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Jerome Harrison School. K-2 Elementary School Approximately 500 students 8 sections of each grade level 1/2 day kindergarten 5 computers in each classroom 25 station computer lab Smartboards in all classrooms Document cameras in all classrooms Ipods and Ipads throughout the building
Jerome Harrison School • K-2 Elementary School • Approximately 500 students • 8 sections of each grade level • 1/2 day kindergarten • 5 computers in each classroom • 25 station computer lab • Smartboards in all classrooms • Document cameras in all classrooms • Ipods and Ipads throughout the building • 2 Smart Tables
Our Story • Shift from K-3 to K-2 school in August of 2010 • Consistently underperforming in Grade 3 in the area of Mathematics on the Connecticut Mastery Test; our state test • Piloted SYMPHONY MATH with a few students • Consistently use it with ALL students K-2; goal is 45 minutesper week; a component of our CORE MATH instruction • Utilize CORE program Math Expressions; Fall 2010 • Year 3 of full implementation of Response to Intervention (SRBI) • Math Curriculum Committee subgroup conducted a Cross Walk with our current document and the Common Core • Additional Common Core work done in K-2
HOME & SCHOOL & TOWN PARTNERSHIP Partnered with home and town facilities to maximize the SYMPHONY use beyond the school day
Our Story • 2011-2012 Kindergarten; identified priority standards within the Common Core • 2011-2012 Kindergarten; unwrapped the Common Core standards based on skills and habits students need to progress toward mastery of that specific standard • 2011-2012 Kindergarten; identified standards and skills that are taught in our CORE program • January 2011-2012 First Grade & Second Grade; began to identify standards and skills that are taught in our CORE program aligned to CC • 2011-2012 began to develop Parent Guides
Unwrapping the priority standards Collaborative PLC work by the grade level
Our Story • Administered Symphony Screener & Benchmarker to ALL STUDENTS • 2011-2012 Grade 1 & 2; within specific CORE units in Math Expressionsidentified which relate to standards of the Common Core; emphasis placed on these for teaching • 2011-2012 administered to ALL Grade 1 & 2 students a 2 session Common Core Benchmark • 2011-2012 used data from Common Core Benchmark to form math RTI groups which meet daily for 30 minutes (focus is on strands 1 - Place Value, 2 - Pictorial Representations, 5 - Models of Operation & 9 - Word Problems • Compared data sources to identify at-risk students and created intervention plans which included extended use of SYMPHONY MATH
Common Core Benchmark Examples Same information can be obtained from SYMPHONY MATH - screener, benchmarker and intervention
Common Core Benchmark Examples Same information available within the SYMPHONY program by reviewing REPORTS
Common Core Benchmark Examples Same information available in SYMPONY by analyzing stages and student progress within the stages
Our Story • Administrative Expectations • Developed a schedule that promotes computer lab time every 4 days for all students for 30 minutes • SYMPHONY for 45 minutes per week mandated for all students • Meets for one hour every 4 days with each grade level team; standard agenda item is MATH ACHIEVEMENT and the various tools & data that are available at the fingertips of the teachers • Created home letters to all parents to use the program at home • Review the SYMPHONY data weekly • Makes Data Public; all teammates see the data; a section devoted to data on the front page of our monthly newsletter
Student written note or letter to Mr. Parkhurst when completing a level Mr. Parkhurst generates an award certificate for students to celebrate success
Our Story Making Data Public Data Walls Newsletters
Our Story • Teacher Expectations • Provide time for students to use SYMPHONY (no exceptions) • Work with parents to maximize SYMPHONY usage • Group and regroup students based on the instruction needed • Provide small group instruction using SYMPHONY assessment data • Review data with administration, team and individually • Use SYMPHONY data; triangulate the data with our unit assessments and state aligned benchmark assessments • Revise SYMPHONY usage as needed by student and the data
Our Story Screener - determines who is at risk for math failure, multi-skill assessment based on Common Core State Standards, takes 5 minutes (have administered fall and winter thus far) An example of SYMPHONY rotation schedule within the classroom
Our Story BENCHMARK - provided a baseline for intervention and progress monitoring, have administered fall and winter thus far, provided teachers and parents with grade level, standard score and percentile rank Instructional Materials - based on needs of students Practice Materials - reinforcements for what students can do independently
Our Story NEW REPORTS - track our at risk students by individuals, grades and classes, view student progress and student progress graph Program allows teachers to simply view the data and automatically groups students for instruction.
