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Auschwitz- birkenau

Auschwitz- birkenau. by Jacob. Location . Auschwitz is located in the southern part of Poland near the city of Krakow. Who was sent to Auschwitz . The people who where sent to Auschwitz where Jews , Gypsies, homosexuals, asocials , criminals, and prisoners. What type of camp was it .

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Auschwitz- birkenau

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Auschwitz-birkenau by Jacob

  2. Location • Auschwitz is located in the southern part of Poland near the city of Krakow

  3. Who was sent to Auschwitz • The people who where sent to Auschwitz where Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, asocials, criminals, and prisoners

  4. What type of camp was it • It was a very hard labor camp but it was mostly a death camp

  5. What where the conditions • the conditions at Auschwitz where very cold during the night, winter and fall. But during the day, spring and summer.

  6. How many people where sent to Auschwitz • The amount of people where sent is a estimate of about 4.4 million people

  7. How many people died in Auschwitz • The estimate amount of people who died in Auschwitz was about 1.1 million

  8. How did people survive • Some people survived by escaping Auschwitz but it didn’t always work out. • Some Jewish people who where giving the job of sonderkammando which was a Jewish guard wouldn’t get kill if they did there job.

  9. When did Auschwitz open • Auschwitz was opened in May 1940

  10. What happened after the war • The camp was liberate in January 1945

  11. When and who liberated the camp • The camp was liberated in January 27 1945 and the camp was liberated by the red army from the soviet union.

  12. Movies and films of aushwitz • Auschwitz (film) • God on trial (film) • The boy in the striped pajamas (film)

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