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MESA - Mobile Broadband Project for Emergency and Safety Applications. Project Related Research. Adrian Boukalov. -------------------------------------------. Major differences between public safety network and systems B3G. System Infrastructure - No predefined infrastructure Network
MESA - Mobile BroadbandProject for Emergency and Safety Applications. Project Related Research Adrian Boukalov -------------------------------------------
Major differences between publicsafety network and systems B3G. System Infrastructure - No predefined infrastructure Network - Ad hoc User - Assured connectivity Terminal - Improved reliability - Multi-mode (satellite, multi-band), user interface - Additional possibilities for antennas installation - Introduction of mobile relying platform (aircraft /vehicle -based /wearable) Environment - Significant variation in propagation (weather, terrain, foliage, mobility) Traffic - Significant variations, sporadic connectivity => - Strengthened requirements => new type of equipment. Economical considerations and targeted market areas are different - Very high level of horizontal and vertical adaptivity is needed
Key Technology Elements. Differences 4G/Commercial TrustAdditional MESA thrust Frequency Microwave to Wideband Mobility Waveforms Multiple Access Low detection probability Coding Bandwidth efficiency Featureless (turbo codes) waveform Space-Time Reference availability Featureless Multi-User waveform Signal Processing mobility adaptive Mutipath Diversity techniques Mobility Interference Spatial, symbol processing Antijam Spectrum allocation Static allocation, Highly dynamic & max Nusers/Hz/area asymmetric Network IP Mobility, ad hoc, assurance
Mobility MESA mobile GSM MBS SAMBA UMTS DECT PHS HIPERLAN WAND portable MEDIAN fixed ISDN B-ISDN 2 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s 155Mbit/s Data rate
Major Wireless Broadband Research Projects EU - MBS (RACE II - 2067) - Magic WAND (WATM Net Demonstrator) - MEDIAN (W Broadband CPN LAN ) - SAMBA - ACCORD US GloMo 95-00 (Global Mobile Information Systems) Phase 1,Phase 2 DAWN /GloMo-BBN MITRE, MERLIN (UCLA) BARWAN 95-00 (Bay Area research Wireless Access Network
Broadband public safety wireless network research Research is needed to define technologies that will support new requirements and speed up MESA project standardization activity Key differences compared to public wireless networks: * Strengthened user requirements, large varieties of operational environments (interference, mobility,traffic variations) * End -to end communication by air => radio access becomes extremely important in ad hoc wireless network * More degrees of freedom for implementations: - costs-performance tradeoff - larger varieties of end user equipment for communication device installation (vehicles, wearable, mobile relaying platforms, multi-mode terminal) => developed technologies will contribute 4G research and standardization
MESA’s key research problems * High level of adaptivity/survivability (at different layers layer, between layers) - adaptive applications, new user interfaces - self organizing net,moving network - adaptive radios * Reconfigurable air interfaces multi-mode terminal SW radio implementations * Improved physical layer design which exploits new techniques such as: - ultra-wideband (UWB) techniques - spatial domain processing, miltiple input multiple output systems (MIMO) with smart antennas - integrated space-time receiver design * System design that will allow high mobility and broadband transmission * System issues (interoperability,reconfigurability,end to end security and QoS) * Signal-system level simulations
MESA user interface. Key research problems - MESA user study => user interface (&system requirements) - MESA’s users forum/community could provide an input for user interface R&D - psychological factors in public safety protection sector => user interface design - “standardized” interfaces for different user groups (medical, police, rescue,...) - common/standardized emergency data representation (XML) - user interface adaptivity
Vertical Adaptivity System Adaptivity Horizontal Adaptivity A. Horizontal Adaptivity 1. Adaptive Radios Radio => Environment: Smart Antennas, agile RF front end, adaptive waveform /detection,coding SW radio/interface transparency adaptive MAC layer 2. Self organising nets: multihop, vertical hand off (seamless roaming) geo-routing secure/survivable 3. Application adapt to the net proxy server adaptive middleware opportunistic delivery B.Vertical Adaptivity dynamic integration between radio, networking and application layers and within layers Adaptive Applications Self organizing Nets Adaptive radios
