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Effects of alcohol, drugs and solvents on our senses

Understand the harmful impact of alcohol, drugs, and solvents on our coordination, judgment, memory, and health. Learn the dangers of drink driving, drug abuse effects, and say no to harmful substances. Take a stand for a healthy lifestyle.

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Effects of alcohol, drugs and solvents on our senses

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  1. Healthy Effects of alcohol, drugs and solvents on our senses 11.6 Not Now Not Ever

  2. Drugs Solvents Alcohol affect the coordination (協調) between the sense organs, the brain and the muscles

  3. Effects of alcohol on us contain alcohol beer wine

  4. Effects of alcohol on us What are the effects of alcohol on us?

  5. Effects of alcohol on us • Slowing down our reaction • Impairing judgement • Impairing body coordination • Impairing memory, sight and hearing • Slurred speech

  6. Effects of alcohol on us drinking alcohol regularly addiction (上癮)

  7. Effects of alcohol on us heavy drinking over a long period of time brain and liver damages or even death

  8. 11.9 Dangers of drink driving Traffic accident caused by drink driving (酒後駕駛)

  9. 11.9 1 What was the cause of the traffic accident? The truck driver had drunk alcohol before he drove.

  10. 11.9 2 Why is drink driving dangerous? Alcohol slows down drivers’ reaction time / impairs judgement / impairs body coordination.

  11. Effects of alcohol on us alcohol slows down reaction impairs judgement of speed and distance No drink driving!

  12. Breathalyzer taking a breath test

  13. Breathalyzer for estimating the concentration of alcohol in the body breathalyzer

  14. Breathalyzer > 22 mg of alcohol per 100 cm3 of breath driver is charged with drink driving

  15. 11.17 Experiment video How a breathalyzer works 1 to vacuum pump cotton wool soaked with 95% alcohol dilute acidified dichromate solution

  16. 11.17 air containing alcohol 2 turn on for 2 min

  17. 11.17 2 What happens to the colour of the acidified dichromate solution? It changes from orange to green.

  18. Breathalyzer more alcohol in one’s breath darker the green colour the solution becomes alcohol level in the body can be determined

  19. Effects of drugs on us ‘Drug’ can refer to a substance that is used as a medicine.

  20. Effects of drugs on us Drugs have different effects on our senses and body functions.

  21. Effects of drugs on us If used in the wrong way, they can harm us or even kill us.

  22. Effects of drugs on us For example: cough medicine Small doses: relieve cough symptoms Large doses: addiction, respiratory depression, light-headedness, dizziness, etc.

  23. Effects of drugs on us ‘Drug’ can also refer to an illegal substance that people use to get ‘pleasant’ or ‘exciting’ feelings.

  24. Effects of drugs on us Examples of illegal drugs: Heroin (海洛英,俗稱白粉) Ketamine (氯胺酮,俗稱K仔)

  25. Effects of drugs on us Examples of illegal drugs: Cannabis (大麻) Ecstasy (搖頭丸/忘我)

  26. Effects of drugs on us Examples of illegal drugs: Methylamphetamine (甲基安非他明,俗稱冰)

  27. Effects of drugs on us Drug abuse(吸食毒品) will: harm the health or even lead to death  impair senses

  28. Effects of drugs on us Drug abuse(吸食毒品) will:  make one becomes aggressive, anxious or depressed

  29. Effects of drugs on us Drug abuse (吸食毒品) will:  lower the ability to judge  slow down the reaction

  30. Effects of drugs on us Drug abuse (吸食毒品) will:  cause illusions  make one loses control of movements

  31. Effects of drugs on us Drug addicts sharing syringe needles may spread AIDS

  32. Effects of drugs on us drugs are addictive a larger and larger amount of the drugs is needed life becomes dependent on the drugs

  33. Effects of drugs on us There is NO reason or excuse for drug abuse!

  34. Effects of drugs on us What would you do if someone persuades you to abuse drugs?

  35. Effects of drugs on us 1 To say NO directly and firmly These drugs are addictive. No, thanks!

  36. Effects of drugs on us 2 To say NO using an excuse Sorry. I’m not feeling well. I’vegot to go now.

  37. Effects of drugs on us 3 To say NO with a counter proposal Why drugs? I have another idea. Let’s play badminton.

  38. Effects of solvents on us Some household products contain solvents: thinner paint glue correction pen

  39. Effects of solvents on us Some household products contain solvents: sniffing the vapour can irritate:

  40. Effects of solvents on us Some household products contain solvents: sniffing the vapour can irritate: eyes respiratory system

  41. Effects of solvents on us Sniffing solvents may lead to: increased heartbeat rate which causes heart diseases

  42. Effects of solvents on us Sniffing solvents may lead to:  loss of judgement and muscle control  damage to the lungs and the brain

  43. Effects of solvents on us Sniffing solvents may lead to:  death Say ‘NO’ to sniffing solvents!

  44. Effects of alcohol, drugs and solvents on our senses Drinking alcohol, drug abuse and sniffing solvents greatly impair our senses.

  45. Effects of alcohol, drugs and solvents on our senses They cause serious harm to our body and may even lead to death.

  46. 47 8 1 Drinking alcohol, drug ___________ and sniffing ___________ impair the ____________ between the sense organs, the brain and the muscles. They can endanger our lives. abuse solvents coordination

  47. 48 8 2 The device used to measure the amount of alcohol in one’s breath is called the ____________. breathalyzer

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