Our Story • Student Expectations • Use the program as designed and with the schedule set forth by their teacher • Use the program consistently for short periods of time rather than intermittently for longer periods of time • Reach levels and gain recognition with certificates and stickers • Transfer SYMPHONY skills learned to their daily math work (ten minute math, math units, common formative assessments, benchmarks, state tests) • Write a letter to Principal when completing a level requesting a certificate
Our Story • Parent Expectation • Provide time for their child to use SYMPHONY at home as outlined by their teacher and/or Intervention Plan • Encourage and recognize hard work • Do allow their child to do the work even when challenging rather than do it for them • Work with their child daily to assist them in transferring the SYMPHONY skills into their everyday life
Our Story • Fall Screener • on target • % some risk • high risk Winter Screener • on target • some risk • high risk
Our Story Ability to pinpointcurrent level within the program and determine continued areas of instruction Used in CORE RTI team meetings
Our Story Used in Classroom, Computer Lab, Town Facilities and Home
Does it work? • First Grade • Common Core Assessment • Beginning of the Year = 0% at goal • Mid Year Assessment = 58% at goal • Second Grade • Common Core Assessment/CMT Assessment • Beginning of the Year = 11% at goal • Mid Year Assessment = 57% at goal • RTI Data: • 22% of our 1st graders are in literacy Tier 2 groups • 14% of our 1st graders are in literacy Tier 3 groups • 21% of our 2nd graders are in literacy Tier 2 groups • 4% of our 2nd graders are in literacy Tier 3 groups
Does it work? • State Assessment Results • 2008 • Grade 3 - 45% at goal or above • Grade 4 - 58% at goal or above • Grade 5 - 64% at goal or above • 2009 • Grade 3 - 78% at goal or above • Grade 4 - 81% at goal or above • Grade 5 -85% at goal or above • 2010 • Grade 3 - 89% at goal or above • Grade 4 - 81% at goal or above • Grade 5 - 95% at goal or above (third highest in the state)
Does it work? • First Grade • Math Fact Fluency • Beginning of the Year addition to 12 (goal is 95 correct out of 100 in 5 minutes) = 12% of our students at goal • Mid Year Assessment results = 97% of our students at goal • Second Grade • Math Fact Fluency • Beginning of the Year • Addition to 18: 5% at goal • Subtraction to 18: 0% at goal • Mid Year Assessment = • Addition to 18: 95% at goal • Subtraction to 18: 87% at goal
The Proof Plus 2 additional 2nd graders have now also already completed the program
Used Symphony Screener & Benchmarker to compare data sources Our Story Conclusion: Common Core Benchmark Assessment aligns to Symphony Screener & Benchmarker
Alignment • Symphony Data says….. • GRADE 1 • Fall Standard Score 455 Winter Standard Score 556 • Goal for end of the year is 581 • Benchmark Scores at 1.6 grade • GRADE 2 • Fall Standard Score 596 Winter Standard Score 664 • Goal for end of the year is 664 level • Benchmark Scores at 2.8 grade level • Building and District Assessment Data says…. • Grade 1 0% …………58% • Grade 2 11%…………57% • State Assessment Data says…. • 2008 2009 2010 • 45%81%95% • 58%85% • 78%81%
Students struggling with CC Benchmark aligned to specific areas of difficulty also seen in the Symphony program
Symphony & The Common Core • Kindergarten • Counting • Addition & Subtraction Partners • Tens in Teen Numbers • Fluency with adding and subtracting within 5 Symphony Stages *Number Sense *Intro to Add/Sub *Number Sense *Number Sense & Intro to Add/Sub
Symphony & The Common Core • Grade 1 • Add/Sub. Strategies (counting on and making ten) • Word Problems • Fluency with Add. & Sub. Within 10 • Place Value • Measuring length • Picture Graphs • Time to the hour and 1/2 hour • Fractions (2 and 4 equal parts) • Symphony Stages • Adv. Add & Sub. • Adv. Add & Sub. • Adv. Add & Sub. • 2-Digit & 3-Digit #’s & Ones, Tens & Hundreds • Number Sense, Into to Multp & Div.
Symphony & The Common Core • Grade 2 • Add./Sub. Strategies (counting on and making ten) • Word Problems with 1 and 2 unknowns • Fluency up to 100 with add.. & subtraction • Ideal is to get students fluency up to 1000 (so gr. 3 can focus on multiplication and division) • Symphony Stages • Adv. Addition & Subtraction • Two Digit and Three Digit Numbers • Adding and Subtracting Two Digit Numbers • Introduction to Fractions
Next Steps *Continue to unwrap and align to Common Core for all grade levels *Develop Proficiency Scales for Priority Standards of the Common Core *Create a GROWTH BASED REPORT card that reports the growth a child makes within the Common Core standards; compared to the benchmark and common formative assessments *Consult with building data team to decide if we continue to need multiple sources of data; continue discussion with teacher leaders that proves data is consistent between all programs and move from the limited paper and pencil testing that we currently do
Screen-Benchmark-Intervene • Screen • Quick screen of all students three times a year to identify those students at risk • Benchmark • Use to identify those students at risk key priority instructional areas • Intervene • Implement research based instructional strategies in priority instructional areas using SYMPHONY as the tool that screens, benchmarks and intervenes
Jerome Harrison School • 335 Foxon Road • North Branford, CT 06471 • Shawn Parkhurst, Principal • Jerome.northbranfordschools.org • Sparkhurst@northbranfordschools.org