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a two days workshop: ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) & SREP (Supervisory Review & Evaluation Process) “How to comply with regulator requirements and realize business value from your ICAAP program” Facilitator : Mac Kalyan Mukhtar Date : April 24 th – 25 th , 2014
a two days workshop: ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) & SREP (Supervisory Review & Evaluation Process) “How to comply with regulator requirements and realize business value from your ICAAP program” Facilitator : Mac Kalyan Mukhtar Date : April 24th – 25th, 2014 Venue : NovotelPhuket Resort* Patong Beach Road, Patong - 83150 Phuket - Thailand Investment Fee : USD. 1,100 Who should attend : Executive & Non-Executive Directors, Chairmen of Boards, and others who find the program relevant to their work *to be confirmed
PROGRAM OBJECTIVE The recent financial crisis identified significant weaknesses in the risk management processes and technology relied upon by financial services firms. As a result, the benefits of ICAAP have received renewed emphasis globally. This course explores the key components of ICAAP, namely Risk Appetite, Economic Capital, Enterprise Stress Testing, Capital Planning, Use Test and Governance. By the end of the course the participants will have a thorough understanding of the ICAAP roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and Senior Management as well as Risk Appetite and the difference between risk limits and tolerance. Risks and related capital, not previously considered within Pillar 1 requirements of the Basel II Accord will be identified as well as exploring strategies to ensure sufficient capital to cover all relevant risks. Participants will gain an appreciation for the Basel III requirements as well as the benefits of Enterprise Stress Testing to ICAAP and its relationship with Risk Appetite. The challenges in adoption of ICAAP will be examined, leading to a better understanding of the ICAAP Independent Review process and key review focus areas and questions. The Supervisory Review & Evaluation Process (SREP), along with ICAAP is an integral function of the Pillar II Basel initiative. While ICAAP requires institutions to develop comprehensive and effective internal review Frame works, SREP carried out by the regulators, checks this process and determines if the institution is compliant. SREP workshop is more tailored to helping institutions rather to exactly what regulators are looking for. While ICAAP provides a more comprehensive understanding of the internal process, SREP will enable institutions to develop the policies, frameworks, and capital adequacy that regulators today demand. PROGRAM OUTLINE • 1. ICAAP Summary • Capital • Key ICAAP Components 2. Governance • Company Structure • Management and Control 3. Risk Appetite Statement • Strategic Imperative and Supporting Priorities • Risk Metrics 4. Financial and Capital Positions • Business Profile • Retails Markets • Wholesale Banking • Investment Banking • Risk Management Organization • Operating Environment • Financial Plan • Capital Plan • Basel III • Balance Sheet Resource Allocation
About the Facilitator Mac Kalyan Mukhtar is an industry veteran with a career spanning three decades in capital markets, finance and risk management. Cutting his teeth initially in the trading pits of the Chicago Board of Trade – fixed income trader – Mr. Kalyan soon gravitated to senior management positions within hedge funds before founding his own investment vehicle – Haystack Capital Management. An acknowledged ICAAP and Risk Appetite Expert, Mr. Kalyan has been extensively involved in several Basel rollouts in both North America and here in Asia, most recently in Korea, Singapore and Malaysia. With an extensive knowledge of the regulatory and compliance environment in several G-20 countries, Mr. Kalyan has acted in an advisory capacity to banks, central banks and regulatory agencies in both Asia and North America. Mr. Kalyan also holds a senior management position in Black Ice Partners – a small boutique risk advisory business with operations in North America, the Middle East and Asia. A Canadian national, he holds a degree in economics from Simon Fraser University and a Masters Degree in behavior economics awarded by Stanford University. Mr. Kalyan is a member of numerous professional organizations, among them GARP and the Canadian Payments Association – his current interests are in Basel II Pillar II, regulatory discretion and the utilization of common sense in risk, rather than a reliance on quantitative modeling that was demonstrated to have several data and process related weaknesses.
Name : BSMR ID No. : Company : Job Title : Office Address : Contact Number: E-mail address : Contact Person : Date: signature • Please complete the Registration Form and fax to 021 – 29036681 or 021-29036657 Registration Form TwoDays Workshop: ICAAP & SREP “How to comply with regulator requirements and realize business value from your ICAAP program” • April 24th – 25th, 2014 • NovotelPhuket Resort* • Patong Beach Road, Patong - 83150 Phuket - Thailand • Investment Fee: USD. 1,100 • (including snacks, lunch and seminar kits) Office: Mobile: Name: Phone No: • Payment should be transferred to: • BadanSertifikasiManajemen Risiko • Bank BRI, Jakarta Pondok Indah • Account No: 0362-02-000059302 (USD) • Discount Policy: • Group booking from thesame institution attending thisseminar will get discount. • 2 participants: 5% discount • 3 participants: 7,5% discount • > 3 participants: 10% discount • Cancellation Policy: • The fee is non-refundable • For more information, Please Contact: • IRPA Office: 021 – 29036656 / 021- 29036680 • Ms. Sinta: 0812-88679667 (dpu@bsmr.org) • Ms. Lina: 0812-1129936 (m_lina@bsmr.org) • Mr. Syaeful: 0812-88110013 (syaeful@bsmr.org)