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PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDIES OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE HOMOEPATHIC NOSODES USED FOR MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING (brief communication). Dr. Tatyana N. Chernysheva, M.D.; Tatyana P. Apukhtina, M.D. ; Prof. Vladimir I. Korenbaum, Ph.D. Functional medicine clinic “Manus” and
PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDIES OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE HOMOEPATHIC NOSODES USED FOR MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING(brief communication) Dr. Tatyana N. Chernysheva, M.D.; Tatyana P. Apukhtina, M.D.; Prof. Vladimir I. Korenbaum, Ph.D. Functional medicine clinic “Manus” and Pacific Oceanological Institute of RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
MMT challenges • Under classical MMT in AK the challenges of three types are accepted: mechanical, chemical and emotional. • The physiological essence of even this classical variant of MMT remains unknown. • At a later date, it was suggested that the noncontactly applied homoeopathic nosodes, representing the electronic-homoeopathic copies (EHC) of parent substances, be used during MMT for challenges. • Clearly, estimating the significance of MMT results on homoeopathic nosodes is a problem because of an uncertain biophysical nature of the phenomenon.
OBJECTIVES • Biophysically, it is impossible to overlook certain parallels between this MMT variant and Shimmel electropunctural vegetative resonance test in which homoeopathic nosodes are also used. • All difference between these, essentially bioindicative, procedures is likely to be in the specific character of indicator used: muscular effort during MMT, electric conduction of bioactive points in Shimmel test. • Thus, an explanation for the phenomenon is evidently to be looked for in the physical characteristics of homoeopathic nosodes by themselves and in special features of their interaction with living organisms.
We initiated two independent studies • In the first one, three double blind randomized experiments were conducted to estimate the action of the water based EHCs of biohumus fertiliser and the placebo on tomato seedling growth and mass. • In the second one, double blind objective testing the optical properties of EHCs of 4 nosodes (Metabolics, Great Britain): - Toxic metal, - Bacteria, - DNA-tox, - Vanilmandelic acid was carried out in comparison with the placebo.
Action of the EHC of biohumus fertiliser on tomato seedling: Preparing • The operator performed electronic-homoeopathic copying on the «Simulator» apparatus (Metabolics, Great Britain). • Tomato seeds were soaked in the prepared remedies and transplanted into individual plastic boxes (44-49 pieces each).
Action of the EHC of biohumus fertiliser on tomato seedling: Process and results • The uniform environmental exposure of plant groups was achieved by displacing and turning the boxes at a time. • The plants were fed with the preparations (200-300 ml) once a week. • Duration of each experiment was 38 days. • The mass and growth differences for green part of the plants, watered by homoeopathic nosode and placebo, proved to be statistically significant in all three experiments.
The optical spectroscopy • Absorption spectra were obtained using UV – 2101 PC (Shimadzu, Japan) double-beam apparatus. The wave band of 800 – 400 nm at an interval of 0.5 nm. • Each nosode, placebo and control was presented in 10 randomized hermeticampoules of saline solution (all the ampoules of one factory-made lot). • It has been shown that the spectra of 3 from 4 homoeopathic nosodes have high-significancedifferences (p 0.001) from the placebo in the band of 750 – 800 nm. • Furthermore, a part of the homoeopathic nosodes (4 combinations from 6 ones) is very significantly distinct in spectra from each other.
CONCLUSION • Thus the results obtained in the double blind randomized experiments argue for a real existence of physical distinctions between EHCs prepared similarly to homoeopathic nosodes and placebo.