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Fred Harris Vice-President Research, Architecture and Design. Transport. SONET Rings. To Vancouver, BC. Via New Westminster. Everett. East Wenatchee. Spokane. SEATTLE. Tacoma. Montreal, QC. Montreal, QC. (UNITEL). (Stentor). Helena. Coeur d' Alene. Alburg Springs. Portland.
Fred Harris Vice-President Research, Architecture and Design
SONET Rings To Vancouver, BC Via New Westminster Everett East Wenatchee Spokane SEATTLE Tacoma Montreal, QC Montreal, QC (UNITEL) (Stentor) Helena Coeur d' Alene Alburg Springs Portland Essex Jct. Bismarck Portland Fargo Iron Mountain Ring 43 (2) Billings Manchester Salem North Chelsford Framingham Worcester St. Cloud Boston Ring 41 (4) Mansfield Eau Claire SPRINGFIELD Ft. Erie, ON Syracuse Eugene Niagara Falls, ON Appleton Albany (UniTel) (Stentor) ST. PAUL Providence Niagara Falls Rochester Bandon Cable Head Ring 13 (3) Green Hill Cable Head BUFFALO Hartford Saginaw New London New Haven Binghamton Bridgeport Ring 4 (13) Medford Owatonna Stamford Flint Grand Rapids White Plains Ring 8 (13) Ring 69 (9) Hackensack Shirley Cable Head Milwaukee Ring 113 (4) Sparta Sioux Falls Windsor, ON Ring 87 (4) Scranton Franklin Madison NEW YORK Lansing Erie Pontiac Morristown Newark DETROIT Kalazamoo Edison Ring 21 (19) Cleveland Manasquan CHICAGO Trenton Youngstown Toledo Cedar Rapids South Bend Manahawkin Dekalb Clinton Sterling Philadelphia Harrisburg PENNSAUKEN Redding Ring 138 (9) Ring 34 (13) Des Moines Pittsburgh AKRON Sioux City Mansfield Wilmington Tuckerton Auburn Fostoria Hammond Hagerstown Pleasant Hill CHEYENNE Baltimore Reno Jct. Worthington Grand Island RELAY Chico OMAHA Ring 99 (6) Columbus Ring 16 (11) Martinsburg OROVILLE Reno Dayton Peoria Bloomington Lafayette Point Arena Salt Lake City WASHINGTON Chillicothe Indianapolis Lincoln ROACHDALE Rancho Sacramento Cincinnati Manassas Cordova Walnut Creek Denver Sciotoville Fredericksburg Champaign San Ramon Springfield Charleston Ring 44 (3) Charlottesville Terre Haute Oakland STOCKTON Ashland Huntington Richmond KANSAS CITY Ring 71 (9) Ring 122 (4) Lynchburg San Francisco Vincennes Modesto Lawrenceville Lexington Colorado Springs Newport News Topeka Burlingame Ring 50 (13) Louisville St. Louis Palo Alto Roanoke San Jose Fresno Evansville Ring 75 (2) Ring 85 (1) Jefferson City Salinas Warrensburg Carbondale Ring 12 (15) Madisonville Franklinton Wichita Raleigh Bakersfield Winston-Salem Cable Head Las Vegas Ring 124 (1) San Luis Opbispo Greeneville Southern Pines NASHVILLE Santa Maria Charlotte Knoxville Hamlet Asheville Santa Barbara Tulsa Ring 48 (3) Cheraw Spartanburg Ventura Chattanooga Van Buren Camarillo Burbank Adelanto Van Nuys Covina Okarche Little Rock Los Angeles RIALTO Huntsville Albuquerque Columbia Oklahoma City Ring 83 (17) Los Angeles Amarillo Memphis Palm Springs Smyrna Downey ANAHEIM ATLANTA FAIRFAX FAIRFAX Santa Ana Atlanta Augusta Mission Viejo Oceanside Pine Bluff Solana Beach PHOENIX Charleston Claremont Birmingham Wichita Falls San Diego Bowie Ring 77 (6) Plano Savannah Las Cruces Lubbock Montgomery Jackson Longview FT. WORTH Shreveport Tucson Irving Dallas Ring 119 (3) Abilene Jacksonville (WTG) Nogales, AZ Atmore Madison El Paso Ring 26 (4) Chipley Tallahassee Jacksonville Nogales, MX Midland Ring 47 (8) Juarex, MX Pensacola Mobile Biloxi Hammond Jct. Waco Daytona Beach Hearne Baton Rouge Houston Bryan Lafayette ORLANDO NEW ORLEANS Orlando Ring 60 (9) (2 sites) Ring 54 (13) Austin Kissimmee SATSUMA Tampa (2 sites) San Antonio Fort Meyers West Palm Beach (2 sites) Cable Head Ft. Lauderdale (2 sites) Miami (2 sites) Corpus Christi Mc Allen Reynosa, MX
Desktop-to-Desktop Sprint Core Sprint Core SprintPOI SprintPOI High SpeedRing CommercialBuilding B-MANCollectorRing CO Cellular MTSO
