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WP2 Shifting Baselines. REPORT BACK. David J Starkey University of Hull, UK. Start-Up Workshop Kiel, 6 October 2005. AGENDA Participants Purpose of meeting Roles & responsibilities within WP2 Communication WP2 objectives Milestones (workshops 1 and 2)

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  1. WP2 Shifting Baselines REPORT BACK David J Starkey University of Hull, UK Start-Up Workshop Kiel, 6 October 2005

  2. AGENDA • Participants • Purpose of meeting • Roles & responsibilities within WP2 • Communication • WP2 objectives • Milestones (workshops 1 and 2) • Parameters of research projects • Deliverables (publication strategy) • Data Issues • Collaboration strategy re: other WPs • Collaboration strategy re: other projects • Any other business

  3. 1. Participants 10 participants Representatives from each partner: UNAL SDU CDF CEFAS IMARPE ABERDEEN EMI HULL

  4. 2. Purpose of Meeting i. to get to know each other ii. to discuss & decide issues re: work plans, objectives, milestones, outputs

  5. 3. WP2: Roles & Responsibilities ** role & responsibilities of WP leader ** role & responsibilities of WP members AGREED: as per page 14 of Annex 1

  6. 4. Communication (within WP2) ** Contact details confirmed ** Various means of communication discussed AGREED: email & word docs sufficient DJS & AHM to investigate ‘sharepoint’ await news from WP1 re: web forum

  7. 5. WP2 Objectives ** reviewed WP2 objectives (Annex 1, p.21) ** considered concept of ‘baselines’ ** discussed feasibility of establishing ‘baselines’ AGREED: concept of baselines adopted as theme for WP2 workshop 1

  8. 6. Milestones (workshops 1 and 2) ** workshop 1: theme, venue, date ** workshop 2: venue, date AGREED: *workshop 1 to be held in Estonia, Galapagos, or Hull on 23-25 Feb, or 2-4 March 06 * workshop 2 to be held in July 07 (in Galapagos?) * DJS to cost options & report to group

  9. 7. Parameters of Research Projects ** parameters of projects confirmed Aberdeen to focus on Scottish coastal waters since c.1965 (probably west coast)

  10. 8. Deliverables (publications) ** considered types of publications – web-based data, source descriptions, analyses ** devised list of 8 ‘publication prospects’ i.e. ‘probables’ rather than ‘possibles’

  11. 9. Data Issues ** form & extent of historical data ** software used by WP2 members AGREED: *Hull to issue ‘data questionnaire’ to WP2 members * communicate with WP1 re: data dissemination * data issues to be discussed in depth at workshop 1

  12. Core Data Fields to be determined • Spatial (Co-ordinates, locators, etc.) • Temporal (Baselines, periodic units) • Species (Species, descriptors, etc.) • Catch, Effort, CPUE • Dataset Metadata • Authors • References • Accreditations • Research Methods • Research Tools • Outside Bodies • Resources • Descriptors • … ??? All information that applies to the dataset as a whole! INCOFISHWP2 Database • Desirable Data Fields to be determined • Environment (Pollution, coastal erosion, etc.) • Catch Data (Effort, vessel data, etc.) • Local (Local names, local references, etc.) • Other (Biodiversity, predators, etc.)

  13. 10. Collaboration with other WPs ** data supply to/from other WPs (WP1 & others) ** ‘overlaps’ with other WPs ** inter-dependency/autonomy of WPs AGREED: to seek clarification about ‘inter-dependency’ to invite other WP members to WP2 workshops

  14. 11. Collaboration with other Projects ** Existing links ** Ways of ‘raising visibility’ ** data sharing/overlaps/centralisation AGREED: * to pursue existing links (HMAP, CoML, OBIS, Seas Around Us, MARBEF, CEPHSTOCK) * to issue ‘strategic invitations’ to workshops * to seek clarification from WP1 re: data

  15. 12. Any other business * ‘eco-regions’ an appropriate construct for WP2? * ‘other’ historical data available * historical data held by INCOFISH members welcomed by WP2

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