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Lundi le 6 janvier 2014. Le 6 janvier ! Many French Christians annually celebrate Epiphany on January 6. It is a public holiday and marks two events in the Christian Bible.
Le 6 janvier!Many French Christians annually celebrate Epiphany on January 6. It is a public holiday and marks two events in the Christian Bible. Epiphany is also called Twelfth Day - think "partridge in a pear tree" - because it comes twelve days after Christmas. The word is Greek for "appearance" and it marks the supposed date when les rois mages, the Magi - the Three Kings - appeared in Bethlehem. Whether wise men or kings, on January 6th, French bakeries blossom with galettes des rois, a thin pastry, often with almond paste filling and looking like a loaf of Middle Eastern unleavened bread. Or with brioches des rois, a crown-shaped specialty of southern France. In each you will find hidden a bean, or fève, to represent the Baby Jesus. Over the years the fève has become a little hard ceramic figurine of a crown or baby. As 2014 starts, let me wish you all amour et amitié, santé et prospérité - love and friendship, health and wealth - throughout the coming year!
If you were absent Dec. 19th or 20th: • Then you owe me notes. They are due by today’s bell! NO LATER! Check grades in GS. F 3: (Pg. 78 late, unless absent) & (81,86,87) F2: (Pg. 123-124 late, unless absent) & Warmup notes: 125, 134 + 2 extra verbs on yesterday’s pp) F 1: (94,95,96 late, unless absent) & (Notes-question words pg. 106 all, top of 108)
Upcoming dates: This week: Last few daily, homework grades & for French 2 & 3: oral grade. Thurs/Fri: Study hall days! Next week: Final exams! • Mon: Shortened classes all day, 12:55-2:25 7th per. exam • Tues: 7:25-8:55-1st per. exam, 9:05-10:35-2nd per. exam • Wed: 7:25-8:55-3rd per. exam, 9:05-10:35-4thper.exam • Thurs: 7:25-8:55 5th per. Exam, 9:05-10:35-6th per. Exam The following week: 4th 6 weeks starts. The very first double daily grade is a supply check!
SUPPLY LIST DOUBLE DAILY GRADE- Due Jan. 21-23-LABEL Your notebook/binder/cards/kleenex Choose one! • 1 Binder (1”) soft or hard OR • 1 plastic folder • 1 THREE subject WIRELESS WIDE RULE notebook (Can be found at Walgreens, not Walmart!) • 1 pkg. of WIDE RULE white paper-100 pc. • 4-5 black or blue pens (use daily) • 2+ red grading pens • 4-5 Pencils (Only use for scantron tests)-donate 1 • French 1 & 2 only: 1000 flashcards (lined or unlined, any color …two 500 packs are fine) • French 1 only- 10+ colored pencils • ALL- 1 large box of Kleenex • OPTIONAL: FLASHDRIVE! KEEP ON HAND!
F 3 • LUNDI— • Révision: La note orale! http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/french_3/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=1&ci=1&rg=online_review&npos=1&spos=1&at=flashcards&var=flashcards • Les devoirs: Passé composé-pages7 & 8, pratiquez pour la note orale! 2. Mardi (Demain!) : La note orale! Dans la classe: Donnez-moi pg. 7 & 8. Faites9 & 10 en classe. Les devoirs: La casse-tête de l’imparfait & APT 3. Mercredi: La note oralecont….Donnezmoi 9-10,APT, & L’imparfait, Faites pg. 11 & 12. 4. Jeudi & Vendredi- Finissez le tours virtuels, Corrigez 7-12, Q & R, et Etudiez! La semaineprochaine: L’examen du semestre
F 2 ALL • F 2 Regulars only: I’m moving your daily oral grade of your slide presentation to next 6 weeks so we have time to review material for exam! • Lundi: Être verbs in the past tense: review, practice for oral grade (See slides & this link): F 2 preAP-last few presenters.then: C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\F_2_oral_test_1_and_2 speaking packet.pdf • Mardi: Oral grade: rest-APT & Past tense work • Mercredi: finish oral grade-APT & Past tense work • Jeudi-work in for 100, grade all, Q & A • Vendredi-Study hall We can finish movies if all complete exam or the following Friday! After exams: Finish oral presentations, supply check & finish movie. Then essay: 20 things you did over the break using the past tense & unit 2 speaking pkt.