Research on Adaptivity - Rapid adaptivity. Radio => Environment: Smart Antennas, Agle RF front end, adaptive waveform /detection, adaptive coding multi channel - Self organising nets: Multihop, vertical hand offs (seamless roaming) , geo-routing routing (Bandwidth,Latency,Coverage,Load,P retransmission,cost) secure/surviable Application adapt to the net (environment ) Proxy server Adaptive middleware Opportunistic delivery - dynamic integration between radio,networking and application layers - Multilayer (vertical HO, load balancing between layers, BW allocation)
MESA user interface. Key Research Items. - MESA user study => user interface (&system requirements) - MESA’s users forum/community could provide an input for user interface R&D - psychological factors in public safety protection sector => user interface design - “standardized” interfaces for different user groups (medical, police, rescue,...) - common/standardized emergency data representation (XML) - user interface adaptivity
Layer 1. Research Items Proposals 1.Highly adaptive integrated STF transceiver > Joint (STF) incl. adaptive coding robust algorithms=> => reliability in different propagation and interference environments > STF channel estimation techniques > MIMO system => bit rate > Joint interoperability with L2=> adaptivity > signal processing based ALOHA > Investigation of the possibility to use “wearable” antennas => link level performance 2. MIMO techniques - algorithms, architectures -coordination with higher layers => system performance, bit rate 3. UWB technology = > handset cost, performance 4. System -signal level (parallel) simulation
MESA Terminal Design R&D Items - wireless nodes, relying platform (cars, helicopters, aircraft) - novel approaches to interface (helmet integrated displays,..), - organic and non-organic sensors - wearable computer/radio/antennas - antennas installation Airborne relaying platform
Technology development MESA Technical spec. development MESA members technical contribution WI R&D item STF WI R&D item others FP6 IPs WI WI t ?
Vision of MESA co-operation with WWI System level co-ordination project RI Core research area A Smart Mobile Life (N) RI Core research area B Services and applications(A) MESA system requirements MESA user requirements RI Core research area C Ambient Networks (E) RI - research item input for system development & standardization RI Core research area D New Radio (S) RI
Mapping of the MESA addressedresearch items into FP 6 research program Scope of the WWI research project IP(s) focused on MESA private user requirements Scope of MESA project and related R&D Common technologies
Items to be specified Radio Transmission Technologies L1 Physical Layer L2 MAC and Link Access Control L3 Network layer (RR, call control,..) Test environments and deployment models By application ??? . Evaluation methodology Technical characteristics chosen for evaluation - spectrum efficiency ? - technology complexity - Quality - flexibility,adaptivity - handportable …. - implication of adaptvity network interface . (See new for adhoc.) Simulations. Link Level simulations. System Level Simulation
The Key MESA Air Interface Parameters to be Studied and Defined - Multiple access techniques. DS/FH. UWB. - Physical/ logic link structure - Frame/packet structure and parameters - Frequency range(s) MHz - Ghz (multi mode) - Spectrum adaptive data rates - Adaptive spectrum sharing (frequency, time , power and space) spectrum allocation (find “holes” in spectrum) special waveforms, protocols to overlay and underlay spectrum - Very asymmetric topologies (UL/DL spectrum allocation)
The Physical Layer Radio Transmission Technologies to be Specified. Services Functions/procedures RF - Channel parameters (frequency bands, carrier raster, TX RX frequency separation) Access technology Modulation Technology Duplexing Technology Channel coding and interleaving Physical channel structure Frame structure TRX RX characteristics - output power, power dynamics , output RF emission, adjusted channel power, occupied bandwidth, frequency stability Logical channel structure Channel coding and service multiplexing Radio resource functions…. Satellite link
Ad Hoc Network Parameters to be Specified Quantitative Critical Feature Network setting Time Network Join Network Depart Network Recovery Frequency of updates Memory bite requirement Network scalability number Qualitative Critical Feature Knowledge of nodal location Effect to topology changes Adaptation to Radio Communication Environment Power Consciousness Single or Muti channel Bidirectional or Unidirectional links Security (prob of detection ,interseption) QoS routing and handling of priority messages Real time voice serv Real time video serv Performance metrics Thred-Task level Metrics Averaged power Expended Task completion time Diagnostic Packet Metrics End to end throughput End-to-end delay Packet loss Scenario Metrics Nodal movement/Topology change rate Number of nodes Area size of Network Density of Nodes per unit area Offered load and traffic patterns Number of Unidirectional Links