rentals:http://www.lbjlibrary.org/about-us/venue-rental.html • AT&T Conference Center:http://www.meetattexas.com/facilities.php • AVAYA Auditorium:http://www.aces.utexas.edu/seminar/2.302/frames/total.htm • Butler School of Music Facilities (Bates Hall, Jessen Auditorium):http://www.music.utexas.edu/aboutUs/facilities.aspx

  25. Tips • Facilities Services http://www.utexas.edu/facilities/ • This is your resources if something in the room (table, chair, clock, light bulb, etc.) is broken or not working properly. • Contact Facilities: • 1-2020 • facilities@autin.utexas.edu

  26. Tips • If you want to have food at your event, what should you do? • Please be aware that as the person placing the reservation, YOU are responsible for ensuring the room is clean when the event is over. • You may need to get approval from Environmental Health & Safety (Food Safety). http://www.utexas.edu/safety/ehs/food/index.html#Food

  27. Tips • After today you will have access to the Room Reservation System and Blackboard room viewers group. • If you need access for Final Exams or Course Scheduling you will need to contact our office for separate authorizations.

  28. I need a GPC for an event that is for a University of Texas faculty or staff member! Specific Date Specific Room Special Event • 1. Room Scheduling page • Search for Available Rooms • Search for a single date • 2. Input Date, Time, Room Size • “Find Rooms” • Select best room option • E-mail or call scheduling with: • Date • Time • Building and Room number • EID of the person in charge/contact person • Brief event description • RG 750 • Attendees outside of UT • Send to the Provost Office • We cannot make a reservation until the RG 750 has been approved • 2. Please do not schedule a room “just in case”. It is easier for both parties when the time and date has been confirmed. • 1. If you would like to make a change or cancel an event please provide us with the confirmation code. • 1. Room Scheduling page • View Room Schedules • View graphical semester room schedule • 2. Input Building and Room • “View Schedule” • “View semester-long events in this room” or “view events scheduled by date in this room” • E-mail or call scheduling Make a Change

  29. Questions? Contact us: Phone: 475-7600 Monday-Friday 8:30-12:00 Noon & 1:00-4:30 pm Email: scheduling@austin.utexas.edu

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