F 2 :The Passé composé-perfect tense It is made with two things: • A helping verb (le verbeauxilaire) & • A past participle (le participé passé) MOST of the time the helping verb is AVOIR. The past participle of a verb is the form that generally corresponds to the –ed ending in English (played, changed, finished…) REGULARS: • -ER verbs end in –é (manger mangé) • -RE verbs end in –u (vendrevendu) • -IR verbs end in –i (finirfini)
F 2: For most verbs it is made up of the present tense of avoir… • J’ai… • Tuas… • Il/elle/on a… • Nous avons… • Vousavez… • Ils/ellesont… We call this the auxiliary [helping] verb (le verbeauxilaire)
F 2: So how do we form the ‘past participle’ or le “participe passé”? Firstly, for regular ER verbs • Start with the infinitive (l’infinitif) • EX: chanter • Take off the –er • So chanter chant • Add é • Chanté ! • Elle a chanté ! She sang/did Sing/has sung!
To form the past participle of –reverbs Take off the –re Egvendrevend Add u vendu To form the past participle of –irverbs Take off the –ir Egfinirfin Add i fini F 2: Not all verbs end in ER. What aboutREandIR verbs? J’aifinimes devoirs! J’aivendumonvélo.
F 2 Some irregular verbs have weird past participles: AVOIR………>>>EU (had) J’aieu un accident. ÊTRE……….>>>ÉTÉ (was/been) J’aiétémalade. FAIRE……..>>>FAIT (did/made) J’ai fait du ski. METTRE…>>>MIS (placed/put) J’aimis le café sur la table. PRENDRE..>>>PRIS (Took/Had) J’aipris un croissant. VOIR ………>>>VU (Saw/Seen) J’ai vu un café!
F 2: So we have the present tense of être and a past participle: Look at the “PP”! • Aller: Je suisallé(e)… au café. • Tuesallé (e) • Elle estallée • Nous sommesallé(e)s • Vousêtesallé(e)s • Ils/ellessontallé(e)s
F 2: Did you notice that when we used être the past participle morphed to agree with the subject? • For example: elleestvenueen classe. • Nous sommesarrivésau café. But when we used avoir, there was no agreement… • Nous avonsparlé en classe. • Elle a choisi un chien.
F 2----ÊTRE VERBS IN THE PAST TENSE--DR. P & MRS VANDERTRAMP! COPY LEFT SIDE! Then we’ll practice for the oral grade! • 1.Devenir • 2.Revenir • 3.Mourir • 4.Rester • 5.Sortir • 6.Passer • 7.Venir • 8.Aller • 9.Naître • 10.Descendre • 11.Entrer • 12.Retourner • 13.Tomber • 14.Rentrer • 15.Arriver • 16.Monter • 17.Partir
FRENCH 2 exam format F 2 ALL
F 1 Lundi: “ER” verbs slides & text pg. 94-95 H/W: APT or TBA Mardi: Questions, text oral practice, H/W: APT Mercredi-ER, Questions & negatives review, H/W: APT Thurs: Go over APT answers, Q & A Fri: Study hall Next: Exams Then: Supply check, finish unit 3, Poem & Project-scrapbook!
What is a verb? Pick out the verbs from this list ... cat eat carrot pencil think book window type computer drink work play shoes room plant
There are lots of verbs in French that end in ... -ER ex- jouer To play chanter To sing
FRENCH PRONOUNS ... Pronouns replace a noun. Subject pronouns are the subject. Ex. Mary is going to work. SHE is going to work.
je I Tu you (sing/fam) He/it/one Il, On She/it/one Elle/On We nous You (polite/plural) vous They (boys) ils They (girls) elles
chanter danser regarder manger parler écouter voyager jouer travailler to sing to dance to watch to eat To speak to listen To travel to play to work ER Verbs ETUDIEZ!!!!!
dîner aimer étudier nager habiter inviter organiser visiter to have dinner to like to study to swim To live (in) To invite to organize to visit More ER Verbs ETUDIEZ!!!!!
We know how to say ‘to play’ and ‘to eat’. So how do we say ‘I play/am playing/do play or I eat/am eating/do eator ‘She plays or eats’?
JOUER - To play Je Tu Il/Elle Nous Vous Ils/Elles joue joues joue jouons jouez jouent I play You play He/She plays We play You play They play
ER Verbs ER Verbs in French that end in ER X JOUER TAKE OFF THE ER SO YOU ARE LEFT WITH THE STEM! Ex: JOU Decide who is doing the action: I , you , he , she , we, you, or they- Je , tu , il, elle, nous, vous or ils, elles JE JOUE ADD THE APPROPRIATE ENDING! Ex.
Forming the present tense! SO WHAT ARE THE APPROPRIATE ENDINGS???? 2. ADD… 3. AND THAT’S IT! 1. TAKE OFF THE ER… e +ER Je danse Tudanses Il /elledanse Nous dansons Vousdansez Ils /ellesdansent es danser X e ons ez ent
Nous Vous Ils/Elles ons e Je Tu Il/Elle ez es ent e