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T. L. S. Prelude to the Seven Bowls. Zion and. Chapter 14:1-5 Session 1. The First Fruits. March 27, 2010. Prelude. Revelation 14. To the Seven. Bowls. Call for Grape Harvest. Table of Contents. Lamb on Zion & 144,000 Commandos Seven Angels
T L S Prelude to the Seven Bowls Zion and Chapter 14:1-5 Session 1 The First Fruits March 27, 2010
Prelude Revelation 14 To the Seven Bowls
Call for Grape Harvest Table of Contents • Lamb on Zion & 144,000 Commandos • Seven Angels • 1st Angel: With the Eternal Gospel • 2nd Angel: The Doom of Babylon • 3rd Angel: Fury on Beast Worshippers • (4th Angel?) Voice: Righteous Dead • 5th Angel • 6th Angel • 7th Angel
Overview • The focus shifts from earth back to Heaven to emphasize the justice and sovereignty of efei • John is shown the firstfruits of the redeemed of Israel (an indication of many more to come) • He is also shown three-fold angelic witness: • The final global presentation of the gospel to all men representing their last opportunity to accept salvation before taking the mark of the Beast • The declaration of the certain and imminent destruction of Babylon • The divine warning concerning the gravity of worshiping the Beast and taking his mark
And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. Revelation 14:1 The City of David Psalm 2:4-6 – the psalmist is speaking ofthe millennial Zion
Zion • David Captured from Jebusites2nd Sam 5 • “A cup of trembling; a burdensome stone...” Zechariah 12:2,3 • Even now, Satan’s focus • Even Islam ignored it; until Israel regained it… • “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion” Psalm 2:6
30 Psalms of Zion • 20 Deliverance (of 144,000?) • 48 Kings of earth gathered (woman in travail) • 74 “Purchased” singers • 76 Cutting off kings of earth • 102 “Set time” is come • 110 Melchizedek; rod to rule; at right hand • 132 efeihas chosen Zion • 133 Israel united • 137 Babylon to be destroyed Rev 14:8 • 146 Trust not in princes; Son of man • 149 Vengeance upon nations
Zion • Efei chose Zion as • His eternal dwelling place (Psalm 132:13), • the site of His Temple • Efei promised, in the strongest terms, that He would never forget the earthly Zion:
Isaiah 49:14-16 Zion “But Zion said, “efei has forsaken me, And efei has forgotten me." "Can a woman forget her nursing child And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.” "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.””
Joel 2:31-32 Zion "The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of efei comes. "And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of efei Will be delivered; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem There will be those who escape, As efei has said, Even among the survivors whom efei calls.”
Micah 4:3 Zion “And He will judge between many peoples And render decisions for mighty, distant nations. Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they train for war.“
Micah 4:8 Zion “As for you, tower of the flock, Hill of the daughter of Zion, To you it will come-- Even the former dominion will come, The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem. “
Isaiah 2:3-4 Zion “And many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of efei, To the house of the Elohim of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For the law will go forth from Zion And the word of efei from Jerusalem. And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.“
Heavenly Zion? • There are several reasons to believe the Zion in verse 1 is heavenly • They are singing a new song (Rev 14:3) and are standing before the four living creatures and the elders • The scene takes place before the throne of efei (Rev 14:3, 5) • The Lamb is standing; in the millennial reign, He will be seated on His throne • The 144,000 are said to be redeemed from the earth (Rev 4:3) and redeemed from among men (Rev 4:4)
Heavenly and Earthly Zion? • It is also possible that these have been protected through the tribulation and are meeting Messiah when He stands on Mount Zion • “They” sung a new song may be referring to its nearest antecedent, the harpists (not the 144,000) • The 144,000 are the ones who can learn the song from among those on earth
Either way…Zion • Either way, the result is: • Here, in chapter 14, the same group [the 144,000 from Revelation 7] is pictured at the termination of the tribulation, when the kingdom is established • The returning King is on Mount Zion, as was predicted of Him (Zec 14:4) • At His return the faithful witnesses gather to Him, having been redeemed (Rev 14:4) and having faithfully witnessed in the midst of apostasy (Rev 14:4-5)
And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. Revelation 14:1 • None Missing! • With the exception of Dan, these includerepresentatives of both Judah and Israel Cf. Daniel 3
And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. Revelation 14:1 Some texts state the name of him [the Lamb] and the name of the Father of him
And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. Revelation 14:1 Recall that this is an indication of “ownership” by efei, as opposed to the mark of the Beast which signified loyalty
And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: Revelation 14:2 • This would possibly describe a heavenly multitude which includes both singers and harps • If so, then they who sing in the next verse could refer to this multitude
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Revelation 14:3 • Isaiah indicated that the ransomed (redeemed) would return to Zion with singing (Isa. 35:10; 51:11) • Those who have been redeemed respond with songs of great praise!!
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Revelation 14:3 • The subject of their song was redemption (Rev 5:8-10) • Here we see one of the purposes of trials and tribulations • to produce in us anew song of praise to God (Ps. 40:3; 98:1; 144:9)
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Revelation 14:3 • About half of the manuscripts available omit this phrase
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Revelation 14:3 • Why could no one else learn this song?
These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. Revelation 14:4 • Theirs is a time characterized by fornication (Rev 9:21), perhaps pagan rites of old are flourishing once again, but on a global basis
These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. Revelation 14:4 • These are physical virgins, or else why the distinction? All believers are spiritual virgins (being set apart and dedicated to efei) • “I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2ndCor 11:2)
These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. Revelation 14:4 • Read this word, redeemed! • With what were the purchased?
These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. Revelation 14:4 • In Mosaic ceremonial law, a technical term for the first portion of grain and fruit harvests and flocks offered to efei • Figuratively, of persons as the first of a set or category first: as the first converts in an area (see Rom 16:5)
First Fruits • It demonstrated the priority which was given to God because the first of that which had been long awaited was bypassed by the harvester and given to efei (Lev 23:10-14) • By honoring efei with one’s firstfruits, the resulting blessing would provide a greater yield • The nation of Israel is said to be the firstfruits of efei‘s increase which would eventually include multitudes of redeemed Gentiles (Jer 2:3) • James indicated that the early church was “a kind of firstfruits of His creatures” (Jas 1:18)
First Fruits They may also be considered firstfruits from the perspective of their unique preservation through the Tribulation enabling them to contribute to the initial Jewish population which enters the Millennial Kingdom in their natural bodies and subsequently populates the kingdom (Isa 65:20, 23)
And no lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless. Revelation 14:5 • Scripture implicates the mouth as the organ which speaks forth the heart: • “You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” (Matthew 12:34)
Next Session • Continue studying Chapter 14 • Read ahead into Chapters 15 and 16 – the Seven Bowls of Wrath