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Auschwitz / Birkenau !. Location!. The Location of Auschwitz/ Birkenau was Oswiecim, Poland. This was the main entrance of Birkenau . Estimated Number of People Attending the Camp!. Estimated Number of victioms:2.1 million to 2.5 million. Estimated death: Over 4 million.
Location! • The Location of Auschwitz/Birkenau was Oswiecim, Poland. This was the main entrance of Birkenau.
Estimated Number of People Attending the Camp! Estimated Number of victioms:2.1 million to 2.5 million. Estimated death: Over 4 million. • Not such a pretty • sight huh?
Date! • Established Date: May 26th 1940. • Liberation Date: January 27th 1945 by the Soviet Army. Yippee!!
Purpose For The Camp! • To kill anyone who was not strong enough to work. As soon as they walked in they were stripped and forced into a “shower” of gases. The gas was called Zyklon B. • The purpose was to kill. That’s why its called a “Death Camp”.
Interesting Facts! • There was actually 3 sub camps to Auschwitz. • When Liberated the Nazis burned all the evidence of what took place in Auswitz/Birkenau. • There were electric fences, if you were to touch it you would die right away. • The “seven dwarfs "attended Auswitz and survived!
Location of the Camp! • The location of Bergen-Belson is Hanover in northwest Germany. View of the camp.
Estimated Number of People! • Estimated number that attended Bergen-Belsen 60,000 • Almost 35,000 had died. Ehhh…
Date Established/ Liberated! • The date bergen-belson was established-1940 • It was liberated1944 1945 after liberation.
Purpose of the Camp! Bergen Belsen was also a death camp. It was originally a camp prison for prisoners of war.
Interesting Facts! • Unlike Auschwitz it did not kill by showering the prisoners with gas, most of the prisoners were shot, hung, and starved to death. • It had several camps and the camps segregated the prisoners. • Even though this camp is not like the other ones thousands had suffered.
Location of the Camp! • Westerbork is located in the Netherlands. In Holland, right outside of Germany.
Estimated Number of People. • An estimate of 20 thousand people attended this camp!!!! These stars represent the victims at Westerbork.):
Date Established/Liberated • Westerbork was established in October 1939. • And it was liberated on April 12, 1945. Free at last!
Purpose of the Camp! • Jewish people that tried to enter the Netherlands illegally were caught and sent to Westerbork. Most were form Germany. • From 1942 to 1944 Westerbork served as a transit camp for Dutch Jewish before they were deported to extermination camps in German-occupied Poland.
Interesting Facts. • Westerbork deported Jews to Auschwitz, Sobibor, Theresienstadt ghetto, and Bergen Belsen. • Most deported to Auschwitz and Sobibor were killed on arrival. • Westerbork camp had a "double life." Most inmates stayed in the camp for only a short time before being deported, there was also a "permanent" camp population of 2,000. • Westerbork was abandoned when allies troops approached the camp thus leading to liberation.
Bibliography! (work sited) Auschwitz/Birkenau- http://www.jewishgen.org/ForgottenCamps/index.html Bergen-Belsen- http://isurvived.org/Bergen-Belsen_liberation.html Westerbork- http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005217 Search Engine: Google!