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This report provides insights from Shirley Wood of UKERNA and TERENA on the current state and future prospects of European research and education networking. It suggests clear definitions of key terms, broader involvement in policy decisions, addressing the digital divide, and fostering collaboration. Recommendations include optimizing technical expertise, political support, and inclusivity while considering diverse requirements. Additionally, it discusses the future role of NRENs and the necessity of common AAA services to ensure progress in networking.
Report back from Parallel Group 1 Shirley Wood UKERNA and TERENA Executive
General Comments • Need clear definition of terms within the document and consistency of use throughout reports, i.e. define Grid and middleware • View was that the report was about research networking only - not the wider remit of education and research • Should solve problems for the wider education and research community not just for part of the community, i.e. AAA • NRENS should be asked to define current services provided and planned services - may help to define interfaces
General Comments • NRENS should be asked to define current services provided and planned services - may help to define interfaces between NRENs, regional networks and campuses • NRENs should be involved in network wide policy decisions that should be implemented at end sites.
Move from electrical transmission to optical transmission • The group agreed with this recommendation and encouraged NREN experimentation in running services over dark fibre. • There is a requirement to build up technical expertise in this area.
What if anything should be done about Europe’s Digital Divide • The divide was not just caused by monopolies • Encourage political support • If a country has the political support it can overcome the digital divide. • Should not solve the digital divide at the expense of Europe falling behind the rest of the world • EU to support a minimum standard of network provision within each country
Does research and education networking have any political role to play in Europe’s relation with the developing world • Should ensure that politicians understand the importance and value of education and research networking and what it contributes to the economy • New networks should use the latest technology • Collaboration and exchange of ideas and what went wrong
Should NRENs become more inclusive of other communities • Agree to encourage wider community provided that there is a good business case • Inclusion of wider community should not reduce the network and services to the lowest denominator • Must be able to support diverse requirements.
Question 5 • Felt this question was being asked 10 years ago and we have not progressed • Should ensure that AAA services are common to all • Need an identifiable problem to solve otherwise we will not progress
What will be the future of NRENS • American experiment in early 90s showed that NRENs needed - cannot leave to the commercial market • NRENs can communicate and support own user communities • NRENs deal with political and different requirements in their own countries. • NRENs are the intelligent customer • Should look at economies of scale when purchasing bandwidth across Europe • No to a European NREN