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PROFICIENCY-BASED LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE. Parent Forums Nov. 5, 2013 – Mahoney Middle School Nov. 7, 2013 – Memorial Middle School. OBJECTIVES. Provide some background to Proficiency-based grading and reporting Review JumpRope as a proficiency reporting tool
PROFICIENCY-BASED LEARNINGIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Parent Forums Nov. 5, 2013 – Mahoney Middle School Nov. 7, 2013 – Memorial Middle School
OBJECTIVES • Provide some background to Proficiency-based grading and reporting • Review JumpRope as a proficiency reporting tool • Gather input on some big questions • Respond to any questions that we can • Take any questions we cannot answer to the K-12 Proficiency-Based Learning Steering Committee or to the School Board
K-12 PROFICIENCY-BASED GRADING STEERING COMMITTEE • Made up teachers, parents, administrators, Board members • Addressing a number of different questions about how this work will be implemented. • At this time, the first 4 questions are: • How do students demonstrate exceeds? • How do we recognize/honor students? • How will we determine eligibility? • Will we do an end-of-year conversion to a grade?
WHY PROFICIENCY-BASED?CURRENT GRADING DOESN’T TELL THE FULL STORY A Student’s Perspective 2 Students from the same math class: What does the “C” tell us about what each child knows and can do in math?
WHY PROFICIENCY-BASED?CURRENT GRADING DOESN’T TELL THE FULL STORY • Does a course grade of an 85 tell you what your student knows and can do? • Understands how to evaluate an algebraic expression (including exponents) given specific values for the unknown. • Is skilled at converting between written and numerical expressions and equations. • Is skilled at finding the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and other polygons.
REVIEW OF BACKGROUND • SBG Committee (5 years) - 4 agreements • Report out on MLR and Common Core • Separate HOW and Content learning • Use a 4 pt rubric (1= does not meet; 2=partially meets; 3=meets; 4= exceeds) • Use trending to honor that students do not all learn things at the same time • LD 1422
BASIS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION PROPOSAL • Had to find a way to begin implementation of these beliefs • Had to work with the community • Had to build capacity with teachers in grades 6-12 for a move in this direction
BASIS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION PROPOSAL Struggles: • Where do we start, which grade level, how extensive, …? • What will it look like in IC? (How do you trend? Do you record by task or essential learning target?) • What will it look like to parents? Decisions: • Gr. 6 • Use M, PM, IN
2013-14 GRADE 6 IMPLEMENTATION JumpRope - A tool that allowed us to honor the original agreements: • Can enter our essential learning targets • Can link assignments to content and HOW but report separately • Can use numbers and we dictate the type of calculation • Has a built-in formula for considering earlier assignments as less and later assignments more automatically
PARENT COMMUNICATION TIMELINE • Staff presentation: mid May • Parent 6th Grade Orientation: early June • MS Handbooks*: September • 6th Grade Open House*: September • *Informed of tool and the change to 1, 2, 3 ,4 • Progress Reports: October 7 • Parent Letter about portal: October 10 • Student Intro to portal: October 10 • Notice of upcoming parent forum in Nov.: October 10 • Email with username and password: October 11 • Parent Forums in November
WELCOME SCREEN Click here to see grades! Click here to see grades!
CURRENT GRADES Shows overall score in the class. Click on the small gray triangle to the left of the class, a list of folders opens up.
WHAT IS REPORTED FOR A CLASS Foundational - refers to information students need to have and skills that students need to be able to do to to become proficient on the Content targets. (mini targets, rungs on a ladder) Content – these are key, essential things we want students to know and be able to do in a subject.
WHERE DO THESE NUMBERS COME FROM This score is a calculation based on the scores for work done on foundational targets, content targets or Habits of Work targets. Teachers put in a whole number and JumpRope calculates a score. Scores, however, will not necessarily be whole numbers.
HOW CALCULATES SEPARATELY Habits of Work are not part of the calculation for the overall course grade. HOW are critically important and are therefore reported separately and not combined with a course average as in the past. The “U” appears here as a reminder.
TARGETS CURRENTLY BEING WORKED ON Click on the triangle next to a folder and a list of the targets currently being worked on appears.
WORK DONE TO GET TO THE TARGETS To see the work that has been done on a target, click the gray triangle and a list of all the work done so far to meet that target appears.
HABITS OF WORK To see scores on the Habits of Work targets, click the gray triangle to the left of the Overall Habits of Work Mastery folder.
WORK THAT HAS SHOWN HABITS OF WORK A “U” (uncalculated) is here because there is no overall, single grade for Habits of Work. To see the tasks that have been completed that have shown progress on a habits of work target, click on the triangle next to the target.
ALL THIS INFO?? Formative means that this was a task or assignment that students were given to help them form their understanding or to practice a skill. Summative means that this was a piece of work completed that was meant to show the teacher exactly what the student has learned and is able to demonstrate for that target.
ALL THIS INFO?? CW tells us that this was done in class as class work. If it said HW we would know it was homework. It could say test, quiz, presentation, lab, etc. A brief description of the content follows. The date is listed last.
COMPARISON 6th Grade Social Studies – Traditional Report card
COMPARISON 6th Grade Social Studies – Proficiency-based Content
A FEW THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND ABOUT PROFICIENCY-BASED GRADING • The teaching and learning – what happens in the classroom is unchanged; the way we report out is different. • Formative & Summative Assessments • Foundational & Content • What do the different “codes” in front of assignments tell me about the task/assessment?
THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! • Questions? • Please take a moment to review the charts and use the post-it notes to add questions or comments. • Please complete an “Exit Slip” to provide feedback to us regarding this presentation.