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KTH Research and Collaboration Björn Birgisson, Vice President for Research. Competing Orders in Functional Materials Joint KTH-Los Alamos Workshop 2013-06-03. Processes to support and effective and efficient research environment. Created new platforms in key technology areas
KTH Research and CollaborationBjörn Birgisson, Vice President for Research Competing Orders in Functional Materials Joint KTH-Los Alamos Workshop 2013-06-03
Processes to support and effective and efficient research environment Created new platforms in keytechnology areas New organization and business models ”Horizontal” information, S&T clusers, distributedproductionof research Strong collaboration and competition, address multi-stakeholders and responsibledevelopment Rewardquality RAE everyfouryears (2008 and 2012) Culture of ”ContinuousImprovement!” throughlinkstoresourceallocation system IntroducedevaluationofEconomic and Social Impactof research KTH is the firstuniversity in Sweden tointroduce a new comprehensive process for ”measuring” and describing the widerimpactof research
Research Platforms at KTH In the service of humanity, for the society of tomorrow
The platforms KTH Royal Institute of Technology • www.kth.se
KTH Transport PlatformStrategy • Mission • ”Reason for being” • Effective and efficient vehicle for delivering innovation oriented multidisciplinary research – under a multi-stakeholder partnership – servicing the society of tomorrow
Strategic Research Areas at KTH • In June 2009, KTH was awarded 240 Mkr/year from the Strategic Research Call run by the Swedish government • KTH will take part in 11 strategic research programmes • Five of these programmes will be managed by KTH • ICT – the Next Generation • Biotech: Science for Life Laboratory • Transport: TrenOp • E-Science: Swedish E-Science Centre • Production Engineering: XPRESS • In additon KTH will play a substantial role in: • Energy: StandUp in partnership with Uppsala University
KTH ICT Research Platform Prof Carl Gustaf Jansson, ICT Research Platform Coordinator
ICT at KTH A substantial part of KTH (1/4-1/3) 3 schools 30 Research Groups 15 Research Centers A strong Research environment 90 professor 4 ERC grants Annualturnover 95 M Euro Externalfunding 40 M Euro An international Educationenvironment 430 Post graduate students 1500 Master students An alreadyworkinglocal Innovation system KTH Innovation The Innovation Office Stockholm Innovation & Growth (STING) Good collaboration with Research institutes and a strong Industrial environment SICS, ACREO and FOI Kista Science City with largecompanies like Ericsson and manySMEs, 500 ICT companies and 20.000 employeeslocally
EIT ICT Labs KTH Rektor Peter Gudmundson www.kth.se
KTH Energy Research PlatformA new tool for cross disciplinary education, research and innovationIn service for a sustainable society Prof Ramon Wyss, Energy Platform Coordinator
KTH energy researchfields of strength Integration of Technical Systemspoly generation, hybrid electrical vehicles, electrical grid, wind park design, automotive pollution control Fundamental Research Nuclearenergy; Fluid mechanics;nano materials; heat transfer; fusion plasma physics The societalembedding of energy systems transportation systems and intelligent cities, industrial processes, environmental studies of energy systems, energy policy, climate studiesrisk, safety and security Processes and Devicesturbines, thermo chemical conversion of biomass, heterogeneous catalysis, fuel cells, heat pumps, solar cells, energy storage, power transformers, carbon capture and storage,
EIT InnoEnergy • 11 companies, 10 research institutes, 14 universities • 31 % industry partners • 50 % of key research players in Europe • Covering the entire energy mix • Knowledge triangle balanced along all dimensions • Strong connection with venture capitalists and local government KTH Royal Institute of Technology • www.kth.se
History Industrial sectors for a Swedish Technical University
History • Long tradition of Material Science at KTH • KTH has over 50% of the Swedish research in fiber and polymer science • KTH is the largest centre in Sweden for Engineering Materials • KTH is a national hub for electronic and photonic materials • There are a very large number of centers of excellence in these fields
Structure of Material Research Physics, Chemistry Comp. Deve. Construction Materials core: Polymer, Steel, semiconductor materials, etc
Materials – New (Inter)National Tools MAX-IV and ESS
Life Science Technologiesat KTH = Medical Technology + Biotechnology + Pharma Wouter van der Wijngaart www.kth.se/lifescience
The academic landscape in the Stockholm-Uppsala area The Stockholm – Uppsala area is Swedens strongest in the biomedical and biotechnology field
KTH is a Life Science TechnologiesUniversity Transport 64 research teams 15-20% of KTH Life Science Technologies
a support organisation The MBM Platform is a vehicle to support Life Science Technology research at KTH promotes YOUR research externally, increasingfunding and citations deals with”across-school” issues a singlepointofentryfor externals and internals a meeting placewithin KTH provides opportunities for synergistic actions organisesframeworks for collaborationswith external partners The official platform role is outlined in the ”Terms of Reference” document
Life Science Technologies research at KTH has six focus areas Biomolecular tools & biomaterials Fundamental research in life science Bioimaging KTH Life Science Technologies Medical devices Infrastructure in health Mathematical and computational sciences
Current KTH flagships in the MedBioMed area • Science for Life Lab (KTH + Karolinska Institute + Stockholm university + Uppsala University): Services, technology and teaching in genomics, proteomics, comparative genetics and bioimaging and functional biology • Stockholm Brain Institute (KTH + Karolinska Institute + Stockholm university): systems neurobiology approach to higher brain functions • Centre for Medicine in Technology and Health (KTH + Karolinska Institute + Stockholm County Council): to create and constitute a leading medical device research and development environment • SeRC - the Swedish e-science Research Centre (KTH, SU, LiU and KI) around the two largest high-performance computing (HPC) centres in Sweden, focussing, amongst other, on complex diseases, bioinformatics & sequence databases
International cooperation • Worldwide student exchange • Large number of exchange agreements • Very active within Erasmus mundus • International collaboaration • EIT with the KICs • China Centres of Excellence
Collaboration with society …industry, institutes and other authorities Faculty for Innovative Engineering Margareta Norell Bergendahl
Where is KTH in 2027? • One of Europe’s leading technical universities • Strong cooperation with industries and society • Focus on life quality and sustainable development • Passion, dynamics and creativity 2014-09-13 KTH Royal Institute of Technology • www.kth.se maggan@kth.se 28
KTH Innovative Engineering Mission to increase the KTH impact and engagement with society,and to contribute to quality of research, education and innovativeness. …By systematization of our effortson partnership, knowledge transferand common adressing of challenges 2014-09-13 KTH Royal Institute of Technology • www.kth.se maggan@kth.se 29
The ”KTH Model” for Collaboration includes 1. Partnering, establishment and management Types of partnership defined Partner process developed, faculty engagementYearly management dialogue 2. Exchange – knowledge transfer From Partners to KTH From KTH to Partners Rulesof the game - described in ’Så här gör vi’ FAF Forum for AdjunctFaculty 3. Establishment of common arenas Stockholm OpenLab…. Other common facilities Initiating partnership Follow up & development Running the partnerhip 2014-09-13 KTH Royal Institute of Technology • www.kth.se maggan@kth.se 30