Total DWDM Deployment To Vancouver, BC Via New Westminster Blaine Everett East Wenatchee Spokane SEATTLE Tacoma Montreal, QC Montreal, QC (UNITEL) (Stentor) Helena Coeur d' Alene Alburg Springs Portland Essex Jct. Bismarck Portland Fargo Iron Mountain Billings Manchester Salem North Chelsford Framingham Worcester St. Cloud Boston Mansfield Eau Claire SPRINGFIELD Ft. Erie, ON Syracuse Eugene Niagara Falls, ON Appleton Albany (UniTel) (Stentor) ST. PAUL Providence Niagara Falls Rochester Bandon Cable Head Green Hill Cable Head BUFFALO Hartford Saginaw New London New Haven Binghamton Bridgeport Medford Owatonna Stamford Flint Grand Rapids White Plains Hackensack Shirley Cable Head Milwaukee Sparta Sioux Falls Windsor, ON Scranton Franklin NEW YORK Lansing Erie Madison Pontiac Morristown Newark DETROIT Kalazamoo Edison Cleveland Manasquan CHICAGO Trenton Cedar Rapids Youngstown Toledo South Bend Manahawkin Dekalb Clinton Sterling Philadelphia Harrisburg PENNSAUKEN Des Moines Redding Pittsburgh AKRON Sioux City Mansfield Wilmington Tuckerton Auburn Fostoria Hammond Hagerstown Pleasant Hill CHEYENNE Reno Jct. Baltimore Worthington Grand Island RELAY Chico OMAHA Columbus Martinsburg OROVILLE Reno Dayton Peoria Lafayette Bloomington Point Arena Salt Lake City WASHINGTON Indianapolis Chillicothe Lincoln ROACHDALE Rancho Sacramento Cincinnati Manassas Cordova Walnut Creek Denver Sciotoville Fredericksburg Champaign San Ramon Springfield Charleston Charlottesville Terre Haute Oakland STOCKTON Ashland Huntington Richmond KANSAS CITY Lynchburg San Francisco Vincennes Modesto Lawrenceville Lexington Colorado Springs Newport News Topeka Burlingame Louisville St. Louis Palo Alto Roanoke San Jose Fresno Evansville Jefferson City Salinas Warrensburg Carbondale Madisonville Franklinton Wichita Raleigh Bakersfield Winston-Salem Cable Head Las Vegas San Luis Opbispo Greeneville Southern Pines NASHVILLE Santa Maria Charlotte Knoxville Hamlet Asheville Santa Barbara Tulsa Cheraw Spartanburg Ventura Chattanooga Van Buren Camarillo Burbank Adelanto Van Nuys Covina Okarche Little Rock Los Angeles RIALTO Huntsville Albuquerque Columbia Oklahoma City Los Angeles Memphis Amarillo Palm Springs Smyrna Downey ANAHEIM ATLANTA FAIRFAX FAIRFAX Santa Ana Atlanta Augusta Mission Viejo Oceanside Pine Bluff Solana Beach PHOENIX Charleston Claremont Birmingham Wichita Falls San Diego 1 Bowie Savannah Plano Las Cruces Lubbock Montgomery Jackson Longview FT. WORTH Shreveport Tucson Irving Dallas Abilene Jacksonville (WTG) Nogales, AZ Atmore Madison El Paso Chipley Tallahassee Jacksonville Nogales, MX Midland Juarex, MX Pensacola Mobile Biloxi Hammond Jct. Waco Daytona Beach Hearne Baton Rouge Houston Bryan Lafayette ORLANDO NEW ORLEANS Orlando (2 sites) Austin 16 Kissimmee SATSUMA Tampa (2 sites) San Antonio Fort Meyers 40 l West Palm Beach (2 sites) Cable Head Ft. Lauderdale (2 sites) > 80 l Miami (2 sites) Corpus Christi Mc Allen Reynosa, MX
Softswitch Environment SCP SCP SCP SCP High Speed HP OC HP OC STP STP MGC MGC MGC MG MG MGC MGC MG MG MG F-Links from MGC to HP OC A-Links from MGC to STP A-Links from STP to HP OC
Commercial ATM Deployment 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 5 2 4 3 3 2 Seattle Redmond 3 10 Tacoma Rochester, NY Buffalo, NY Springfield Woburn, MA 14 10 8 Walpole, MA 10 St Paul 2 Wallingford, CT Detroit 1 10 Manhattan, NY Lansing 24 Westbury, NY Pennsauken, PA Cheyenne Summerset, NJ Teterboro, NJ 4 Chicago Philadelphia, PA 6 14 1 Pennsauken 20 Omaha Sacramento 2 8 11 28 Elkridge Stockton 11 2 10 1 4 Akron Santa Rosa 2 Beltsville, MD 9 20 2 2 Denver Roachdale San Jose Hanover, MD Kansas City 2 Brisbane Las Vegas 6 14 Oakland 2 10 Charlotte Los Angeles 2 4 Rialto Ontario 12 Nashville Irvine Albuquerque 2 Phoenix 24 24 Burbank 1 10 8 2 San Diego San Diego 2 Atlanta 1 2 Pearl City 2 24 2 Ft Worth ATM NEC M20 40G Core ASX-4000 Edge Switch Vector Edge Switch ATM Edge Switch (Sprint PCS Locations) PSN2 Switch - Passport 7480 PSN2 Switch - Passport 15000 13 New Orleans Satsuma 6 14 10 Orlando
2002 Europe Sprint IP Backbone Network Oslo Stockholm Dublin Noerre Nebel Copenhagen Springfield / Boston London Amsterdam New York Hamburg Bude Pennsauken, NJ Brussels Manasquan, NJ Frankfurt Paris Tuckerton, NJ Munich Relay / DC Milan Raleigh Atlanta STM 64 (OC-192) STM16 (OC-48) STM4 (OC-12) Internet Transport Node Orlando Landing Station
Seattle Tacoma To Chicago, Kansas City, New York Bandon Nedonna Beach PAIX To Cheyenne Stockton Tokyo Kite-Ibaraki Pt. Arena To Pennsauken Seoul Aligura San Luis Obispo To Relay/DC, Chicago Maruyama Los Osos Pusan Chikura San Jose Chinju Shima To Fort Worth Anaheim Taipei Hong Kong Toucheng Hawaii Fangshan Lanta Island Tseung Kwan Kahe Point Spencer Beach Penang Singapore Suva Internet Transport Node Landing Station Future Location Brookvale Auckland Alexandria Sydney 2002 Asia Sprint IP Backbone Network
IP Class of Service Network Diagram VPN VPN ER ER PR PR BR BR Classification and prioritization occurs at customer’s premise router Classification and prioritization occurs at Sprint’s edge router Sprint IP Backbone No classification or prioritization on the Sprint IP Backbone. Bi-directional prioritization on the local access facility PR: Premise Router ER: Edge Router BR: Backbone Router
Sprint IP Class of Service Offering • Allows Dedicated IP and IP VPN customers to make efficient use of existing bandwidth by ensuring delivery of time-critical applications • Assigns different traffic types to 4 priority classes based upon packet importance • Resources are allocated to each class by the customer
IP Class of Service Mechanisms • Sprint’s IP Class of Service offering is based on DiffServ technology for traffic classification and uses Priority Queuing and Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing for traffic scheduling. Class A Premium Traffic Priority Queue Class B Critical Traffic Customer Access Link Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing Class C Business Traffic Class D Standard Traffic
Build Philosophy • Zero Drop, Speed-of-Light-like Latency, Low Jitter • Side-effect of provisioning approach The job of the core is to move packets, not inspect or rewrite them.
Support Philosophy: Three S’s • Simple • NOC staff can operate it • Sane • Don’t have to be a PhD to understand and troubleshoot the routing • Supportable • It if takes twelve hours to figure out what’s wrong, something isn’t right
Traffic Engineering • Aggregated Traffic in a core network (> = OC48) is “uncorrelated”, that is, not self-similar • “Impact of Aggregation on Scaling Behavior of Internet Backbone Traffic”, Zhi-Li Zhang, Vinay Riberio, Sue Moon, Christophe Diot, Sprint ATL Technical Report TR02-ATL-020157 (http://www.sprintlabs.com/ipgroup.htm) • So you can actually provision to avoid queuing in a core network • With proper network design, you can get within 3% of optimal (utilization) • “Traffic Engineering With Traditional IP Routing Protocols”, Bernard Fortz, Jennifer Rexford, and Mikkel Thorup
Convergence/Restoration • MPLS Approach • Fast Reroute, with various kinds of protection • O(N^2*C) complexity (C classes of service) • B/W must be available • Sprintlink approach • Simple network design • Equal cost multi-path/IS-IS improvements for sub-second convergence • BTW, what is the (service) convergence time requirement? • Note: Recent work shows that FIB download dominates service restoration time, so...
L3 Transport/VPN • MPLS Approach • RFC 2547 (MPLS/BGP VPN) • Sprintlink Approach • CPE Based and VR based (network based) • Interestingly, although many customers seem to be asking for 2547 VPN, there is no artifact that will allow users to distinguish between a VR VPN and a 2547 VPN • See also “Integrity for Virtual Private Routed Networks”, Randy Bush and Tim Griffin, INFOCOMM 2003 • Result: 2547 cannot provide isolation (“security”) in the multi-provider (inter-domain) case
Closing • Load-sharing is done by a per-destination caching scheme • I.E. traffic flows take only ONE best path across the SprintLink Network • Minimized packet re-ordering, reduced fiber-path induced jitter. • IP traffic growth is still doubling ~yearly • Easier to provision the network to ensure no congestion in the core, more cost-effective than fancy queuing in the core. • Simple means reliable, fixable, and more stable. • Queuing only needed at the edge, where packet/frame sizes are ‘large’ in proportion to the ingress bandwidth. • Stays with Simplicity Principle • Frees up Core routing system’s resources
Moving up the Value Chain Sprint’s quickest and most differentiated path to the pinnacle of the customer value chain. Network & Systems Management Transport Access Applications Content • Unlimited capacity • Service consistency • Virtually unlimited bandwidth • End-to-end managed solution • CPE • New generation of applications • Anything is possible